Wednesday, June 01, 2016

City of Mesa FY2015/16 Budget > Pie Charts

There's a lot of sweet white vanilla-flavored heavy whipped cream on top - what's inside?
Just to whet your appetite to dig into The Budget Pie from the last fiscal year with an eye to what's getting cooked-up next for the upcoming FY2016/17 proposed budget [information available on here's a quick serving of how the budget pie gets sliced . . .
Your MesaZona blogger invites you to the table.
You are encouraged to see what's on the menu [oops! The agenda] of all meetings. Just more pies today so take a look at how millions of dollars get sliced
...and please remember while public input "is encouraged" your participation is restricted - only 3 comments allowed at sessions and meetings of the Mesa City Council with a time-limit of three minutes. Got lots to say? . . . too bad

FOUR PIE CHARTS [M=Millions of dollars.  B=Billions of bucks]

1. General Governmental Funds Available Resources $375.9 M

You can see the size of the slice > see $$
Sales and use Taxes
Transfer figure Enterprises
"Other revenue"
Sales and charges for services
Use of fund balance

2. Total City Budgeted Available Resources $1.61 B

Sales and charges for service
Funds carried forward
New Bond Proceeds
What's that green slice?
Self Insurance Trust Funds
3. General Governmental Funds Budget by Department $375.9M

You get the idea ..... now you do the work
 For example:
Who gets the biggest piece of the pie?
Answer: Police and Fire & Medical
[and they want more for next fiscal year]
"Other Departments"
Community Development
City Attorney Department gets $5M

4. Total City Budget by Fund $161B > Biggest Chunk = DEBT SERVICE

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