Next Month is April - The First Quarter January-March is history:
City of Mesa Council Chambers 57 E. First Street City Council Meeting Agenda - Tentative
All citizens are permitted and encouraged to speak on agenda items including and preceding “Items from citizens present." Public participation is available electronically. If you want to provide a written comment or speak telephonically at the meeting, please submit an online comment card by going to at least 1 hour prior to the start of the meeting.
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SKIP AHEAD Item 4 Take action on the following contracts:
File #: | 21-0329 |
Type: | Contract | Status: | Agenda Ready |
In control: | City Council |
On agenda: | 4/5/2021 |
Title: | Purchase for Audience Seating (Replacement) for the Ikeda and Piper Theaters for the Mesa Arts Center (Citywide) The existing seating hardware was installed in 2005 and had an anticipated lifespan of 10 years. This purchase and vendor will allow us to consolidate hardware components in all three theaters resulting in easier and more cost-effective maintenance and service. This product has also been vetted and approved by the Mesa Arts Center's architect and will continue to showcase the theaters according to the original architect design. The Arts and Culture Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the purchase using the Omnia cooperative contract with Irwin Seating Company at $1,275,000, based on project requirements. This purchase is funded by the Mesa Arts Center Restoration Fund. |
Attachments: | 1. Council Report |
File #: | 21-0339 |
Type: | Contract | Status: | Agenda Ready |
In control: | City Council |
On agenda: | 4/5/2021 |
Title: | Ratification of the Emergency Purchase of AZ Labs Chiller Rental for the Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities Department (PRCF) (Citywide) The chiller at AZ Labs had a catastrophic failure and could no longer be repaired, parts are obsolete. Temporary cooling was needed so PRCF procured a chiller rental until new chillers are installed. City of Mesa rents space to AZ Labs and cooling is essential to their business. The chiller also services areas at ASU and Phoenix Mesa Gateway airport. The Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities Department and Purchasing recommend ratifying the purchase with Aggreko, at $26,034.60. |
Attachments: | 1. Council Report |
Item *4-l
File #21-0342
Two-Year Term Contract with a One Year Renewal Option for Four Overt Pole Camera Video Surveillance Trailers (Additions) for the Mesa Police Department (Citywide)
This contract will provide overt pole cameras that are entirely solar and can be positioned in any part of the City with short notice. They provide the ability for one officer to have a visual on many areas at one time. This equipment will be used to increase police presence in multiple places, monitor high crime areas, and help identify a significant event versus an innocuous gathering. The recorded video will assist in researching crimes and providing evidentiary information. The Special Projects and Research Team of the Mesa Police Department has requested the initial purchase for four, overt pole cameras. The Department has requested the annual contract amount for additional poles should additional funding be identified. An evaluation committee recommends awarding the highest scored proposal response from Air Comm Corporation, dba Air Comm, at $300,000 annually, with an annual increase allowance of up to 5%, or the adjusted Producer Price Index.
Attachments: | 1. Council Report |
5 Take action on the following resolutions:
21-0270 Establishing the Mesa Education and Workforce Development Roundtable for the purpose of developing and improving education and workforce opportunities and successes in Mesa. (Citywide)
21-0293 Approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Communication License with Gila Local Exchange Carrier, d/b/a Alluvion Communications, for a five-year term, with one five-year renewal option. (Citywide)
> Approving and authorizing the City Manager to submit the City of Mesa Annual Action Plan for Fiscal Year 2021/2022;
- > authorizing the submittal of applications to receive entitlement funds for Fiscal Year 2021/2022 under the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant program (CDBG)
- Emergency Solutions Grant program (ESG)
- HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME), and Human Services to fund activities approved by the City Council; and
> authorizing the City Manager to expend, disburse and enter into agreements for disbursement of Fiscal Year 2021/2022 CDBG, ESG, HOME, and Human Services funds, received by the City. (Citywide)
21-0301 Extinguishing the 5-foot Use and Benefit Easements located on
The Final Plat for Eastmark - DU 3/4 North Phase 4, located north of the northeast corner of South Ellsworth Road and East Point Twenty-Two Boulevard, and extinguishing the 5-foot Use and Benefit Easements located on
The Final Plat for Eastmark - DU 3/4 North Phase 5, located south of the southeast corner of South Ellsworth and East Warner Road
the extinguishments are to allow for the construction of new residential homes and were requested by the property owner. (District 6)
21-0313 Approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a one-year Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) to lease a portable G2 encoding system to the Rio Verde Fire District (RVFD).
RVFD needs an enhanced encoding system to provide dependable emergency alerting to provide 24-hour emergency service from their temporary trailer station while a second permanent station is built in their system.
The City of Mesa Fire and Medical Department’s (MFMD) portable USDD/G2 station alerting package provides the consistency desired and the enhanced system required consistent with Mesa Regional Dispatch Center alerting procedures.
21-0346 Approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding and an Exclusive Negotiations Agreement with Miravista/SIHI Holdings I, LLC, for a mixed-use development of approximately 25 acres of City-owned property located at the southwest corner of Mesa Drive and University Drive (the Transform 17 site). (District 4)
File #: | 21-0346 |
Type: | Resolution | Status: | Agenda Ready |
In control: | City Council |
On agenda: | 4/5/2021 |
Title: | Approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding and an Exclusive Negotiations Agreement with Miravista/SIHI Holdings I, LLC, for a mixed-use development of approximately 25 acres of City-owned property located at the southwest corner of Mesa Drive and University Drive (the Transform 17 site). (District 4) |
Attachments: | 1. Memorandum of Understanding |
City of Mesa Page 10 Printed on 3/25/2021
6 Introduction of the following ordinances and setting April 19, 2021 as the date of the public hearing on these ordinances:
21-0294 ANX20-00463 (District 6)
Annexing a portion of South 222nd Street and East Williams Field Road right-of-way. Located within the 6000 block of South 222nd Street and within the 10500 to 11000 blocks of East Williams Field Road (6.74± acres). *6-a
21-0295 ANX20-00464 (District 6)
Annexing a portion of South Meridian Road right-of-way. Located within the 6000 to 6400 blocks of South Meridian. (2.5± acres). *6-b
21-0282 ZON20-00628 (District 5)
Within the 3600 to 3800 blocks of East McLellan Road (south side). Located north of Brown Road and East of Val Vista Drive (9.4± acres). Rezoning from Agriculture (AG) to RS-35-PAD.
This request will allow for the development of 2 single-residence subdivisions.
- Jared Cox, Vista Design Group, LLC, applicant
- Heritage Group LP, owner.
Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 7-0) *6-c
21-0283 ZON20-00841 (District 1)
Within the 2100 block of East Menlo Circle (both sides) and within the 2100 block of East Hermosa Vista Drive (north side). Located south of the 202 Red Mountain Freeway and east of Gilbert Road (2.08± acres). Rezoning from RS-35 to RS-15.
This request will allow for the development of a single residence subdivision.
Michael Stephan, applicant
Brent/Deborah Berge, owner.
Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 6-0) *6-d
21-0284 ZON20-00842 (District 6)
Within the 11100 to 11600 blocks of East Pecos Road (south side), within the 11100 to 11600 blocks of East Germann Road (north side), and within the 6800 to 7600 blocks of the South Meridian Road alignment (west side). Located west of the Meridian Road alignment, south of Pecos Road and north of Germann Road
(229± acres).
Modification to the existing Bonus Intensity Zone (BIZ) Overlay; and Site Plan Review.
This request will allow development of new industrial buildings within the existing industrial development on the site. Andy Sarat, CMC, applicant
Commercial Metal Company, owner.
Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 7-0) *6-e
City of Mesa Page 11 Printed on 3/25/2021 City Council Meeting Agenda - Tentative April 5, 2021
21-0310 Amending Title 6 of the Mesa City Code (Police Regulations) by repealing Chapter 10, entitled “Public Park Regulations,” in its entirety, and replacing it with a new Chapter 10, entitled “Public Park Regulations,” establishing permitting requirements and regulations for events that take place in parks and clarifying provisions which regulate certain activities in parks, including those provisions regarding business activities, camping, fishing, animals, vehicles, spirituous liquor, and dumping or leaving items in parks. (Citywide)
7 Discuss, receive public comment, and take action on the following annexation and zoning ordinances, and take action on the following resolution, all relating to a development known as Legacy Sports Park:
21-0271 ANX20-00242 (District 6)
Annexing property located north of Pecos Road and east of Ellsworth Road (337.0± acres). This request has been initiated by the applicant, Paul Gilbert, Beus Gilbert McGroder, PLLC for the owner, Pacific Proving, LLC. *7-a
21-0272 ZON20-00846 (District 6)
Within the 6000 to 6600 block of South Ellsworth Road (east side), within the 9200 to 9800 blocks of East Williams Field Road alignment (south side) and within the 6200 to 6600 blocks of South Crismon Road alignment (west side). Located east of Ellsworth Road and north of Pecos Road
(overall 337.0± acres).
Rezone 41.7± acres of the 337.0± acres of the property from AG to LR; Special Use Permits; and Site Plan Review on the property.
This request will allow for the development of a recreation facility.
Paul Gilbert, Beus Gilbert McGroder, applicant
Pacific Proving, LLC, owner
Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 6-0) *7-b
21-0291 A resolution approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Pre-Annexation Development Agreement with Pacific Proving, LLC (Owner) and Legacy Cares, Inc. (Lessee), for the development of a recreation facility known as “Legacy Sports Park” on approximately 337 acres of property located south of East Williams Field Road on the east side of South Ellsworth Road and that is the subject of zoning case ZON21-00846. (District 6) *7-c
8 Take action on the following subdivision plats:
21-0305 “Parkside Villas” (District 5)
Within the 1300 block of North 46th Street (west side). Located north of Brown Road and east of Greenfield Road (4.85± acres).
Tanner & Funk Holdings, LLC, developer
Darren Smith, Babbitt Nelson Engineering, surveyor.
City of Mesa Page 12 Printed on 3/25/2021 City Council Meeting Agenda - Tentative April 5, 2021
21-0306 “Cadence at Gateway South” (District 6)
Within the 5300 block of South Ellsworth Road (east side) and within the 9200 to 9400 blocks of East Cadence Parkway (south side). Located east of Ellsworth Road and south of Ray Road
(8.08± acres).
PPGN-Ellsworth, LLLP, developer
Raymond S Munoz III, EPS Group, surveyor
21-0307 “Cadence at Gateway North” (District 6)
Within the 9200 to 9400 blocks of East Ray Road (south side); within the 5200 block of South Ellsworth Road (east side) and within the 9200 to 9400 blocks of East Cadence Parkway (north side). Located east of Ellsworth Road and south of Ray Road
(9.1± acres)
PPGN-Ellsworth, LLLP, developer
Raymond S Munoz III, EPS Group, surveyor
Items not on the Consent Agenda 9
Discuss, receive public comment, and take action on the following ordinances:
21-0158 ZON20-00538 (District 1) Within the 1200 to 1400 blocks of West Bass Pro Drive (south side) and the 1100 block of North Alma School Road (west side). Located south of the 202 Red Mountain Freeway on the west side of Alma School Road
(30.9± acres)
Modification to the Planned Area Development (PAD) Overlay on the property to amend condition #1 of Ordinance No. 4847 to allow development of a new office building and parking garage within an existing office development. Michael Edwards, The Davis Experience, applicant
Salt River Point, LL LLC, owner
Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote:6-0)
10 Items from citizens present.
(Maximum of three speakers for three minutes per speaker).
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