Friday, September 29, 2017

Francisco Heredia Appointed to Mesa City Council District 3

Announcement from the City of Mesa Newsroom
Francisco Heredia appointed as District 3 Councilmember
September 28, 2017 at 11:23 am
The Mesa City Council, during a special Council meeting this morning, has appointed Francisco Heredia to serve as District 3 Councilmember. Heredia was one of five finalists selected from a pool of 31 eligible applicants by the City Council at the Sept. 21 City Council Study Session.
Heredia most recently worked as the Community Relations Manager for Maricopa County Recorder.
He has also worked as the National Field Director for Mi Familia Vota and One Arizona, as well as for the United States Census Bureau, Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System and Chicanos Por La Causa.
While living in Chandler, he was appointed to the Housing and Human Services Commission.
Heredia holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science with a Certificate in American Public Policy and a Masters in Public Administration from Arizona State University.
Mesa City Clerk DeeAnn Mickelsen officially swore Mr. Heredia into office this morning.

A formal swearing-in ceremony will take place at the Oct. 2 City Council meeting.
Heredia will serve as the District 3 Councilmember until the election on Aug. 28, 2018. A runoff election, if required, will be held on Nov. 6, 2018.

Office of Public Information & Communications
Contact: Steven M. Wright, Director
Tel. 480-644-2069

Special City Council Meeting Video upload from YouTube
Published on Sep 28, 2017
Views: 14
Duration: about half-an-hour
Candidate Frank Mizner makes some remarks that aren't in keeping with the positive introductions by other candidates.
Mayor John Giles still appears to be confused in public for a few weeks now, with swelling around his right away.
D6 Kevin Thompson absent, but on the phone
Heredia talks about "pipeline assets" for education


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