10 May 2021

From June 2019 > Flashback To The Future DATA CENTERS and Project Red Hawk



... Sunbelt Investment Holdings paying $18.835 million to acquire the 203-acre tract, which is at the northeast corner of Elliot and Ellsworth roads

The City of Mesa's "Sales-Pitch" To Lure Google BIG DATA CENTER Here with Tax Incentives

So far, the public has known few details
Scroll down to see new OZone Red Hawk Employment Opportunity District
Southeast Mesa District 6
There are Approved Minutes available that will take you a few minutes to take a look at - just enough extracted here for your interest. . .
Bill Jabjiniak, the city's Director of the Office of Economic Development two days ago

Back to March 20, 2019 when some thing was "not known at this time"
> 1 Phasing
The RHEOD is designed to accommodate the construction of buildings over time in response to technological advances and market conditions.

Accordingly, the 187-acre property will develop in phases, the timing and size of which are not known at this time.
> 2 This request will establish zoning to guide future development of employment and industrial uses.
APPLICANT: W. Ralph Pew, Pew & Lake, PLC
  • MBR Land I, an Arizona General Partnership
  • MBR Land I, LLP
  • B&K Land Investment Co., et al
  • Morrison Ranch, Inc.


Existing General Plan Designation and Zoning Classification Relationship to Surrounding Properties
As shown in the graphic below, the site is bound on the north by a

250-foot wide electrical transmission line easement corridor, including multiple 69 kV, 230 kV and 500 kV SRP transmission lines. 

Beyond the easement corridor are single-family residential homes.
All these data centers use huge amounts of electricity and water

Please note the adjacent parcels of real estate that are exclusive gated enclaves of Master-Planned Communities, like Eastmark.
Likewise note the proximity to the Phoenix Mesa Gateway Area that may raise concerns for residents over flight patterns and noise.
The site is also bound on the east by Sossaman Road, vacant agricultural property and a house of worship, on the south by Elliott Road and agricultural property that is still in Maricopa County and on the west by the RWCD canal and vacant agricultural property.  At the far northwest corner of the site is the Gilbert Public Schools transportation operations center.
(Blogger Note: See other location markers)
Sales Price for the 186 acres?
Google’s plans in Mesa were revealed in news coverage from the East Valley Tribune, which reports that the incentive package for Google is expected to be approved in a Monday city council meeting. . . the Elliot Road Technology Corridor will be anchored by Apple at one end and Google at the other. There’s plenty of data center development planned in between, including a new project from EdgeCore Internet Real Estate .
Companies that have purchased land in the corridor include Digital Realty, CyrusOne and EdgeConneX, while several others are said to be shopping sites.
Project Red Hawk 
Employment Opportunity District Project Narrative [7 Pages]

Revised February 19, 2019  
> Introduction
"Pew & Lake, PLC is pleased to provide this project narrative and related materials to the City of Mesa in support of the proposed Red Hawk Employment Opportunity District (RHEOD).
This Narrative is provided pursuant to Section 11-14-5(B) of the City of Mesa Zoning Ordinance (MZO) and is provided in addition to an RHEOD Development Plan and RHEOD > Development Plan Map.
This document will establish how the proposed RHEOD complies with the purpose, intent and requirements of the City of Mesa 2040 General Plan as well as Chapter 14 of the MZO relating to the Employment Opportunity (EO) District.
Purpose of Request
The applicant is requesting a rezone of the approximately 187-acre property from Light Industrial (LI) and Planned Employment Park (PEP) to an Employment Opportunity (EO) district known as the Red Hawk Employment Opportunity District (RHEOD).
The purpose of the request is to: 
1. Expedite the entitlement processes for the development of this property to better attract high technology users to this site.

2. Establish site planning guidelines to ensure compliance with the City of Mesa General Plan.
3. Establish height limitations on the property to ensure compatibility with the adjacent residentially-zoned property to the north.
4. Establish edge treatments that will ensure compatibility with the adjacent residentially-zoned property to the north.
5. Create a parcel that, through the application of the EO zoning designation, is nearly “shovel ready” and will allow for a nimble development response to advances in technology and changing market conditions.
> Compliance with Chapter 14: Employment Opportunity District
Section 11-14-2 of The City of Mesa Zoning Ordinance specifies that an Employment Opportunity District shall only be established for an area when the City Council finds that the property meets the following requirements:
1. That the property is located within an area designated Employment and/or Employment Mixed Use Activity in the Mesa General Plan

2. The area is a minimum of 160 contiguous acres. 
As noted above, the Red Hawk property is approximately 187 acres and is currently designated in the Mesa 2040 General Plan as Employment Mixed Use Activity District.  Accordingly, this property is appropriate for designation as an Employment Opportunity District.

Amendment Procedure
Amendments to the approved RHEOD will follow the procedures outlined in Section 11-14-9 of the MZO. 
The RHEOD is designed to accommodate the construction of buildings over time in response to technological advances and market conditions.
Accordingly, the 187-acre property will develop in phases, the timing and size of which are not known at this time.
> February 22, 1990:  Annexed to City of Mesa (Ord. #2842) April 2, 1990:
Rezoned from County Rural-43 to City AG
 (Case #Z90-009, Ord. #2511
> October 16, 2006: (adjacent to the north)
City Council approval of a rezoning from AG to R1-6-PADDMP, R1-7-PAD-DMP, R1-9-PAD-DMP and C-1-PAD-DMP and the establishment of the Desert Place at Morrison Ranch (Residential) Development Master Plan.
(Case #Z06-066, Ord. #4602
> November 20, 2006:
City Council approval of a rezoning from AG to PEP-PAD-DMP and LI-PAD-DMP and the establishment of the Desert Place at Morrison Ranch (Industrial) Development Master Plan.  (Case #Z06-083, Ord. #4633)   
The applicant has completed a Citizen Participation Process, which included mailed letters to property owners within 1,000’ of the site, as well as HOAs and registered neighborhoods within a mile of the site. 
The applicant also held a neighborhood meeting on February 27, 2019 at Paloma Community Church located adjacent (east) to the site and across Sossaman Road. 
As of writing this report, staff has not been contacted by any residents or property owners in the area to express support or opposition to the request.

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