21 September 2018

More Spoon-Fed Crap Masquerading As "News": Let's Give That MORE VISIBILITY!

GAG ME AGAIN! Yuk! Classic Robin Hood Scheme: Rob from The Poor and Give $892,000 to The Rich! Fark that!
According to what Vic Linoff said in this piece of Spoon-Fed news written by ever-reliable EV Tribune staff writer Jim Walsh, "outgoing legislator Bob Worsley is interested in restoring the buildings he owns in the area to their original appearance and adding neon signs and other traditional touches that would set Mesa’s downtown apart from others."
Here's some "neon" reality, guys!
Let's Get Real: Behind-the-façade of this so-called Façade Improvement Project lurks rampant downtown real estate speculation by some conservative Republican Mesa Mormon Republican Millionaires like AZ State Senator Bob Worsley who admitted publicly back in February in 2018 that he's gambling in brokering real estate deals while holding public office for what he says is  $20M - his own money or not? _____________Is it just a coincidence that the same 10 buildings purchased by that private wealth-creation group are the same ten privately-owned properties that will profit from almost $900,000 in public money?
Here's some more gag-worthy comments from Jeff Robbins, a management assistant who works closely with McVay on downtown projects : "The project’s intent is to capitalize on downtown’s unique assets, which have been obscured and minimized in the past", he said. TO CAPITALIZE FOR WHOM?
If it all comes to fruition, this will be one of the most attractive business districts in the Valley,’’ Linoff said.
Part of Mesa's hated colonnade to come tumbling down

The Yield Curve Has Changed 'Metamorphically,' Cronk Says

   Financials and Utilities are up -- Everything else is down