09 June 2018

How Google Celebrates Diversity for Pride Month

Families come in all shapes, sizes, and constructs.
Whether it’s the family you’re born into or the family you make on your own terms, family is defined by love.
 Why Now
  • Within the past few decades, the movement for LGBTQ+ civil liberties has gained more momentum than ever before. Spirited by the love and support of the homes they were born into, or the loved ones found along the way, family is what’s made all of this possible. Despite having come so far, LGBTQ+ people are still striving for full equality.
  • For many in the LGBTQ+ community, affirmation and acceptance are hard to come by. So building a community and connecting with others can truly create a sense of belonging. Family – however you define it – makes it possible to persevere and thrive.
  • #ThisIsFamily honors the unique tradition of LGBTQ+ family structures. It reminds us that no matter who makes up your family, or how you came to find “home” in each other – the joy of being loved and accepted is universal. Google aims to build a more inclusive family narrative that both reflects and celebrates the life experiences of the community. This year, we amplify and celebrate the voices of all LGBTQ+ families.
Show us what family
means to you
Every family is a union of unique faces and journeys. Whether we’re bonded by blood or brought together by fate, family is the realization of our desire to love and be loved. Together, we can encourage the world to question their lens, challenge traditional views of family, and promote a more inclusive definition of what it means to be a family. Show us what family means to you by sharing your pictures on social media with the hashtag #ThisIsFamily.
The state of equality
    Same-sex marriage
    Legal in 40 countries
    Illegal in 74 countries
    Right to change
    legal gender
    Legal in 113 countries
    Illegal in 55 countries
    adoption rights
    Legal in 121 countries
    Illegal in 46 countries
    LGBT discrimination
    Legal protection in
    73 countries
    No legal protection in 100 countries
    * Source: http://www.equaldex.com/