Friday, June 03, 2016

Going Viral > Watch This Video Now [Compare with What Mainstream Media Reported]

Laney Sweet, widow of Daniel Shaver who was killed in a Mesa police officer-involved shooting back in January, uploaded this 17:20 video on March 29, 2016 more than two months ago.
For most members of the public this case flew under the radar screen with mainstream media reporting doing dribbles of "up-dates" as the legal proceedings progressed and moved slowly forward. Most recently [last week] instead of the entire police bodycam videos and audio transcripts getting made available - only a redacted and edited version was released for stated reasons [read other posts on this site or accounts in other media].
Police use of force, unjustified or not, is a contentious issue. It's gotten so out-of-hand here in Mesa that the police accepted responsibility for killing and shooting two dogs in a residents backyard after complaints by the owner and attention from media.
Fortunately, Laney Sweet has a good attorney.
Please note, dear readers, that today the mayor of Chicago released all police bodycam videos and audio transcripts for every officer-involved shooting in the last year. Failure to provide in a timely manner videos of a number of incidents created huge uproars in the public and in the media . . . this case continues to play out with Laney Sweet's video going viral attracting more than 253,000 views.
Officer Philip Brailsford was dismissed and fired from the Mesa Police Department.
The City of Mesa faces a multi-million dollar notice of claim from his family.
Looks like taxpayers [or the insurance company] will be asked to pay for alleged police misconduct while on-duty at the same time training and evaluation of office hiring practices gets more scrutiny 

Daniel Shaver - 'Body Cam Footage'
Published on Mar 29, 2016
On 3.14.16 I met with the County Attorney Bill Montgomery, after I was informed just hours beforehand on the phone that they had previously decided, without consulting me, to offer (former) Officer Philip Brailsford a plea deal of negligent homicide, reduced down from second degree murder. I had not been given the opportunity to even view the body cam footage, nor had my (now former) attorneys. Once we got a meeting with the CA, I quickly realized that by watching the footage I was going to be silenced. I was told what I could and could not say. Ultimately, I was not allowed to watch the video. The CA made it very clear to me he would not allow the evidence/footage to be released publicly. Last Friday Bill Montgomery and the defense attorney filed a motion in court to seal the body cam footage from being released. We must demand that it be made public and get this plea deal stopped. #JusticeForDaniel #DanielShaver #FreeTheFootage #ReleaseTheBodyCam #PhilipBrailsford #BillMontgomery #MesaPD

*Please excuse a few spelling errors in the video, I couldn't correct them once it uploaded.*

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