Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Mesa City Council Study Session Thu 21 Feb 2019

Not too many [very few] members of the public take the time to "consume" - never mind even take-the-time to find out about - what's going on in their elected government here in Mesa. One of the missions of this MesaZona blog site is to keep you informed: What's on the agenda?
What you see is almost two hours [1:54:14 to be exact] of a study session with two presentations that take up most of the time - starting with an active opening of six minutes.
District 5 Councilmember David Luna was excused. He's in Mexico City with an entourage of Maricopa Association of Government representatives on a public relations gambit. Two councilmembers ask that an item [6-b] where they have a conflict-of-interest to be removed from the Consent Agenda.
District 1 Councilmember Mark Freeman, who's district doesn't include the area around Main Street/Mesa Drive, asks about Item 6-e while the new District 4
Councilmember Jennifer Duff stays silent on a proposed project within her own district: THE GRID
It's a pretty picture for sure of the SWC at Main Street/Mesa Drive directly across the intersection from the LDS Mormon Temple Area development that broke ground in November 2018. Councilmember Mark Freeman called both City Manager Chris Brady and Director of Downtown Transformation Jeff McVay to provide details. . .
Watch the first 5 minutes of the inserted vid upload for details that are made public. Clearly there are problems not only nailing-down how it's going to get financed, but also with unforeseen structural issues building 3 stories atop the parking garage behind the Mesa Superior Court Building, as well as changes to the Main Street retail proposal and others that force the entire plans back into re-examination by the Planning & Zoning Board.
Here's the published agenda for the two time-consuming presentations and discussions for the Study Session where councilmembers are seeking guidance.
It was printed just the day before on 02/20/2019
The Review of items on the agenda for the February 25, 2019 regular Council meeting took up only the five minutes or so.

2 Presentations/Action Items:
Item 2-a 19-0195
Hear a presentation, discuss, and provide direction on the proposed realignment of the paratransit service area

Item 2-b 19-0219
Hear a presentation, discuss, and provide direction on an update of staff recommendations for regulating shared active transportation vehicles (commercially-rented bicycles, scooters, etc., with self-contained locking mechanisms.)
Study Session - 2/21/2019
(Upload from YouTube)
Views: 29+
Running Time: 01:54:14


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