Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Jivin' with Giles or Is He Jivin' Undisclosed on Facebook?

Time and time again your MesaZona blogger hears all kinds of stories about Mayor John Giles that don't exactly jibe or jive with his squeaky-clean public image and unsubstantiated innuendos of mis-deeds while in public office.
Perhaps he's  "drunk" on pushing his own public image after lots of publicity for trips out-of-town, but this self-produced self-serving promotion of himself back-fired big time.
Fortunately, this post on Facebook that doesn't appear to be available now, appeared mysteriously in an email inbox with this Subject Line:
Subject: Giles using his office to promote friends business
Fellow Republicans,
We should be outraged that once again. . . the mayor, is using tax payer dollars to promote friendly business relationships. Here we see Mayor Giles using a helicopter (not sure of the source) and in his city office on city time, using city resources to promote a friends business. His friend Duaine Burden, who owns Jalapeño Bucks on Val Vista also just happens to be a registered sex offender.
Jalapeño bucks promotion with Mayor in helicopter and in city office:
It's not clear how he managed to commandeer a helicopter or who owns it, but there is an official way to report Ethics complaints >
As to the other allegations in the unsolicited email, there does appear to be solid proof that the friend mentioned is a registered sex offender. [the registration document and the offender's address along the details of the offense in the public criminal record].
One would think that they could take this to the ethics board right?
The sender of the email must have done some research to find out that back in 1998 Giles voted on an Ethics Committee Task Force recommendation, at the direction of the City Council, to forgo an independant ethics committee and make the Mesa City Council the sole judge of its own ethics.

Public corporate registration records for Jalapeño Bucks were also in the information with Manager/Member Information given as The Burden Family Revocable Trust, last updated on 2/27/2014.


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