Sunday, July 31, 2016

Religious Freedom: The Next Mormon Frontier

Promoting Religious Freedom in a Secular Age: Fundamental Principles, Practical Priorities, and Fairness for All
Elder Lance B. Wickman
General Counsel, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

2016 Religious Freedom Annual Review, July 7–8, 2016

While emphasizing that religious freedom is a fundamental right of paramount importance, Elder Lance B. Wickman, general counsel for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, told an audience at BYU that "as citizens of this nation, we have a duty to work with our fellow countrymen to find workable solutions to vexing problems—including clashes of rights and fundamentally competing interests."

"This is an important conference. We need to meet together with the common purpose of preserving religious freedom and then discuss and debate both first principles and hard practical choices. We need to be better informed. . . "

Link to complete transcript >>

Friday, July 29, 2016

Mesa Chamber of Commerce Plays Politics > Can Anyone Name That Game??

Blogger Insert: An educational non-profit corporation making political endorsements???
28 July 2016
The Mesa Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors is pleased to announce its endorsements for the 2016 primary election. The Board endorses candidates in the US Senate, AZ Congressional District 5, State Legislature, County Board of Supervisors, and Mesa City Council. The endorsed candidates’ positions on issues most accurately reflect the opinions of the Mesa business community.

Insert > Blogger's Note:

  • Find out who's on the Board of Directors here 
  • Non-Profit/Educational Registration with AZ Corporation here  dba MESA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUSINESS IN EDUCATION FOUNDATION, I
  • Link to 2015 Annual Report >> here

The Chamber’s Good Government Committee interviewed or surveyed candidates in contested primary races in late June. The Committee deliberated and made recommendations to the Mesa Chamber Board of Directors.

Renee Castillo
“After an extensive interview process with the Mesa Chamber’s Good Government Committee, we are confident that the candidates who are being endorsed embody the needs of the business community and City of Mesa as a whole,” said Renee Castillo, Chair of the Chamber’s Government Affairs Council and Good Government Committee.

“We appreciate the volunteers from our Good Government Committee and Board members who have a passion for the political process and feel strongly about having pro-business candidates represent the interests of chamber members,” said Sally Harrison, Chamber President & CEO.   “We are pleased that so many people were willing to put in the time to participate ensuring the Chamber’s process would be fair and meaningful."
The Mesa Chamber of Commerce is also appreciative of the participation of the candidates.  Our committee and board members value the opportunity to learn more about candidates and understand their positions, opinions and approaches to the complex problems we face as a community. It’s always difficult to make choices between qualified individuals, and we have made every effort to make our decisions fairly and in a manner that is consistent with the business priorities of the Mesa Chamber of Commerce. 
The following are the endorsements approved by the Mesa Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors.  The Chamber may issue additional endorsements in the upcoming general elections. 

Mesa Chamber of Commerce
40 North Center Street #104
Mesa, AZ 85201

Sally Harrison, President & CEO, Mesa Chamber of Commerce
Phone: 480.969.1307, ext. 26
[Shown in the image to the left from the cover of Compass Mag with Mesa Mayor John Giles and Steve Banta, who was forced to resign as CEO of Valley Metro]
US Senate
John McCain

Congressional District #5
Andy Biggs

Maricopa County Supervisor District #2
Steve Chucri

Legislative District #18 Senate
Jeff Dial

Legislative District #25 Senate
Bob Worsley

Legislative District #26 Senate
David Lucier

Legislative District #16 House
Doug Coleman
Adam Stevens

Legislative District #25 House
Rusty Bowers
Ross Groen

Legislative District #26 House
Celeste Plumlee

Mesa City Council District #1
Mark Freeman

Mesa City Council District #2
Shelly Allen

Mesa City Council District #3
Jerry Lewis

Here's A Smart Well-Informed Candidate for the Mesa City Council: Jeremy Whittaker

It came as no surprise at all to some residents of Mesa that the Mesa Chamber of Commerce recently endorsed in a press release dated July 27, 2016 three candidates campaigning for election to the Mesa City Council - Jeremy Whittaker was not one of them.
Their action - on behalf of the business community they say they represent - to do this is questionable to say the least.
Your MesaZona blogger is posting excerpts from an article by a candidate [other than the one endorsed for District 3] who expresses his stand on an issue that will decided by voters in the current municipal election.
Voters can decide their choice based on data presented -
Why I do not support the 23% tax increase
The current City Council voted to raise Mesa sales tax by 23%.  This must be approved by voters and will be on the November ballot.  There are primarily three reasons why I do not support raising the Mesa sales tax from 1.75% to 2.15%.  When a government entity whether it be city, county, state, or federal says they want to raise our current tax rate by 23% everyone should be paying attention.  The first reason is a lot more simpler than the other two.  We should not be bundling public safety and education when asking voters to approve a 23% tax increase.  Secondly multiple studies show we are in a higher education bubble.  When this bubble bursts one has to ask if the city of Mesa has built in protections against the higher education occupants of these buildings that we’re all subsidizing with our tax dollars.  The last reason I do not support this 23% tax increase a little more difficult and will take some time to explain.  In summary we have a special interest group buying our city council candidates.  They buy them because they can then use them, once elected, to raise taxes rather than address the insolvent public safety pension system.  This needs to be fixed at a state level.  They buy them because instead of dealing with the reality that they bankrupt the system they would rather raise taxes and force our city into more debt through unfunded liabilities.  I believe we need to face this issue head on.  But we cannot do this without first addressing that the leaders of the system have purchased our council candidates.
I will prefix this by stating that our public safety personnel are critical to a well-functioning city but the problem is their leadership has failed them. Unfortunately, the money is gone and nobody wants to talk about it. As we’ve come too familiar with in politics we just try to patch the issue.  The problem is with the PSPRS (Public Safety Personnel Retirement System) management. We as tax payers in Mesa and every other municipality have already funded the retirement system through taxation. So much so that in the early 2000’s it was almost 130% funded. The pension was gambled away and all of the assets were put at risk. Now to date it is somewhere around 50.13% funded and that is assuming a 7.5% annualized return, which is also not realistic given central banks imposing negative interest rates around the world.  Some estimates have said this system is as much as $49 billion in the red.
We should ask, why are none of the politicians and leaders of PSPRS watching out for the beat cop and firefighter who risk their lives every day to protect us?  Our leadership has bankrupt their pension and if elected I would demand we investigate and file a lawsuit against those who have a fiduciary responsibility to watch out for our public safety workers. These men and women risk their lives every day.  The last thing they should have to worry about is if their pension is going to be there when they’re done serving our community.
In this chart you can see this system used to be fully funded in 2003.  Now in 2015 it’s 48% funded.  This is almost $6.6 billion dollars in the red.

Keep in mind this is assuming the system can return 7.5% a year.  Since 2002 it has barely cracked 5%
This loss of capital by the pension management has created a huge unfunded liability for the city, as the city is on the hook to refund these lost funds. This also becomes apparent when you look at the skyrocketing cost of hiring a new public safety official. This simple chart shows the drastic increase in cost for a public safety worker over the last 10 years. The majority of this is due to the pressure of the pension system in which the funds were gambled away by the leadership.  
I should be clear, this is not the fault of the men and women who defend our city every day.  This is the result of reckless gambling by the leadership of this system. The Arizona State legislature needs to fix this before it is too late.  

Did the state legislature make this problem worse?

As bad as this situation is the state legislature this year passed SB1428 which allows for new public safety workers to opt out of the pension system and into a 401K like program or tier.  This relinquishes their responsibility to support any public safety worker hired prior to 2012. If you are a public safety worker and were hired prior to 2012 you should be paying attention to what this does.  It does not take a highly intelligent person to figure out what happens to a pension system when it’s 49% funded and $6.5 billion in the red and new public safety workers can opt out. The system gets top heavy when older workers retire, then the system collapses. Here is an example of what happened when the city of Mesa got rid of the elected official retirement pension or EORP. It took 2 years but the you can clearly see as the older workers retired the unfunded liability jumped off the charts. Luckily the membership in this system is EORP pension is low. That is not the case with PSPRS which is billions of dollars.  Furthermore it is important to note that the new hires under SB1428 are only responsible for their own tier of unfunded liabilities.  This almost guarantees the system will collapse and municipalities around the state of Arizona will be on the hook for billions of dollars of lost money.  Public safety workers hired prior to 2012 will be hurt the most.  As soon as this system begins to collapse the municipalities will all push back and will have no choice because of the strained budget.  We have got to demand that a full investigation is done to recover the funds that were gambled away.  Our public safety workers deserve better.  They should not be risking their lives every day only to find out their pension will not be there one day.
Should the special interest groups be able to buy city council candidates so they vote to raise our taxes?
To “fix” this issue the current leadership has decided they will buy the City Council and raise taxes by 23%.  This is typical of any politician.  If you can’t fix it let’s just keep taxing people until they can no longer afford to live.  If we do not demand accountability then what stops this reckless investing from bankrupting the system a second time?
This is apparent in the public safety bond which is being proposed in November to raise sales tax 23% from 1.75% today to 2.15% if it passes(more info). What system is allowed to risk billions of dollars of assets and if it is all lost allows for tax payers to keep replenishing it? There is no responsibility and accountability here and PSPRS might as well keep investing in the riskiest of assets.  If they do well they make a great return.  If they don’t the tax payer simply pays for the losses.  This is why the public safety management fundraises and spends thousands of dollars buying city council members every election, this is an example of special interest groups on a local level buying candidates who support raising our taxes for their own special interests.  This is what is wrong with our government today.

You can’t really buy City Council candidates… Can you?



It's Time Travel, NOT Progress!" - Brutally Honest Jonathan Pie

Yes Yes  my friend, Go for another!

Published on Jul 29, 2016
Views: 169
Jonathan Pie looks at the legacy of the 2012 Olympics - a "£20m helter-skelter" he concludes. He also wonders whether it's more time travel than progress.

Follow-Up to July 27 Post:: Q2 GDP Growth Below Estimates

U.S. second quarter GDP increases at sluggish 1.2% annual rate    
Published: July 29, 2016 8:46 a.m. ET
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- The U.S. economy grew at a tepid 1.2% annual rate in the second quarter, held down by a large decline in business investment, the Commerce Department said Friday. The second quarter gain was well below the 2.6% rate economists surveyed by MarketWatch had forecast. Adding to the sense of weakness, first quarter growth was also revised down to a 0.8% annual rate from the prior estimate of a 1.1% gain. Lackluster growth could derail the Federal Reserve's intentions to raise interest rates at a gradual pace. The weaker than expected growth could also make the economy a bigger issue in the presidential election campaign.
Why would the US have a strong GDP when all partnering countries are struggling? HELLO??? The US economists must believe they are living on a huge island, oblivious to what is really happening around world !!

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Arizona Mexico Transnational Initiative Moves Forward

Meetings kicking off I-11 corridor study draw big turnout Hundreds provide input on Nogales-to-Wickenburg corridor

PHOENIX – The numbers speak volumes about Arizona’s interest in the proposed Interstate 11: Six public meetings held recently attracted 540 community members who shared comments and questions. Hundreds more offered their perspectives online.
The Arizona Department of Transportation’s Interstate 11 study team visited Casa Grande, Buckeye, Nogales, Tucson, Marana and Wickenburg to involve the community in a process known as public scoping, part of an environmental study to select a corridor alternative between Nogales and Wickenburg.
That had ADOT representatives answering questions, receiving feedback, and encouraging attendees to mark suggestions and concerns on maps of the 280-mile-long corridor study area.
“We’re excited about the high level of interest and engagement that we’ve seen,” ADOT Director John Halikowski said. “The great turnout and the opportunity for the public to tell us what’s important to them are critical to this process.”
No specific routes for I-11 have been chosen or favored at this early stage in the process. ADOT’s goal is having a selected corridor alternative in place at the end of the environmental study. A no-build alternative will be considered as well.
The next formal public involvement opportunity will begin early next year, when the study team will present possible routes for I-11.
In addition to those who attended the June meetings, 125 people submitted comment forms or surveys and 522 people completed an online survey during a 45-day comment period.
The study team, which also held scoping meetings in Phoenix, Casa Grande and Tucson with representatives of 21 federal, state and local agencies, will now analyze the feedback.
Anyone interested in sharing their views about the study can do so at any time throughout the study process. Information and materials, including a map of the corridor study area, are available at
Comments can be provided via mail, email and voicemail:
Interstate 11 Tier 1 EIS Study Teamc/o ADOT Communications1655 W. Jackson St., Mail Drop 126FPhoenix, AZ 85007
Read more at:

Mesa Now #38: Mesa Library

Published on July 27, 2016
Views: 2

City Manager Chris Brady appears on camera and controls the on-air Mesa Channel 11 upload production

Amadeus Airport Operational Data Base (AODB): An Intelligent Way to Mana...

Published on Nov 24, 2014
Views: 1,570
At the heart of every airport is data. Making information accessible,manageable and meaningful to all stakeholders is a major challenge. Amadeus AODB has revolutionised the airport landscape with an intelligent, multi-airport database application.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Bureau of Economic Analysis > New Release GDP Q12016

EMBARGOED UNTIL RELEASE AT 8:30 A.M. EDT, Wednesday, July 27, 2016
BEA 16—39
Gross Domestic Product by State: First Quarter 2016
Construction Led Growth Across States in the First Quarter
Real gross domestic product (GDP) increased in 37 states and the District of Columbia in the first quarter of 2016, according to statistics on the geographic breakout of GDP released today by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Real GDP by state growth, at an annual rate, ranged from 3.9 percent in Arkansas to -11.4 percent in North Dakota. Construction; health care and social assistance; and retail trade were the leading contributors to U.S. economic growth in the first quarter.
  • Construction grew 9.0 percent in the first quarter of 2016—the eighth consecutive quarter of growth for this industry. This industry contributed to growth in 47 states and the District of Columbia and 1.1 percentage points to the 1.7 percent growth in real GDP in Hawaii.
  • Health care and social assistance grew 3.8 percent in the first quarter. This industry contributed to growth in every state and the District of Columbia.
  • Retail trade grew 4.8 percent in the first quarter. This industry contributed to growth in 47 states and the District of Columbia and 0.59 percentage point to the 3.9 percent growth in Washington.
  • Other highlights

    • Although agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting was not a significant contributor to real GDP growth for the nation, it had an important impact on economic growth in several states. This industry contributed 2.21 percentage points to the 3.9 percent growth in Arkansas—the fastest growing state in the first quarter. By contrast, this industry subtracted more than 3.4 percentage points from real GDP growth in Iowa, North Dakota, and South Dakota, which declined 2.6 percent, 11.4 percent, and 2.8 percent, respectively.
    • Mining declined 11.1 percent for the nation in the first quarter. This industry subtracted 1.82 percentage points from real GDP growth in Wyoming, which declined 4.9 percent, and more than 2.0 percentage points from Alaska, North Dakota, and West Virginia, which declined 1.0 percent, 11.4 percent, and 2.5 percent, respectively.
    • Transportation and warehousing declined 8.8 percent for the nation in the first quarter. This industry subtracted from real GDP growth in all states and the District of Columbia. This industry subtracted 1.06 percentage points from real GDP growth in Wyoming and 1.63 percentage points in North Dakota.
    Upcoming Revision of the Gross Domestic Product by State Accounts. Revised statistics of gross domestic product by state, covering the first quarter of 2013 through the first quarter of 2016, will be released along with the second quarter of 2016 on December 7. These revisions will be consistent with the results of the annual revision of the national income and product accounts, which will be released on July 29, and the annual revision of the industry economic accounts, which will be released on November 3.
    Next release — December 7, 2016 at 8:30 A.M. EST for: Gross Domestic Product by State: Second Quarter 2016 and Revised Gross Domestic Product by State

    The full text of the release on BEA's Web site can be found at

    Labour: The clue's in the fucking title!

    Published on Jul 24, 2016
    Views: 20,166
    Pie's easy to follow guide to where Labour is on the political scale.

    Global Playback feature on

    Published on Jul 15, 2016
    Views: 444
    This is a short informational video on how to view historical flight playback on the main map screen on


    Published yesterday July 25
    Views: 24,750

    Tuesday, July 26, 2016

    New Cities Summit 2016 Montréal: Highlights Film

    Published on Jul 25, 2016
    Views: 150
    The New Cities Summit 2016, the leading global event on urban innovation, took place in Montréal 21-23 June. The annual Summit convenes top entrepreneurs, innovators, policymakers, CEOs, change-makers, investors and thinkers in this domain. The New Cities Summit supports creative, scalable Urban Tech solutions that can be shared and adapted to cities around the world and empowers those who are shaping urban innovation, connecting them and encouraging cross-sector partnerships.

    For more information on the New Cities Summit: #NCS2016

    Absolutely Fabulous Fashion Maven Angela Johnson > Who? What?

    Currently located at Val Vista Drive and University here in Mesa, she has big plans to make Metro PHX a fashion center - and she's doing it! Say what?
    Angela Johnson is a fashion designer, fashion educator, Arizona fashion industry leader and insider, fashion business consultant and fashion show coordinator with 17 years in the fashion industry.
    Her “Angela Johnson” clothing line is an award winning, eco-friendly line best known for its elaborately constructed “T-shirt Ballgowns” and other garments made from “thrifted” and recycled T-shirts. [ She's shown in the image appearing on ABC 15's Sonoran Living on 21 July with her daughter Tallulah ]
    You can view the episode at this link >> 

    She was featured yesterday in an article written by Michael Wells on July 25, 2016
    Arizona fashion groups combine to rewrite Metro Phoenix fashion industry
    The idea
    According to Phoenix-based LabelHorde director Angela Johnson, Arizona Fashion Source (AFS), LabelHorde (LH), and Arizona Apparel Foundation (AAF) have joined forces to take the steps needed to launch metropolitan Phoenix into the next major fashion market. Together, the entities will provide industry education, consulting, design services, apparel manufacturing, co-working, fashion makers’ studio, event space, incubator services, design studio supplies, and showroom space – all under one roof.  The goal is to create an industry environment in one building to make it easier for Arizona students, brands, and fashion lovers to learn, source, create, network; ultimately giving industry professionals and students every reason to stay in Arizona.  Even Arizona models will benefit, being able to work so closely with designers and the core of the Phoenix fashion scene.

    For information on Angela's designs visit: and

    Specialties:Fashion Education, Public Speaking, Fashion Show Coordination, Fashion Design and Manufacturing, Fashion Industry Consultation
    Label Horde is an online directory of fashion businesses operating outside of typical fashion industry cities. It is a place for fashion businesses to network, collaborate and share resources. Currently, LabelHorde is targeted toward Phoenix, AZ and its surrounding cities, with a goal of eventually expanding across the nation to include all cities that are not typical fashion industry cities. 

    $460 Million Contract from U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) Awarded to CACI

    CACI to Support US Cyber Command
    July 25, 2016
    CACI Awarded Prime Position on $460 Million Multiple-Award Contract to Support U.S. Cyber Command
    Company Offers Innovative Cyber Mission Support Solutions
    ARLINGTON, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- CACI International Inc (NYSE MKT: CACI) announced today that it has been awarded a prime position on a $460 million multiple-award, indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity contract to provide mission support services for U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM).
    [from Reuters]
    This five-year contract represents new work in the company's Cyber Security market area.    
    USCYBERCOM plans, coordinates, integrates, synchronizes, and conducts activities to direct the operations and defense of specified Department of Defense information networks. It conducts full-spectrum military cyberspace operations and ensures U.S. and Allied freedom of action in cyberspace while denying the same to their adversaries. Under this contract, CACI will offer cyber engineering and support services to assist USCYBERCOM in achieving its mission objectives.
    John Mengucci, CACI's Chief Operating Officer and President of U.S. Operations, said, "CACI is proud to continue and build upon our support for U.S. Cyber Command and the Cyber Mission Forces. Under this contract, CACI will deliver cutting-edge mission technologies and subject matter expertise across a wide range of cyber capabilities."
    According to CACI President and Chief Executive Officer Ken Asbury, "CACI is committed to securing our nation's cyber domain. Our experience in cyber operations and investment in innovative cyber solutions will help the Department of Defense strengthen national security, support our military's critical missions, and safeguard our government's most vital information."
    CACI provides information solutions and services in support of national security missions and government transformation for Intelligence, Defense, and Federal Civilian customers. A Fortune magazine World's Most Admired Company in the IT Services industry, CACI is a member of the Fortune 1000 Largest Companies, the Russell 2000 Index, and the S&P SmallCap600 Index. CACI provides dynamic careers for over 20,000 employees. Visit
    There are statements made herein which do not address historical facts, and therefore could be interpreted to be forward-looking statements as that term is defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements are subject to factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from anticipated results. The factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated include, but are not limited to, the risk factors set forth in CACI's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2015, and other such filings that CACI makes with the Securities and Exchange Commission from time to time. Any forward-looking statements should not be unduly relied upon and only speak as of the date hereof.
    # # #

    Corporate Communications and Media:
    Jody Brown, 703-841-7801
    Executive Vice President, Public Relations
    Investor Relations:
    David Dragics, 866-606-3471
    Senior Vice President, Investor Relations

    Source: CACI International Inca

    CACI provides information solutions and services in support of national security missions and government transformation for Intelligence, Defense, and Federal Civilian customers. A Fortune magazine World’s Most Admired Company in the IT Services industry, CACI is a member of the Fortune 1000 Largest Companies, the Russell 2000 Index, and the S&P SmallCap600 Index. CACI provides dynamic careers for over 20,000 employees worldwide. Visit
    Our information solutions and services help our customers:
    • Safeguard our national security
    • Support critical decision-making to counter global threats
    • Keep our Armed Forces informed, equipped, and mission-ready
    • Transform government to enhance the quality of services to our citizens
    • Modernize government to more efficiently meet national challenges
    CACI International Inc
    Computer Consultant
    Address: 7580 E Gray Rd # 101, Scottsdale, AZ 85260

    AZ Primary 2016 411 > Register + Vote // Early Voting Starts August 3rd

    From the City of Mesa Newsroom
    Early voting begins Aug. 3 for Primary Election
    Post Date: 07/25/2016 5:18 PM
    Link to AZ Secretary of State info >>      
    Early voting for the Aug. 30 Arizona Primary Election will be held from Aug. 3 to Aug. 26. The voter registration deadline for the Primary Election is Monday, Aug. 1.

    Voters on the Permanent Early Voting List and voters wishing to receive an early ballot who are not registered with a declared political party must contact Maricopa County Elections at
    (602) 506-1511 to request which ballot they want to receive (Republican, Democrat, Green or non-partisan if it is a ballot for Mesa City candidates only). Voters, not registered with a party, who plan on going to the polls to vote can request the ballot they want upon arrival at the polling site.

    Voters may use the Mesa City Clerk’s Office Aug. 3 through Aug. 25 to vote in person. Thursday, Aug. 25 is the last day you can drop off your ballot at the City Clerk’s Office. The office is located at Mesa City Plaza, 20 E. Main St., Suite 150. Office hours are Monday through Thursday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

    Please note the City Clerk’s Office will not serve as a ballot drop-off site Monday, Aug. 29 and Tuesday, Aug. 30 (Election Day). On Election Day, you may drop off your ballot at any polling location, including the following locations near Mesa City Plaza, before 7 p.m.:

    First United Methodist Church
    15 E. 1st First Ave.
    Mesa, AZ 85210

    First Presbyterian Church
    161 N. Mesa Drive
    Mesa, AZ 85201

    Maricopa County Recorder’s Southeast Mesa Office
    222 E. Javelina Ave.
    Mesa, AZ 85210

    For more information, call the Mesa City Clerk's Office at
    (480) 644-4868 or visit
    Public Information and Communications
    Contact: Kevin Christopher

    Sunday, July 24, 2016

    DOCUMENTARY: Edward Snowden - Terminal F (2015)

    Terminal F: Chasing Edward Snowden

    Unless you’ve just woken up from a coma that may or may not have been induced by people working for a shadowy government organization, you all know who Edward Snowden is and what he started in January 2013. The documentary Terminal F/Chasing Edward Snowden (2015) tells the story of his escape in a style reminiscent of an international technothriller, focusing on the immediate aftermath of his flight to Hong Kong and the subsequent manhunt. It was made by German journalist John Goetz and Danish filmmaker Poul-Erik Heilbuth. Terminal F refers to the name of the terminal in Moscow’s Sheremetyevo Airport where Snowden eventually ends up.
    Published on May 24, 2015
    Views: 817,586

    City of Mesa Open Data Portal > Have You Seen It? Does It Deliver?

    Lots of talk and promotions in media and press releases and official statements - yes there is a open data portal for the City of Mesa, but it's remarkably different from those of other cities ... please take the time to take a look and provide comments. So far there's a so-called "Leadership Board" with no action taken to expand to include members of the public.
    Here's what the official site on the City of Mesa website has to say
    Open Data Program and Policy
    Mesa's Open Data Program
    “Data is the fuel that powers our efficient and innovative services. makes that data available to our residents, providing a greater level of transparency and
    fostering the creation of new ideas and applications”
    Mayor John Giles

    QUESTION: Does this deliver on what John Giles says?
    Are you better informed?
    More importantly, is there a higher level of civil engagement and public feedback?
    [Image to the left City Manager Chris Brady signing contract]

    About the Initiative

    The City is committed to creating a formal open data program which includes the creation of where the City's data will be publicly available online.
    We believe providing the data behind key City priorities and decisions brings
    • better informed decision-making,
    • enhances collaboration among City departments
    • partners and brings higher level of civic engagement and public feedback on local issues.
    The short version of the policy is:
    1. Data will be provided following established open standards of digital, freely available, openly licensed data. 
    2. Our Policy ensures review processes that preserve the public trust in regards to personal, sensitive and confidential data that we possess. 
    3. Where possible, data will not only be provided in machine readable data sets but also in visual formats that help analysis and understanding.
    If you would like the full version, it’s here!

    This initiative is guided by an Open Data Leadership Board comprised of executive City leaders from Mayor/Council, City Manager, Information Technology, City Attorney, Office Of Management and Budget, Development Services, Police, and Economic Development departments.
    Information about expanding the board to include public members will be posted here when available.
    If you would like to know more, please email us!  
    Please feel free to suggest a data set.



    HYBRID-TRANSFORMER-MAMBA: Tencent’s New AI "T1" Just Proved China Is the New AI Superpower #AI #Tencent #OpenAI

      Mar 23, 2025     Tencent’s new AI model, T1, is challenging OpenAI’s O1 and DeepSeek’s R1 with faster responses, improved reasoning, and i...