24 February 2016
The Mayor's Own Challenge to End Veteran Homelessness > Keeping The Promise?
No chance "to under-promise and over-deliver" on this - it's more than "we can" - it is swearing to an oath to finish the goal within one year and complete the criteria to get confirmation from the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development. The Mayor of New Orleans did just accomplished, as promised. - with No newspeak
As usual a lot of fanfare and skimpy details left out of Mesa Now press releases coming out of City Hall

City of Mesa announces Strategic Plan for Addressing Homelessness
March 24, 2021 at 12:45 pmThe City of Mesa today released its Strategic Plan for Addressing Homelessness, to help Mesa-based homeless recover and transition to stable housing during and after the COVID19 pandemic. Through the investment of federal funding, including funds from the CARES Act, Mesa will focus on supportive infrastructure and systematic steps, referred to as the Housing Path to Recovery.
Using a data-driven process and collaborative community partnerships within the region, Mesas plan endeavors to keep homelessness rare, brief and non-reoccurring.
"Mesa is a compassionate community, and this plan provides a balanced approach to support those most in need while also working toward community safety in public spaces, like our parks and libraries,"said Mesa Mayor John Giles. "This is a strong plan for Mesa."
"Mesas Strategic Plan for Addressing Homelessness is clear, comprehensive and adaptable," said Vice Mayor Jen Duff. "This will be a tremendous tool for Mesa residents and to City Council as we continue to address the growing needs for those experiencing homelessness."
Mesas Strategic Plan to Address Homelessness is available in its entirety on the City of Mesas website at: mesaaz.gov/homeless.
Mayors Office
Contact: Casey Blake
Tel. (480) 644-3662
At one point-in-time in a public meeting, District 1 Mesa City Councilmember Mark Freeman, ensconced comfortably in his own family compound-enclave, reacted to seeing the homeless on public transit as 'the awfulness'.
In one of the first reactions to the extension of lightrail service into downtown Mesa, city officials wanted a police bike patrol first of all.
17 September 2018
Let's start off with saying that
Mesa Has A Problem
Many people here in Mesa might consider the homeless a nuisance.
That issue was addressed here in a report from Arizona Attorney Digital Mag
One of the major findings > Working to develop more permanent supportive housing is the true answer.*
Nuisance and Vagrancy Laws: The New Exclusionary Zoning
< What’s Going on in Arizona?

21 December 2020
The 2020 PIT Count was conducted on January 28, 2020.
City Staff "Talking Heads" Produce Another Scripted Summit
Point-in-Time Count
The Point-in-Time (PIT) Homeless Count is an annual street and shelter count to determine the number of people experiencing homelessness in Maricopa County during a given point in time. This count is part of a national effort to identify the extent of homelessness throughout the country. The count includes a brief survey to identify the needs of those experiencing homelessness in the community. MAG coordinates the PIT Count each year for the Maricopa Regional Continuum of Care. MAG serves as the hub of collaboration between the Continuum of Care and local communities. The 2020 PIT Count was conducted on January 28, 2020.
Please Note: There are a number posts on this blog for related content from prior years that will help readers assess if the city government - and its administrators - have produced positive outcomes or if the issues and numbers of the homeless population have increased over time. It's a reality-check no matter what they say all the time year-after-year. Obviously they are trying once again to manipulate the news - as you can see right from the start when District 4 City Council member Jennifer Duff has to correct the mayor directly that the homeless are not just visible downtown. . .
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