Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Don't Know About "How Downtown Can Save America" [and Mesa is for sure "a special kind-of-place"]

Special Presentation - RAILmesa Understanding Housing Event / Forum
On the evening of September 7th, RAILMesa put together a forum with three local experts to talk about housing in Mesa and what it means to the community. It's a start for sure.

Their intention was to keep the event at a conversational level.
The forum was held inside the East Valley Institute of Technology.  
Our special guests included our moderator, Michael Rohd (ASU Center for Performance and Civic Practice), Jon Ford (Vitalyst Health Foundation), Mark Stapp (ASU W. P. Carey School of Business), and Deirdre Pfeiffer (ASU School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning). 
Link >> http://mainstmesa.podbean.com

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