10 May 2021

"Raging Wire" ?? Overload Data Center Demands Encounter Low-Voltage Public Resistance

Here's one more instance of corporate-owned mainstream media dubious reporting intended to manipulate and to influence public opinion by Tom Scanlon, Managing Editor of the East Valley Tribune - it's all about the jargon used by city officials in "administrative reviews"
"Once the opt-in is approved, a project for the most part falls off the radar of public viewing of design plans and approval by boards. . ." 
The news broke here in Mesa yesterday, after a closed-door Executive Session of the Mesa City Council at a study session about 'a very big deal". However, back in March there was an un-notice hearing in front of the Planning & Zoning Board that tells the story and gives a narrative to rezone and qualify Red Hawk as a job-creation area - Red Hawk Employment Opportunity District
Very careful wording with this disclaimer more than three months ago:
Please read the official narrative and City Council staff report with the denial
"not known at this time"

The following is part of a post on this blog earlier this year
25 March 2019
Mesa Planning & Zoning Board Public Hearing Last Week Wed 20 March 2019
Here we go Loop-de-Loop!
We're talkin' here about massive developments in-the-works  mostly in the "Outer Loops" that were up at a Public Hearing last week on Wednesday 20 March 2019 in front of the Mesa Planning & Zoning Board - nothing to get bored about in either the Outer or Outer Loops or the east-west tech corridors and industrial parks on the planning boards. Seriously - Take the time to find out.
Here are all the links you need > Digitize
Two geographic hot spots: Scroll down to see new OZone Redhawk RHEOD
Northeast Mesa District 5 and Southeast Mesa District 6 There are Minutes available that will take you a long to take a look at - just enough extracted here for your interest. . .
Item 4-e: 187 acres
to create the Red Hawk Employment Opportunity Zone
Project Red Hawk 
Employment Opportunity District Project Narrative [7 Pages]

Revised February 19, 2019  
Pew & Lake, PLC is pleased to provide this project narrative and related materials to the City of Mesa in support of the proposed Red Hawk Employment Opportunity District (RHEOD). . .
The area is a minimum of 160 contiguous acres. 
As noted above, the Red Hawk property is approximately 187 acres and is currently designated in the Mesa 2040 General Plan as Employment Mixed Use Activity District.  Accordingly, this property is appropriate for designation as an Employment Opportunity District.

Amendment Procedure
Amendments to the approved RHEOD will follow the procedures outlined in Section 11-14-9 of the MZO. 
The RHEOD is designed to accommodate the construction of buildings over time in response to technological advances and market conditions.
Playing the land market in the south East Valley has paid off for the speculators who moved in early. Although public records do not reveal exactly how much money the land dealers are making, court records and other documents show that tens of millions of dollars are changing hands in single transactions as the speculators sell off hundreds of acres they locked up a decade ago.Records also show the speculators are using some of that money to curry favor with the politicians who must approve their plans.
Development interests are the largest class of donors to political campaigns for city and town councils and county supervisors in the area -----------------------------------

30 June 2019

HUGE Give-Aways For Ga-Ga-GaZillion Tech Giant Google Data Center Here in Mesa?

That's right and it's as they like to say A BIG DEAL - it's up on the agenda for tomorrow's Mesa City Council Public Meeting.
According to mainstream media reports, the City Council is "primed" to approve it.
If you want some of the hype - and sketchy details - you know where you can go > Google Picks Mesa for Giant Data Center  
"Technology giant Google is coming to Mesa, lured by a tax incentive agreement to build a massive data center in the emerging Elliot Road Technology Corridor. . . The Mesa City Council is primed to approve the Google development agreement at its meeting on Monday night."
HOLD ON! We've been kept in the dark about this in a confidentiality agreement with the company by city officials. We learned that tidbit after a closed-door Executive Session scheduled on the agenda at last Thursday's City Council Study Session.
To keep it quiet it was code-named Project Red Hawk. . . the deal isn't done until the City Council approves it.
As it turns out, there was little or no public involvement, engagement or participation in this project - even when it was disguised and hidden as Project Red Hawk in a City of Mesa Planning & Zoning Board Hearing on March 20,2019.
< If the real truth gets told, there are few jobs that go with data centers. That's simply a fact.
When's the last time you ever "got social" with any of the seven elected members of the Mesa City Council?
Know how to get social with the Mesa City Council:
  • Use your phone and call
  • Email
  • Post a message on their Facebook or Twitter pages
What details doesn't the public know about the give-aways?
In the opening link for one Mainstream news story, Mesa Mayor John Giles is quoted as saying:
“In terms of a financial deal, this is home run. This is a great day, . . "  Giles said Google’s decision to build the data center in Mesa means that the Elliot Road Tech Corridor will be anchored at each end by one of the world’s largest tech companies, Apple and Google.
“There’s no city that would not be envious of that,’’ Giles said.
He said the project has been known to insiders by a code name, “Project Red Hawk,’’ for more than a year because Mesa signed a confidentiality agreement with Google.
Hmmm.... Time to disclose for Hizzoner!
Data centers becoming dominant force in Mesa

By Tom Scanlon, Tribune Managing Editor

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