Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Mesa City Council Study Session Mon 11 Sept 2017

Published on Sep 11, 2017
Views: 15
Duration: 36.18

Starts with review of Final Agenda for regular meeting and a protest on application 3 for a liquor license - with explanation by City Attorney Jim Smith about what this Council is. Unusual amount of time spent on allegations and how to deal with them.
Remarkably City Manager Chris Brady chimes in with caution to not set a precedent and to "Open A Pandora's Box"  to deal with application only and not any relationships or evaluating other allegations and investigating employees, friends or their relationships.
[That took 12 minutes]
NO QUESTIONS on rest of agenda . . .  
Item 9 Presentation on RDAs by Bill Jabjiniak and Sara Sorenson, with a member of the design team for 16 months, Bruce
Key= proving predominance of blight, using GPLETS as financing tool
Redevelopment/Adaptive Re-Use
Rejuvenating "economic vibrancy"
Key issues/problems: Out-dated Model ???
Investment in public infrastructure
Site demolition
Many visions with different disclaimers
Consolidation of properties
"High-quality" employment
Supporting Projects - new tech district?

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