05 June 2018

Now We Know: Who/What Rules Mesa > It's NOT The Voters

Mayor John Giles presided over perhaps the final power-grab by the deep-pocketed powers-that-be here in Mesa - inside and outside of City Hall - at yesterday's meetings and hearings in Council Chambers. With all the overlapping "friends-and-family" connections and undisclosed business relationships investing in each other, is anyone surprised that no councilmember recused himself from voting on approving THE BIG ASU DEAL with a conflict of interest? 
That would have been the right thing to do* (Scroll down)
There's just too much money getting played-out on the table here from the same close group with interests in real estate speculation to build their private fortunes. It's not about "higher education" on one proposed property for ASU. That's just the linchpin and catalyst for rampant real estate speculation here in downtown no doubt about that. Some critical commentators like your MesaZona blooger might want to call it "leveraging" public city-owned property for the wealth-creation of private investors in newly created Opportunity Zones. Anyway you want to look at it, realizing capital gains is the name of the game for the network of crony capitalists in the Political Machine that has monopolized Mesa for generations - it's just their new ball game.      
A closely-connected network of investors snapped up 12 parcels on Main Street to corner and control the real estate market here in downtown Mesa. According to almost every published report, they've been planning for years.. Since they monopolize government and politics, finance, insurance and real estate, the skids were greased real good and everyone got their cuts or commissions or fees for services rendered. 
However, if any Mesa City Councilmember profits from actions approving an ASU campus downtown  either directly or indirectly  that not only fails the public trust and the test of integrity in elected office but might be punishable by the forces of law if proven to be the case.
Anyone who carefully followed City Council proceedings might note that the agreements made by city officials were carefully crafted to sidestep the will of voters who REJECTED  more debt to finance an ASU campus downtown. They got around that by hiking utilities consumption fees/charges permitted under Home Rule
Blogger Note: For good reason any reasonable person might think that three Mesa City Council members might profit personally - either directly or indirectly - as a result of actions passing the ASU items. One of Mesa Mayor John Giles' best friends is AZ State Senator Bob Worsley who's admitted he's gambling about $20 Million dollars speculating in the real estate market here in downtown as a private developer. Moreover, District 4 Councilmember Chris Glover and District 2 Councilmember Mark Freeman both have family connections in finance and other industries over generations that stand to make gains from services rendered to real estate development.
Some businesses associations may be undisclosed