Monday, September 18, 2017

Solar: A Force For Economic Development

Solar: A Force For Economic Development
The Third Annual Arizona Energy Futures Conference will take place Friday, October 6, 2017 at the Rio Salado Conference Center on the Tempe Campus of the Rio Salado College.
The title for this year's conference is "Solar: A Force For Economic Development." 
The sessions will demonstrate how solar and distributed generation can and has created businesses, jobs, and builds local and state economies; examine policies and recognize new technologies that expand energy choice while keeping rates low; and examine what Arizona should do to be able to profit from the coming changes in energy generation and markets.
Arizona Solar Energy Industries Association
This is not a conference you want to miss.

Conference Agenda

9:15 – 10:10
Opening Keynote
– Rod Richardson, CEO Grace Richardson Foundation, NY

10:15 - 11:05
The Utility of the Future: What will it Look Like?
- Karl Rabago – Exec. Director, Pace Energy & Climate Center, Pace Law School NY
- Other panelists TBD
- Moderator – Herman Trabish

11:10– 11:55 
Distributed Energy Resources in AZ: where technology and rate design provide win for all?
-  Nick Wold, Inergy - Load Control "The Unsung Hero"
Putting Dispatchable Energy in User Control -
- Daniel Hill, Tabuchi Electric -
Meter Disaggregation, Erik Norwood, CEO, Curb, Inc. (Tentative)
- Kent Walter, APS - Calling The Tune
- Moderator: Tom Harris, AriSEIA Board Treasurer

12:05 – 12:10
Keynote Speaker Introduction: Dr. Gary Dirks, Dir. Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability & Dir. LightWorks ASU

Luncheon Keynote Speaker & Questions– Karl Rabago

1:30 – 2:30
Policy & Market Trends Driving The Future Of Energy
- Nick Brown - SRP Board of Directors
- Paul Fenn – Author of Community Choice Aggregators (CCA) law
- Moderator: Lee Feliciano, AriSEIA Board Secretary

Afternoon Break

2:45 – 3:45
Arizona's Solar Future: Lead, Follow or Get Left Behind?
- Senator Frank Pratt
- Representative Ken Clark
- Moderator: Dr. Ron Roedel, ASU Director, Solar Energy Engineering & Commercialization Program

3:45 – 4:00
Wrap Up – Brandon Cheshire, President, AriSEIA

$35 (includes morning coffee, lunch and afternoon snack),
$50 day of the program
ASU & MCCCD students free with current ID ($15 w/lunch), use promo code AEFCSTUDENT
Only 200 seats available - Preregistration required

Registration is now open.

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