15 March 2021

Mesa City Manager Chris Brady: "The Only Game In Town" at Last Thursday's Council Study Session - 3/11/2021

WATCH THIS - The featured screengrab used by city-owned Mesa Channel 11 tells part of the story. It's the presentation for Item *5-a "Fee Modifications" for Parks & Recreation... Whatever happened to the long-time Director Marc Heirshberg??

Pardon me for being curious about that when there are so many more items to get more curious about, including the last presentation to get some 'air-time'  near the end of almost two hours, involving the proposed annexation of 337 acres of land for a private sports complex.

Or how about spending $2,845,759.03 - close to 3 million dollars - to expand the Mesa Cemetery?? And they want to try to move the CAP Canal! And councilmember Mark Freeman can possibly offer "some traction" to alter or change the waterway???

ONE MORE CLUE: Listen to what Chris Brady has to say about 48:25 in to this study session... does the City of Mesa make 25-year contracts to purchase electric energy from the Western Area Power Alliance?


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Kamala Harris, Volodymyr Zelenskyy discuss ongoing war in Ukraine | FOX ...

Hmmm, there's a long delay - took a  while of 17 minutes in a 26-44-minute media appearance to get their acts together