Thursday, February 28, 2019

CRE: What Caught Jim Kasten's Eye For News That Matters

Just got this 2 minutes ago:
Thanks to Jim Kasten for sending!
[reproduced with edits or comments]
Please contact:
Jim Kasten, CCIM
602 445 4113 Office
602 677 0655 Cell
Commercial Real Estate News That Matters
From time to time we come across news articles we feel are important to highlight because of the strong impact it might have on our economy. Here are a few that caught our eye.
Arizona's Apartment Industry is a Major Economic Driver
AZ Big Media (AZRE) reported on an article written by Peter Madrid highlighting a study completed by Elliott D. Pollack & Company for the AZ Multifamily Assoc. (AMA). Of note: “The total annual economic impact of construction and operations within Arizona’s apartment industry is the equivalent to the state playing host to more than 10 Super Bowls each year. The apartment industry generates 22,000 jobs, $699 million in wages, and $3.8 billion in economic output each year as 37 percent of Arizona residents live in rental housing.”
Dreamport Villages: Developer proposes $4B Amusement Park over 1,500 acres in Casa Grande
Goodyear Approves Construction for Microsoft Project
The Goodyear City Council voted unanimously Monday (2.25.19) to approve an accelerated construction schedule for a Microsoft project. The developer agreement will allow the tech company to begin construction on the 279 acres it purchased in September of last year.  Companies like Microsoft may follow – realizing that Goodyear, and possibly other cities in the West Valley, will do what’s necessary to attract quality business.  
At the IREM – CCIM symposium held on 1.24.2019, Elliott Pollack presented a very detailed summary of the Valley’s economy and very positive projection for the future. He also noted possible concerns to be aware of. If you would like a copy of his slide presentation, contact
Arizona H20. Is Arizona really an at-risk state?
Date: Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Time: 7:15 AM - 7:45 AM - Check-in/Breakfast
         7:45 AM - 9:00 AM - Program 

$40.00 2019 Chapter Membership
$50.00 Non-Member/Guest

The Esplanade (E-Center)
2501 E. Camelback Road Suite 50
Phoenix, AZ 85016

Arizona Water Rights with
Grady Gammage Jr.
Join the Central AZ CCIM Chapter and Grady Gammage Jr., to talk about AZ Water Rights. 

Details: Arizona H20. Is Arizona really an at-risk state with a questionable future due to climate, water supply and politics? Arizona native Grady Gammage, Jr. will explore the history of water in the state and discuss the challenges we face: distributing water for growth, managing groundwater uncertainty, keeping track of river supplies and asking ourselves how we should choose to live.

Food: Breakfast catered by Scramble.  Gringo Burritos, Meat Lover Scramble options. Bacon and Sausage, Hashbrowns, Fresh Fruit, Cinnamon Rolls and coffee.

Vegan and vegetarian Burrito options will be available as well - Please indicate when you register if you need a Vegan or Vegetarian option.  

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