Sunday, March 21, 2021

What? ONLY ONE HOUR for This Planning & Zoning Board "Study Session"?? City of Mesa Planning Division’s work plan, including a list of major land use planning strategies and goals for 2021 and into the future.

HEADS UP! This is outrageous and requires MORE COMMUNITY OUTREACH THAN THIS
Planning & Zoning Study Session 
To decrease COVID-19 exposure, the City Council Chambers is closed, but public viewing and participation are available electronically. 
Planning & Zoning Board applicant comment card

Must be completed at least 1 hour prior to start of meeting.

Members of the Planning and Zoning Board will appear electronically for study session meetings via a video or telephonic conferencing platform, and the live meetings will be accessible via video broadcast and telephonically. 
The live meeting may be watched via a video conferencing platform at or listened to by calling 888-788-0099 or 877-853-5247 (toll free) using meeting ID 530 123 2921 and following the prompts. Applicants and their representatives who have items on the Planning and Zoning Board agenda and who want to comment on their item or be able to answer questions from the Board should fill out an applicant online comment card at least 1 hour prior to the start of the meeting. Prior to the start of the meeting, call 888-788-0099 or 877-853-5247 (toll free) use meeting ID 530 123 2921 and follow the prompts. You will be able to listen to the meeting; and when the item you have indicated that you want to speak on is before the Board, your line will be taken off mute and you will be given an opportunity to speak. 
For any difficulty accessing this meeting, please call 480-644-2099
Planning and Zoning Board - Study Session 
City of Mesa Meeting Agenda - Final 
Mesa Council Chambers 57 East First Street 
Chair Dane Astle 
Vice Chair Jessica Sarkissian Boardmember Tim Boyle Boardmember Shelly Allen Boardmember Jeffrey Crockett Boardmember Deanna Villanueva-Saucedo Boardmember Benjamin Ayers 
Wednesday, March 24, 2021 3:00 PM Virtual Platform 

1 Call meeting to order 

2 Review items on the agenda for the March 24, 2021 regular Planning and Zoning Board Hearing
3 Hear a presentation and discuss the Planning Division’s work plan, including a list of major land use planning strategies and goals for 2021 and into the future 
File #:PZ 21039   
Type:PZ PresentationStatus:Agenda Ready
In control:Planning and Zoning Board - Study Session
On agenda:3/24/2021
Title:Hear a presentation and discuss the Planning Division’s work plan, including a list of major land use planning strategies and goals for 2021 and into the future.
Attachments:1. Planning Division Presentation

PRESENTATION 17 Power Point Slides
Planning Strategies 
Nana Appiah, Planning Director 
Rachel Prelog, Senior Planner 
March 24, 2021

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Presentation Goals: 
Discuss the City’s land use and development activities, strategies and priorities for improving the urban form 
Outline • High-level concepts • Specific work plan for 2021 • Near-term (2-5 years) goals

Major Land Use Projects
• Eastmark, Cadence and Avalon Crossing Planned Community build-out 
• Destination at Gateway 
• Commercial and industrial development in southeast Mesa 
• Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport expansion 
• Hawes Crossing 
• Landing 202 
• Site 17 
 Falcon Field District 
• Continued development proposals and growth of the City

General Plan Overarching policy document -- expression of the community ’s goals and priorities that guides the future action of the City
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Required to be updated every 10 years and approved by voters - Due 2024 
• Entails significant stakeholder and community outreach 
• Coordinate effort with sub -element updates e.g. Transportation Master Plan, Balanced Housing Plan, Parks, etc.

Sub-Area Planning 
Identify new sub-area planning areas and pursue opportunities 
• Communities unto themselves 
• Define the urban form and character 
• Build upon their uniqueness and sense of place 
• Utilize overlay zones to specify distinct development standards

Corridor Plans 
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• Identify corridors ripe for redevelopment or in need of planning for the future 
• Encourage pedestrian connectivity to neighborhoods, open space, and key destinations in Mesa 
• Harness corridors for their view, as potential amenities, and utilization for alternative modes of transportation 
• Evaluate adjacent land uses and development standards 13

Revitalization Plans Redevelopment Plans, Adaptive Reuse, and Infill Strategies 
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• Evaluate existing Redevelopment Plans and implementation tools 
 Town Center Redevelopment Area 
 Southwest Redevelopment Area 
 West Redevelopment Area 
 East Redevelopment Area 
• Identify strategies to revitalize deserted malls, vacant shopping centers, and blighted strip malls

2021 Zoning Strategies In Process 
• Text Amendments  Recreational Marijuana  Community Residence  Subdivision Regulations  Leisure and Recreation District (LR) standards 
• Infill Development Guidelines 
• Small Lot Development Guidelines 
• Historic Preservation Guidelines 16 

Near Future 
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• Begin planning for the 10-year General Plan update 
• Conduct sub-area plan evaluations 
• Explore placemaking strategies 
 Wayfinding Plans 
 Streetscape Design Guidelines 
• Explore a Lehi area zoning overlay 

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Zoning Strategies 17 
•10-year General Plan Update 
• Corridor Plans 
• New Sub-Area Plans 
• Revitalization Plans and Strategies 
• Explore Potential Zoning Overlay Districts - including Downtown

4 Planning Director's Updates
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 • Decisions of the City Council’s March 15, 2021 land use hearings

5 Adjournment.

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