27 June 2018

What's This from Axios? The FEAR is the SEQUENCE

Analyzing language is a compulsive occupation on-the-side for your MesaZona blogger.
A degree in Psychology from the College of Arts & Sciences @ Georgetown University included concentrated studies in different areas, one of which was Linguistic Analysis - a strong  foundation for the digital publishing of this blog site where words [and images] are everything are you see.
Yes the medium - or the media - is the message. 
Following the story works well, but how about Getting Ahead of the story'?? 
. . . Creating intended consequences ahead of time or asserting a reality that just isn't there yet?
For example the recent Kim-Trump Singapore Summit that was called "historic" even before it happened!

Or this image >
Allies fear Trump-Putin summit 
Illustration: Rebecca Zisser/Axios
We are worried
"[W]e are all hoping
We're praying
Another senior European official: "The fear is the sequence — a bad NATO summit followed by a good Putin meeting, with the two leaders embracing."
READ MORE >> www.axios.com
< Here in Mesa we got this imaginary image - an architectural rendering - that was featured on the current 2018 cover of Compass Magazine produced by the Mesa Chamber of Commerce by Republic Media Custom Publishing, a division of The Arizona Republic.
Stakeholders Prospectus 2018 
Here's the reaction by your hyper-local independent digital online news source published here six months ago ... Since then, AZ Senator and Real Estate Speculator Bob Worsley announced he's pulled-out seeking another term
16 January 2018
Miixing-Up Real Estate Speculation + Politics > What Fun, Huh?
Say What?
Take a look at the new cover of Compass Magazine, a publication of The Times Media Group put out by The Mesa Chamber of Commerce that's registered as a non-profit organization with the Arizona Corporate Commission.
Perhaps the Office of The  Arizona State Attorney General - or an Arizona investigative reporter other than your MesaZona blogger - might want to look into what could be "stepping-over-the-line" here to publish A STAKEHOLDERS PROSPECTUS for a private development existing only-on-paper here in Mesa's historic district by a publicly-elected State Legislator doing some real estate speculation on-the-side of his official duties to serve the interests of the public in the conduct of his office.
Bob Worsley, seen in the image to the right, registered a limited liability corporation (LLC) with the ACC named MACDevLLC in June 2017 at his home address here in Mesa with a principal partner Ranches of America.
Is that a conflict of interest capitalizing on real estate holding while on the public payroll? The question needs to be asked.
The mag calls itself "Mesa, Arizona Resource Guide 2018" at the same time printed on the cover in bold red typeface that it is a Stakeholders Prospectus. . .  
Legally mandated document published by every firm offering its securities to public for purchase. It must comply with strict legal requirements and is filed for approval with the country's securities inspectorate such as the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) of the US, . . .
A prospectus must disclose essential information such as:
(1) firm's objectives
(3) background and qualification of principal officers
(5) projected financial statements
(6) assumptions underlying the projections,
(7) foreseeable risks to the firm,
(8) offering price on the stock (shares)
(9) (in case of bonds and notes) how the interest and principal will be paid.
Read more >> MesaZona