07 June 2018

New Feature: Yesterday's PINOCCHIO MOMENT with John Giles

“We’re spending money, but this is a great opportunity to make money,” Giles said.
It’s not going to be a drain on our finances, just the contrary.”
--- Quote by Mesa Mayor John Giles in AZ Big Media
Blogger Note: Who's the 'we' and the 'our' ???? Time to Wake-Up here in Mesa, AZ
The 'we' are the first two letters in WEALTH CREATION...the 'our' is the hour to get outraged about corruption here in Mesa >
Times Up for a ten-letter word: C  O R  R  U  P  T  I  O  N
Mesa approves deal to build ASU campus in downtown
Above: Mesa residents fill the city council chambers during a discussion on a deal to bring ASU to downtown Mesa. The $65 million deal was debated for about two hours before the council approved the project 5-2. (Photo and story by Ellen O'Brien/Cronkite News)Business News | 15 hours ago |
The City Council has approved a $65 million deal to bring an Arizona State University campus to downtown Mesa, a move some business owners and residents lauded as an economic boon and a few residents worried would bring higher taxes.
READ MORE > https://azbigmedia.com