19 September 2018

Mesa District 4 City Councilmember Chris Glover Reaches Out To Neighbors Here In District 4

It's better late than never as they say - after two terms in office he's only "reaching-out" NOW? 
What does Chris Glover have up his sleeve - A Run For Mayor mebbe after such a lackluster record of engaging residents here in District
This meet-and-learn event is next Thursday at Visit Mesa, the Office of Tourism here on Center Street. HUH?  
This appeared on Mesa City Councilmember Chris Glover's Facebook page 22 hours ago - his last post on FB social media was June 28, just about three months ago!   
This is a rare and welcome opportunity to meet the guy who was elected to  represent the interests of  residents here in District 4 . . . some people have no idea whatsoever who he is after four years inside City Hall. It might be nice to learn NOW what he has to say about:  
  • What is happening in District 4
  • What is happening in Mesa
Hope he's serving some full disclosure with the "light refreshments"
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling

Beijing has condemned Washington’s deployment of intermediate-range missiles in the Asia-Pacific region

  Beijing declares that Washington's decision to install medium-range ballistic missiles poses a serious danger to the stability and pea...