Thursday, February 07, 2019

Mesa City Council Study Session Thu 07 Feb 2019

A New $195,500,000 GO Bond Package from City Manager Chris Brady is up before the Mesa City Council during a Study Session scheduled to start at 07:30 a.m.  It is Item 2 on the Agenda after a review by Councilmembers of some 26 items for the City Council Regular Meeting @ 5:45 pm on 11 Feb 2019: 9 Contract Awards + 5 Resolutions with 2 Resolutions Endorsing the creation of two new Water Delivery Districts in District 4, Mesa Linda and Green Acres)
The formation of an irrigation water delivery district allows the District to make improvements and perform maintenance and operations of their irrigation system. 
Final designation of the District is determined by the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors.
For tomorrow morning's Study Session, here's  a breakdown of the proposed debt obligation financing by category: These require APPROVAL
  • Parks & Recreation: $82,7000,000,
  • Cultural $28,000,000, and
  • Public Safety $84,8000,000.
Item 2 Presentations/Action Items: 19-0120
Hear a presentation, discuss, and provide direction on the proposed 5-year implementation plan and schedule for the 2018 General Obligation Bond projects for
  • parks and recreation
  • cultural
  • public safety
2018 General Obligation Bond Update February 7, 2019
Scott Butler, Office of Management & Budget
Multi-year bond program (2019 –2024) to manage voter authorization
12-Page Presentation
Here's just one area:
Estimated expenditures $14.9M Design
Communication Fiber
City Center Plaza
Dobson Library Improvements
Federal Building Renovation
Harris Basin Playground
i.d.e.a. Museum Phase 1
Lehi Crossing Shared Use Path
Main Library Improvements
On agenda:
Title: Hear a presentation, discuss, and provide direction on the proposed 5-year implementation plan and schedule for the 2018 General Obligation Bond projects for parks and recreation, cultural, and public safety.
Attachments: 1. Presentation,
2. Proposed Bond Project Schedule                           

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