09 September 2024

For insurers, it's all about getting appropriately paid for risk. . . | BARRON'S

For insurers, it’s all about getting appropriately paid for risk. And for investors, reinsurer Everest Group looks like a risk worth taking.
Buy Everest Group Stock. The Reinsurer's Returns Beat Berkshire Hathaway's.  - Barron's

This ‘Reinsurance’ Stock Is Growing Too Fast to Be This Cheap. It’s Time to Buy.

Everest Group, at around $378, trades for just six times estimated 2024 earnings of $62 a share It has one of the lowest price/earnings ratios in the S&P 500 index.
By Andrew Bary

Updated Aug 26, 2024, 9:01 am EDT / Original Aug 23, 2024, 10:28 am EDT

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