Tuesday, September 19, 2017

City Council Meeting - 9/11/2017 [THEY GOT THE DATE WRONG!]

Published on Sep 18, 2017
Views: 19
Duration: 24:12

Please Note the source from BallotPedia:

Monday, September 18, 20175:45 PM

City of Mesa
Council Chambers
57 E. First Street

Mayor John Giles
Vice Mayor David Luna - District 5

Councilmember Mark Freeman - District 1
Councilmember Jeremy Whittaker - District 2

Vacant - District 3
Councilmember Chris Glover - District 4

Councilmember Kevin Thompson - District 6

Meeting Agenda - Tentative


All citizens are permitted and encouraged to speak on agenda items
including and preceding “Items from citizens present.” If you are
interested in speaking on such an agenda item, please fill out a blue card
in the back of the room and give it to the City Clerk. When the Council
considers the item, you will be called to the podium to provide your

The City of Mesa is committed to making its public meetings accessible
to persons with disabilities. For special accommodations, please
contact the City Manager’s Office at (480) 644-3333 or AzRelay 7-1-1 at
least 48 hours in advance of the meeting.

Si necesita asistencia o traducción en español, favor de llamar al menos
48 horas antes de la reunión al 480-644-2767.


All items listed with an asterisk (*) will be considered as a group by the
City Council and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no
separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember or citizen
requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent
Agenda and considered as a separate item. If a citizen wants an item
removed from the consent agenda, a blue card must be completed and
given to the City Clerk prior to the Council’s vote on the consent agenda.

City Council

September 18, 2017City Council Meeting Agenda - Tentative

Mayor's Welcome

Roll Call

(Members of the Mesa City Council will attend either in person or by telephone
conference call)

Invocation by Pastor James Adams with Cornerstone Church.

Pledge of Allegiance

Awards, Recognitions and Announcements

1 Take action on all consent agenda items.

Items on the Consent Agenda

17-1003 Approval of minutes of previous meetings as written.*2

3 Take action on the following liquor license applications:

17-0995 Downtown Mesa Association

This is a one-day charitable event to be held on Friday, December 1, 2017 from
6:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. for Downtown Mesa Association on Main Street from
Center to Robson and Macdonald from Main Street to 1st Avenue. (District 4)


17-0996 Queen of Peace Catholic School

This is a one-day religious event to be held on Saturday, September 30, 2017
from 5:00 P.M. to 11:59 P.M., at Queen of Peace Catholic Church, 141 North
Macdonald. (District 4)


17-0997 Ultimate Imaginations

This is a one-day charitable event to be held on Friday, January 5, 2018 from
6:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. for Ultimate Imaginations on Main Street from Center
Street to Robson and Macdonald from 1st Avenue to 1st Street. (District 4)


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September 18, 2017City Council Meeting Agenda - Tentative

17-0998 Ultimate Imaginations

This is a one-day charitable event to be held on Friday, February 2, 2018 from
6:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. for Ultimate Imaginations on Main Street from Center
Street to Robson and Macdonald from 1st Avenue to 1st Street. (District 4)


17-0999 Ultimate Imaginations

This is a one-day charitable event to be held on Friday, March 2, 2018 from
6:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. for Ultimate Imaginations on Main Street from Center to
Robson and Macdonald from 1st Avenue to 1st Street. (District 4)


17-1000 Dollar General Store #17324

A retail merchandise store is requesting a new Series 10 Beer and Wine Store
License for DG Retail LLC, 8418 E Southern Avenue - Kathryn Ann Kelliher,
agent. There is no existing license at this location. (District 5)


4 Take action on the following contracts:

17-0987 One-Year Renewal Contract for Auctioneering Services for the Fleet Services,
Police and Business Services Departments (Citywide)

The Auctioneer disposes surplus City vehicles, equipment, firearms and other
surplus property as needed. Their main objective is to maximize the City’s
return on surplus sales and minimize operational costs.

The Fleet Services, Police and Business Services Departments and
Purchasing recommend authorizing the renewal with The Public Group, LLC
and Sierra Auction Management, Inc.


17-0984 Three-Year Term Contract for Graphic Design Services for the Mesa Arts
Center (Citywide)

The Mesa Arts Center is contracting with a firm to manage the design of all
marketing collateral and launch the brand effort to expand their reach and
awareness in the community. The contracted firm will assist with concept
creation for major community events, marketing collateral creation including
print ads, brochures, fliers, posters, digital art, mailers, window clings and more.

The evaluation committee recommends awarding the contract to the
highest-scored proposal from Hackett Advertising Public Relations Initiative,
dba HAPI at $72,000 annually, based on estimated requirements.


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September 18, 2017City Council Meeting Agenda - Tentative

17-0988 Dollar-Limit Increase to the Term Contract for Contractor Building Maintenance
Services as requested by the Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities
Department (Citywide)

This contract provides experienced journeyman to perform a variety of tasks
including rough and finish carpentry remodel work such as walls, ceilings, doors,
windows, drywall, stairs, tile, masonry, concrete, electrical and mechanical
repairs, and other maintenance work at City facilities. Most of the contractor
building maintenance projects are funded by the departments using these

The Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities Department and Purchasing
recommend authorizing a dollar-limit increase of $620,000 cumulatively with
Builders Guild Inc.; Diamond Ridge Development Corporation; Jokake
Construction Services; Hernandez Companies, Inc.; East Valley Disaster
Services, Inc.; and Robert N. Ewing General Contractor, Inc.; increasing the
annual contract amount from $2,300,000 to $2,920,000 for the third-year of the
three-year term, based on estimated requirements.


17-0993 Re-Award the Term Contract for Vector Control Services for the Parks,
Recreation and Community Facilities Department (Citywide)

This contract will provide for the treatment of mosquito vector control at all City
parks, retention basins and sports field facilities (146 locations) on a
monthly/bi-monthly basis. The previous vendor, a sole proprietor, is no longer
able to fulfill the requirements due to health issues.

The Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities Department and Purchasing
recommend re-awarding the contract to the second-lowest, responsive and
responsible bidder, City Wide Pest Control, Inc., at $164,868, based on
estimated requirements.


17-0983 Three- Year Term Contract for Shade Screen Canopy, Wind Screen, and
Batter's Eye Repair and Replacement Services for the Parks Recreation and
Community Facilities Department (Citywide)

This contract will provide repair and replacement services for shade screen
canopies, wind screens, batter's eyes and their structures. Services include
repair and replacement of existing fabric covers, existing structural parts, screen
fabrication and installation of new fabric covers.

The evaluation committee recommends awarding the contract to the
highest-scored proposal from Shade 'N Net of Arizona, Inc., at $120,000
annually, based on estimated requirements.


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September 18, 2017City Council Meeting Agenda - Tentative

17-0990 One-Year Renewal Contract for Hydraulic Hose and Fittings for the Fleet
Services Department (Citywide)

This contract will provide for the purchase and delivery of Parker-brand
automotive and truck hydraulic hose and fittings required for the City’s medium
and heavy-duty vehicles and equipment.

The Fleet Services Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the
renewal with FleetPride (a Mesa business), at $102,000, based on estimated


17-0991 One-Year Renewal Term Contract for Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)
Heavy-Duty Truck Repair Services for the Fleet Services Department

This contract provides OEM heavy-duty truck repair parts and preventative
maintenance services for the City’s fleet of approximately 200 heavy-duty trucks.
Multiple vendors were awarded to provide repair services to maintain
warranties and to maximize vehicle life. These vendors will be used for
heavy-duty repairs that require special tools, special training and repairs or
repairs that may be covered by a partial warranty.

The Fleet Services Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the
renewal contract with Freightliner of Arizona & Western States Fire Equipment;
Cummins Rocky Mountain, LLC (a Mesa business); Arizona Refuse Sales,
LLC; W.W. Williams Southwest, Inc.; and RWC International, Ltd.; cumulatively
not to exceed $712,000 annually, based on estimated requirements.


17-0989 Dollar-Limit Increase for the Term Contract for Dust Palliative/Stabilizer and
Related Items for the Transportation Department (Citywide)

This contract provides dust palliative/stabilizer and related items to stabilize
unpaved areas such as vacant lots, roads, shoulders and alleys in accordance
with Maricopa Air Quality Rules and City Code. Demand for these services has
increased and is greater than estimated for Year 5. City staff believes
stabilization demands will continue at the current rate, therefore an annual
increase is being requesting for Year 5 and 6 of the term contract.

The Transportation Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing a
dollar-limit increase $100,000 using the Maricopa County cooperative contract
with Earthcare Consultants LLC, increasing the annual contract amount from
$300,000 to $400,000 annually for Years 5 and 6, based on estimated


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September 18, 2017City Council Meeting Agenda - Tentative

17-0980 Three-Year Term Contract for Water-Reducible Alkyd Paint for the
Environmental Management and Sustainability Department (Citywide)

This contract will provide paint that will be used to paint and refurbish the City's
trash and recycle bins and roll-off boxes.

The Environmental Management and Sustainability Department and Purchasing
recommend awarding the contract to the lowest, responsive and responsible
bidders, Bert's Paint, Inc., and Intrepid Coatings, Inc., for a combined annual
contract amount of $27,000, based on estimated requirements.


17-0992 Two-Year Renewal Contract for Water and Wastewater Laboratory Services for
the Water Resources Department (Citywide)

This contract provides various outside laboratories to test water and wastewater
samples for compliance with current and changing federal, state and local
regulations. Nearly all metropolitan Phoenix cities and towns with water utilities
use these same laboratories for their compliance testing services.

The Water Resources Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the
renewal contract using the City of Tempe cooperative contract with Accutest
Laboratories, Northern California, Inc.; Aquatic Consulting and Testing, Inc.;
Eurofins Eaton Analytical, Inc.; Legend Technical Services of Arizona, Inc.;
TestAmerica Laboratories, Inc.; and Trans West Analytical Services;
cumulatively not to exceed $150,000 annually, based on estimated


17-0964 Greenfield Water Reclamation Plant (GWRP), Phase III Expansion - GMP No. 1,
Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) (Citywide)

The City of Mesa, Town of Gilbert, and Town of Queen Creek (the “Owners”)
seek to provide an additional 14 million gallons per day annual average day flow
of liquids and solids treatment capacity at the existing GWRP, complete with the
required infrastructure, technology, and environmental features to ensure a
reliable, efficient, and expanded plant to meet the current and future demands of
the Owners. GMP No. 1 is the first of two GMPs for the project.

Staff recommends awarding a contract for this CMAR project to McCarthy
Building Companies, in the amount of $46,764,110, plus an additional change
order allowance of $1,402,923 (3%), for a total of $48,167,033. This project is
funded by the Greenfield Water Reclamation Plant Joint Venture Fund, based
on usage. Mesa’s portion is funded by 2014 authorized Wastewater bonds.


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September 18, 2017City Council Meeting Agenda - Tentative

17-1001 Mesa-Falcon Field Airport Airfield Lighting and Signage Upgrades (District 5)

The airfield lighting system is over 30 years old and in need of replacement.
This project will enhance safety at Falcon Field Airport by replacing aging
equipment and cabling that is at the end of its useful life. Improvements will also
include upgrading from the existing incandescent lighting equipment to light
emitting diode (LED) technology that will improve reliability and efficiency while
also reducing utility costs.

Staff recommends awarding the contract for this project to the lowest,
responsible bidder, Rural Electric, Inc., in the amount of $1,331,146 and
authorize a change order allowance in the amount of $133,114.60 (10%). The
approved FAA grant will fund 91.06% of the total estimated cost with local
matching funds required for the remaining 8.94%. Falcon Field has applied to
the Arizona Department of Transportation, Aeronautics Group (ADOT) for a
matching grant to fund 4.47% and the Airport Enterprise Fund will fund the
remaining 4.47%. If an ADOT grant is not received, Falcon Field will fund the
entire local match of 8.94%, with funding available from the adopted FY2017-18
Falcon Field Capital Program.


5 Take action on the following resolutions:

17-0934 Approving and authorizing the City Manager to accept proposition 202 funds
from the Gila River Indian Community in the amount of $120,700 and administer
the awarded funds as pass-through grants to designated awardees. (Citywide)


17-0974 Approving and authorizing the submittal of a grant application with the Arizona
Department of Transportation (ADOT) for the construction of the Mesa
Southeastern Canal Phase 3 Shared Use Pathway, and authorizing the City
Manager to execute such documents as may be necessary to accept the grants,
if awarded. The project would design and construct a 3.5 mile of shared-use
pathway, which would be the final link in the regional non-motorized system.
(District 6)

Under the conditions of the ADOT Transportation Enhancement Grant Program,
recipients of the grant are required to provide a 5.7% local match (up to
$370,500) to the federal funds that are awarded for construction of the project.
This local match and any needed additional options would be funded by the
Local Street Sales Tax Fund.


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September 18, 2017City Council Meeting Agenda - Tentative

17-0975 Approving and authorizing the submittal of a grant application with the Arizona
Department of Transportation (ADOT) for the construction of the Eastern Canal
from McKellips to Baseline Road Shared Use Pathway, and authorizing the City
Manager to execute such documents as may be necessary to accept the grants,
if awarded. The project will complete the trail along the west side of the Eastern
Canal. (District 1 and 2)

Under the conditions of the ADOT Transportation Enhancement Grant Program,
recipients of the grant are required to provide a 5.7% local match (up to
$199,500) to the federal funds that are awarded for construction of the project.
This local match and any needed additional options would be funded by the
Local Street Sales Tax Fund.


17-0976 Approving and authorizing the City Manager to accept funds made available
through Grant Agreement(s) with the Arizona Commission on the Arts up to the
maximum of $47,000 for the Mesa Arts Center programming including
engagement and education for fiscal year 2017/18. (Citywide)


17-0977 Approving the purchase of, and authorizing the City Manager to enter into
Agreements with the Western Area Power Administration for, electric
transmission services for a ten-year term. (Districts 1 and 4)


6 Discuss, receive public comment, and take action on the following ordinances:

17-0927 A17-002 (District 6) Annexing property located along the 9200 through 10800
blocks of East Elliot Road. The property includes the current and future Elliot
Road right-of-way between Ellsworth Road and Signal Butte Road (30.2±
acres). Initiated by the City of Mesa.


17-0929 Z17-034 (District 6) The 6000 through 6300 blocks of South Power Road.
Located south of Williams Field Road between the northbound and southbound
lanes of Power Road (11 ± acres). Rezone from AG to RM-4-BIZ, LC-BIZ with a
Council Use Permit to allow for residential uses in a commercial district; and
Site Plan Review. This request will allow the development of a multi-residential
development with commercial and retail services. Lance Baker, AIA, Synectic
Design, applicant; Power One, LLC, owner.

Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote:6-0)


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September 18, 2017City Council Meeting Agenda - Tentative

17-0930 Z17-036 (District 2) The 2900 through 3000 blocks of East Southern Avenue
(north side) and the 1000 through 1200 blocks of South Los Alamos Road (west
side). Located east of Lindsay Road on the north side of Southern Avenue (27±
acres). Rezone from AG to RSL-4.5-PAD; and Site Plan Review. This request
will allow the development of a single-residence subdivision. Sean B. Lake,
Pew and Lake, applicant; Allred Family Ltd, Partnership, owner.

Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote:6-0)


Items not on the Consent Agenda

7 Conduct a public hearing and take action on the following Minor General Plan
Amendment, GPMinor17-001, and zoning ordinance introduced at a prior Council

17-1008 Conduct a public hearing on Minor General Plan Amendment GPMinor17-001.7-a

17-0932 GPMinor17-001 (District 2) The 4700 through 4800 block of East Baseline
Road (north side). Located east of Greenfield Road on the north side of
Baseline Road (21.8± acres). Minor General Plan amendment to change
Character Type from Employment to Mixed Use Activity District. The request
will allow for the development of a multi-residential complex. Stephen C. Earl,
Earl, Curley & Lagarde, applicant; R.O.I. Properties, LLC; Baseline 2005, LLC;
Crisko Baseline, LLC; Dale and Janice Gray Trust, owner.

Staff Recommendation: Adoption
P&Z Board Recommendation: Adoption (Vote: 5-1)


17-0931 Z17-038 (District 2) The 4700 through 4800 block of East Baseline Road
(north side). Located east of Greenfield Road on the north side of Baseline
Road (21.8± acres). Rezone from AG, LI, and PEP-PAD to RM-3-PAD; and
Site Plan Review. This request will allow the development of a multi-residential
development. Stephen C. Earl, Earl, Curley & Lagarde, applicant; R.O.I.
Properties, LLC; Baseline 2005, LLC; Crisko Baseline, LLC; Dale and Janice
Gray Trust, owner.

Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 5-1)


8 Items from citizens present. (Maximum of three speakers for three minutes per

9 Adjournment.

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September 18, 2017City Council Meeting Agenda - Tentative

The Council may vote to hold an executive session for the purposes of obtaining legal
advice from the City Attorney (A.R.S. §38-431.03A(3)) or to discuss and instruct the City
Attorney regarding the City’s position regarding contracts that are the subject of
negotiations, in pending or contemplated litigation or in settlement discussions conducted in
order to avoid or resolve litigation. (A.R.S. §38-431.03A(4))

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