16 September 2018

Let's Be Very Clear For A Change

Time to raise the New Zion Curtain one more time to reveal what little information did everyone else not-Mormon know but . . . “We’ve been planning this project for years,” said Matt Baldwin, real estate development director for City Creek Reserve (CCRI) * an investment affiliate (aka "for-profit" branch of a religion) of the Church. “We’ve talked with city and county government leaders, city planning staff and other local developers. We want to enhance and beautify this block, but we also want to make sure what we’re proposing is what downtown Mesa needs,” he added.
Mesa Arizona Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Redevelopment Plans
Did they talk to any residents of downtown Mesa at any time for years?
Downtown Mesa needs more transparency
Is it too late to ask for more transparency?
* CCRI is the master developer of City Creek, a sustainably-designed, 23-acre, walkable urban community of residences, offices and retail stores in downtown Salt Lake City, which has renewed and revitalized the heart of the city. . . "Mesa-authentic architecture" imported from Salt Lake City?

The Angel Moroni from
The Book of Mormon
Readers of this blog might want to note that the so-called revitalization plans were first announced not from City of Mesa Newsroom nor from City Hall here in Mesa, the news release came from Salt Lake City and The Mormon News Room:


Redevelopment Plans Announced for Area Near Mesa Arizona Temple
Follows recent announcement of temple renovation 
Link > https://www.mormonnewsroom.org 

Your MesaZona blogger wants to go way back in years - to the time before the arrival of the self-described Pioneers sent on a mission from Salt Lake City to establish The New Zion in the Rio Salado Valley.
< This  map is from 1929 hand-illustrated for PRE-HISTORY IRRIGATION CANALS
Whose history is it?  What do we see?
Take a look at middle right-hand side . . .
"many small reservoirs and temples"
That's right! Temples existed here before- centuries before the arrival of 'The Pioneers'. Note the place name appended to that area: Pueblo Moroni, named after an imaginary angel found in The Book of Mormon written in the 19th Century.
Reference: The Short, Swift Time of Gods on Earth: The Hohokam Chronicles click here

What more did we learn in the some of the news releases from Salt Lake City: some characters involved in  
Mike Hutchinson, executive vice president of the East Valley Partnership and former Mesa city manager:
“What CCRI has envisioned is exactly right for downtown Mesa right now . . . "
Mesa developer Tony Wall:
“There’s no doubting City Creek’s commitment to downtown Mesa. Their investment will encourage other developers to be a part of forging a new future for downtown.”
< Other developers like AZ State Senator Bob Worsley who mixes-up gambling in rampant real estate speculation for his own private wealth-creation at the same time holding public elected office. . . .He's shown supported by revolving-door influence-peddler ex-U.S. Congressman Matt Salmon who's now got a high-salary job as a lobbyist for ASU as Vice-President for Government Affairs. 
Others that you can access more information about by using
THE SEARCH BOX on this blog
Roc Arnett,
Denny Barney,
and of course we have our showman Mesa Mayor John Giles

Church Finances and a Growing Global Faith
News Release 22 MAY 2018 - SALT LAKE CITY
Presiding Bishop Gérald Caussé published a companion article to his recent remarks at the 2018 Church History Symposium, “Financing Faith: The Intersection of Business and Religion.”
In conjunction with Bishop Caussé’s article and talk, the following materials provide additional context regarding Church finances

Death Candle for $META after reporting earnings - ouch | @Barchart

Barchart @Barchart Death Candle for $META after reporting earnings - ouch 1:09 PM · Apr 24, 2024 · 103.1K Views