18 October 2021

AGENDAS: Mesa City Council Mon 2021

City Council Study Session 
Meeting Agenda - Final
Monday, October 18, 2021 5:00 PM Lower Council Chambers 
Roll Call (City Council members participate in person, telephonically, or electronically.) 
1 Review and discuss items on the agenda for the October 18, 2021 regular Council meeting
2 Current events summary including meetings and conferences attended
3 Scheduling of meetings
4 Convene an Executive Session
Discussion or consultation for legal advice with the City Attorney. (A.R.S. §38-431.03A (3)) 
Discussion or consultation with the City Attorney in order to consider the City’s position and instruct the City Attorney 
regarding the City’s position regarding pending or contemplated litigation or in settlement discussions conducted 
in order to avoid or resolve litigation. (A.R.S. §38-431.03A(4)) 
1. Jennifer Lane v. City of Mesa, et al., United States District Court, Case No. CV-19-00852-SMB 4-a 
5 Adjournment.
City Council Meeting Agenda - Final October 18, 2021 
Mayor's Welcome 
Roll Call 
Invocation by Reverend Ozetta Kirby with Holy Trinity Community AME Church 

Pledge of Allegiance Awards, Recognitions and Announcements 
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18 CONTRACTS ITEM *4 (*4-i and *4-j were discussed on thu 
4 Take action on the following contracts: 
21-1055 Three-Year Term Contract with Two Years of Renewal Options for Offset Printing for Small Press Works for the Business Services Department (Citywide) 
Print Services will use this contract for offset printing for small press work to complete City printing projects that Print Services does not have the proper equipment to complete, 
or it is not economically possible for them to complete these types of projects. An evaluation committee recommends awarding the contract to the highest scored proposals 
Capitol Litho Corporation, dba Capitol Litho
Di-Mor Business Forms, Inc.
Metiers D & E, LLC (a Mesa business)
at $90,000 annually, with an annual increase allowance of up to 5%, or the adjusted Producer Price Index. *4-a 

21-1050 One-Year Term Con)tract for Dynamo Playground and Park Equipment Custom Replacement Parts and Repairs for the for the Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities Department (PRCF) (Sole Source) (Citywide)
PRCF has seven parks that have custom-built, proprietary playground equipment provided by Dynamo Industries, including the Genesis and the Big Green Climber at Riverview Park and the Orange Monster at Eastmark. 
This contract will provide parts, repairs and add-on equipment for Dynamo playground and park equipment. 
This contract will repair significant damage at the Orange Monster and recent damage from a traffic accident to the Big Green Climber. 
 Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities Department and Purchasing recommend awarding the contract to the sole source vendor, Dynamo Industries at $300,000, based on estimated quantities. *4-b 

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21-1057 Three-Year Term Contract with Two Years of Renewal Options for Tire Recapping Services for the Fleet Services Department (Citywide) 
This contract will provide tire recapping services including necessary repairs, and necessary purchase of tires, for the City’s fleet of heavy-duty vehicles. 
Types of repairs include nail hole repairs, section repairs, sidewall spot repairs, tread spot repairs and bead under-tread spot repairs. 
An evaluation committee recommends awarding the contract to the highest scored proposal from Southern Tire Mart, LLC, at $415,000 annually, with an annual increase allowance of up to 5%, or the adjusted Producer Price Index. *4-c 

21-1052 Three-Year Term Contract with Two Years of Renewal Options for Glock Weapon Parts and Accessories for the Mesa Police Department (Citywide) 
An initial purchase of optics with mounting plates, weapon lights and holsters is needed for the 899 existing weapons. 
> 50 weapons will outfit new recruits and provide capacity for an additional 50 weapons that will be used for spares and to backfill purchases by retiring officers. 
In addition, range personnel require Glock parts for repairs and maintenance. 
The Police Department and Purchasing recommend awarding the contract to the single, responsive, and responsible bidder, ProForce Marketing, Inc. dba ProForce Law Enforcement
  • Year 1 at $600,000 annually and 
  • Years 2 and 3 at $250,000 annually, 
with an annual increase allowance of up to 5%, or the adjusted Consumer Price Index. *4-d 

21-1053 Purchase of Portable and Mobile Two-Way Radios 
(54 Vehicle Radios and 67 Handheld Radios) 
(All Additions) for the Mesa Police Department; Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities (PRCF) Department; and Community Services Department (Citywide) 
Departments have identified the need and funding for portable and mobile radios to support their staff and operations. 
  • The Police Department requires 39 radios for Police vehicles and 50 handheld radios. 
  • PRCF requires 10 radios for Park Ranger trucks and 12 handheld radios. 
  • Community Services Department - Animal Control requires 5 radios for Animal Control trucks and 5 handheld radios. 
The Police Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the purchase using the State or Arizona contract with Motorola Solutions, Inc., at $756,000, based on estimated requirements. 
This purchase is funded by Public Safety Sales Tax Fund and Capital General Fund. *4-e 

 of Mesa Page 4 Printed on 10/14/2021 City Council Meeting Agenda - Final October 18, 2021 

21-1056 Dollar-Limit Increase to the Term Contract for Safety and Medical Supplies for the Mesa Police Department (Citywide) In June of 2021, a contract extension was approved and a contract value increase of $25,000 was approved for expenditures through 12/30/2021. This amount is not sufficient for current and upcoming orders, largely due to increases in costs for supplies resulting from COVID-19. The Police Department and Purchasing recommend increasing the dollar-limit with Henry Schein Inc.; Life-Assist, Inc.; and Mastermans LLP, by $50,000 from $25,000 to $75,000 through December 30, 2021. *4-f 

21-1059 Ratification of the Emergency Purchase of a Dispatch Console (Addition) for the Mesa Police Department (Citywide) This purchase of a Motorola 7500 console is for Police Communications. The additional console is an important part of on-boarding dispatch services for the Queen Creek Police Department. Without the console being in place, the expansion would be negatively impacted, and dispatch resources would need to be pulled from Mesa Police functions. The Police Department and Purchasing recommend ratifying the purchase using the State or Arizona contract with Motorola Solutions, Inc., at $88,355.83. This purchase is fully funded by the Regional Dispatch System IGA with the Town of Queen Creek. *4-g 

21-1051 Three-Year Term Contract with Three Years of Renewal Options for EZ-IO Needles and Video Laryngoscopes for the Mesa Fire and Medical Department (Sole Source) (Citywide) This contract will provide Teleflex EZ-IO needles used to establish intraosseous vascular access and video laryngoscope blades that work with the video laryngoscope cameras the City has purchased for use throughout the department. The Mesa Fire and Medical Department and Purchasing recommend awarding the contract to the sole source vendor, Teleflex, LLC, at $170,000 annually, with an annual increase allowance of up to 5%, or the adjusted Producer Price Index. *4-h City of Mesa Page 5 Printed on 10/14/2021 City Council Meeting Agenda - Final October 18, 2021 

21-1040 Purchase of One, E-One Electric Fire Pumper Truck (Addition) for the Mesa Fire and Medical Department (Citywide) 
This unit will be an addition to the fleet and will be a frontline unit responding out of the new Station 221 in Eastmark. 
This will be the first electric apparatus in the fleet, and one of the first fully electric fire pumper in the United States. 
The pumper will have a tighter turning radius enabling greater maneuverability for dense neighborhoods while matching our current fleet aesthetic. 
The unit will be able to pump four lines at 750GPM for nearly four hours or run 10 medical calls back-to-back on a single charge. 
An evaluation committee recommends awarding the contract to the highest scored proposal from H & E Equipment Services, LLC / E-One, at $1,428,929.35. 
This purchase is funded by 2018 Public Safety Bonds and Capital General Fund. *4-i 

21-1041 Purchase of Two, E-One Fire Pumper Trucks (Replacements) for the Mesa Fire and Medical Department (Citywide) 
The new apparatus will be used as emergency response frontline apparatus. 
These will be the first non-Pierce pumpers in the fleet in over 20 years. 
The apparatus that are being replaced have met the established criteria and will be sold by a sealed bid process. 
The Mesa Fire and Medical Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the purchase using the Sourcewell cooperative contract with H & E Equipment Services, at $1,588,161.96. 
This purchase is funded by 2018 Public Safety Bonds. *4-j 

21-1116 Purchase of Five Emergency Response Vehicles (All Additions) for the Mesa Fire and Medical Department (Citywide) 
Mesa Fire and Medical Department will purchase these ambulances to address the current COVID public emergency. 
Using the cooperative contract for this purchase is in the City’s best interest. 
These ambulances will be rotated into service as other units are taken out of service for cleaning and disinfection. 
They will remain in the fleet after the pandemic subsides. 
The Mesa Fire and Medical Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the purchase using the Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) cooperative contract with Professional Sales and Service, L.C., at $1,416,488.19, including sales tax, based on estimated requirements. 
This purchase is funded by American Rescue Plan Act funding. *4-k 

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2021 21-1060 Dollar-Limit Increase to the Term Contract for Residential Refuse and Recycling Containers for the Environmental Management and Sustainability Department (Citywide) 
The increase is needed for price increases for the 35-gallon, 65-gallon, and 95-gallon plastic refuse, and recycling containers. 
The increases that are competitively priced; the Producer Price Index increased by 46%. 
The Environmental Management and Sustainability Department and Purchasing recommend increasing the dollar-limit with 
Otto Environmental Systems North America, Inc. (Primary); and 
Schaefer Systems International, Inc. (Secondary) 
by $150,000, from $1,300,000 to $1,450,000 annually through Year 4 of the term contract, with an annual increase allowance of up to 5%, or the adjusted Consumer Price Index. *4-l 

21-1042 Signal Butte Road - Williams Field Road to Germann Road Project (District 6) 
Construction of the two miles of Signal Butte Road from Williams Field Road to Germann Road will provide a vital connection to the new State Route (SR) 24 Freeway and extend Signal Butte Road from the southern City limits at Germann Road north to Williams Field Road. 
The construction of the new roadway will provide additional access for commercial, industrial, and residential development in southeast Mesa and is an important arterial street connection to the new SR24 when completed. 
Staff recommends awarding the contract for this project to the lowest, responsible bidder, Sunland Asphalt & Construction LLC, in the amount of $12,531,091.32, and authorizing a change order allowance in the amount of $1,253,109.13 (10%), for a total amount of $13,963,518.30. 
  • The Transportation portion of this project is funded by 2020 Street Bonds and the Transportation Fund, of which 94.3% will be reimbursed by the ADOT (federal) grant under the STBG program. 
  • The Water portion of this project is funded by 2014 Water Bonds and Utility Revenue Obligations. *4-m 

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21-1099 Gas SCADA System Improvements Project (District 3, Tempe, and Pinal County) 
The City's natural gas utility is required to monitor system pressures at the outlets of all regulator stations as part of the operations and federal code requirements. 
This project includes the installation of the new Gas SCADA System that uses a pole-mounted, solar-powered controller with an antenna to convey information to the Utility Control Center located at the Charles Luster building. 
Staff recommends awarding the contract for this project to Green Tanner Industrial Construction, in the amount of $342,386.80, and authorizing a change order allowance in the amount of $34,239 (10%), for a total award of $376,625.80. 
This project is funded by 2014 gas bonds. *4-n 

21-1054 Use of a Cooperative Contract with an Initial Term of 22-Months and Four Years of Renewal Options for Water and Wastewater Pump Equipment, Parts and Pumping Systems for the Water Resources Department (Sole Source) (Citywide) 
This contract will provide for the purchase of various pumps, pump equipment, parts and pumping systems. 
The Chandler cooperative contract will allow the City of Mesa to replace and repair pumps not covered under the Mesa contract and provide maintenance and repair services as specified in the Chandler contract. 
The Water Resources Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the purchase using the City of Chandler cooperative contract with James, Cooke and Hobsons, at $450,000 annually, with an annual increase allowance of up to 5%, or the adjusted Consumer Price Index. *4-o 

21-1058 Three-Year Term Contract with Two Years of Renewal Options for Wood Poles for the Materials and Supply Warehouse (for the Energy Resources Department) (Single Bid Response) (Citywide) 
This contract will provide electric utility wood poles per specifications, which are required to maintain existing overhead infrastructure and facilitate capital improvement projects that affect existing overhead pole lines. It also supports routine life cycle replacement of depreciated units. 
The Business Services and Energy Resources Departments and Purchasing recommend awarding the contract to the single, responsive, and responsible bidder, Stella-Jones Corporation, at $141,000 annually, with an annual increase allowance of up to 5%, or the adjusted Consumer Price Index. *4-p 

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21-1039 Purchase of One, Diesel Seal Coat Trailer (Replacement/Upgrade) for the Transportation Department (Citywide) 
Transportation’s Field Operations has been renting equipment over the last four years to meet the demand of crack sealing on the City’s streets. 
 The new equipment will perform additional functions and not only replace the need for rental equipment but will also give staff the ability to better balance pavement preservation treatments throughout the year. 
The trailer unit that is being replaced no longer meets the department’s requirements and will be either traded, auctioned, sold, or deployed to special uses. 
The Fleet Services and Transportation Departments and Purchasing recommend authorizing the purchase using the Sourcewell cooperative contract with Crafco, Inc., at $75,323.86. 
This purchase is funded by the Local Streets Fund. *4-q 

21-1046 Three-Year Term Contract with Two Years of Renewal Options for Concrete Installation, Repair, and Utility Adjustments for the Transportation Department (Citywide) 
The contractor will provide all labor, materials, equipment, and tools required to perform concrete installation and repair services. 
Utility adjustment services will include minor concrete work and the adjustment of gas and water valves, survey monuments, sewer cleanout, and manholes associated with utility cut repairs and/or failed utility frames and other related services. 
An evaluation committee recommends awarding the contract to the highest scored proposal from Lincoln Constructors, Inc., at $6,369,000 annually, with an annual increase allowance of up to 5%, or the adjusted Consumer Price Index. 
This purchase is funded by the Local Streets Fund.

5 Take action on the following resolutions: 
21-1025 Approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Subrecipient Agreement with the Arizona Department of Homeland Security to receive up to $217,884 in grant funds for equipment and training for the Fire and Medical Department's Rapid Response Task Force 2021. (Citywide) *5-a 

21-1026 Approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Subrecipient Agreement with the Arizona Department of Homeland Security to receive up to $65,950 in grant funds by the Fire and Medical Department for cybersecurity software products for the City of Mesa Cybersecurity Project. (Citywide) *5-b 

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21-1028 Approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Subrecipient Agreement with the Arizona Department of Homeland Security to receive up to $132,690 in grant funds for the City of Mesa Cybersecurity Project. 
The funds will be used to purchase cybersecurity software to be utilized by the Fire and Medical's Urban Area Security Initiative Rapid Response Team. (Citywide) *5-c 

21-1029 Approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Subgrantee Agreement with the Federal Emergency Management Agency to receive $1,157,782 in Assistance to Firefighter Grant funds, with a required City match of $115,779 (10%). 
The funds will be used for cancer screening physicals and other health screenings for Mesa firefighters. (Citywide) *5-d 

21-1027 Approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Reimbursable Grant Agreement with the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) Multimodal Planning Division Aeronautics Group for the Reconstruction of the Anzio Ramp at Falcon Field Airport. 
The total cost for this project is $550,000, with ADOT paying 90% ($495,000) and the City will be responsible for the remaining 10% ($55,000); funded by the Falcon Field Airport Enterprise Fund. (District 5) *5-e 

21-0884 Approving the procurement of, and authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and enter into, a contract for an Advanced Metering Infrastructure/Smart Metering (AMI) Solution with one of the qualified and responsive vendors for an expected seventy-six million four hundred thousand dollars ($76,400,000) for the initial five-year term, with two five-year renewal options estimated at eight million five hundred thousand dollars ($8,500,000) for the second term and ten million eight hundred thousand dollars ($10,800,000) for the third term, such estimated amounts being subject to adjustments and contingencies as provided in the contract. 
The contract will provide a turn-key solution for an Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) system that supports the goals and objectives for the Energy Resources and Water Resources Departments. 
These include timely access to usage data for all stakeholders; enhanced utility-to-customer communication; increased customer engagement; improved operational effectiveness and productivity; and increased knowledge and responsiveness to service outages and anomalies. (Citywide) *5-f 

21-1019 Approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter an Exchange Agreement with Action Zone Business 17, LLC, and issuing a permit for the filling of an artificial lake on property southeast of the intersection of Power and Warner Roads, a development known as "Cannon Beach", under Mesa City Code title 8, Chapter 10, Section 7. (District 6) 

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21-1065 Approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with Gilbert Unified School District No. 41 for solid waste/recycling collection. (Citywide) *5-h 

21-1020 ZON21-00449 (District 6) Within the 5400 block of South Power Road (east side). 
Located south of Ray Road on the east side of Power Road (2.4± acres)
Site Plan Review. 
This request will allow for the development of a restaurant with a drive-thru. 
  • Kevin Zenk, Sustainability Engineering Group, LLC, applicant
  • GS TRUST/5427 S POWER LLC, owner. 
Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions 
P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 5-0)
File #:21-1020   
Type:ResolutionStatus:Agenda Ready
In control:City Council
On agenda:10/18/2021
Title:ZON21-00449 (District 6)  Within the 5400 block of South Power Road (east side).  Located south of Ray Road on the east side of Power Road
(2.4± acres). 
Site Plan Review. 
This request will allow for the development of a restaurant with a drive-thru. 
  • Kevin Zenk, Sustainability Engineering Group, LLC, applicant
  • GS TRUST/5427 S POWER LLC, owner
Staff Recommendation:  Approval with conditions P&Z Board Recommendation:  Approval with conditions (Vote: 5-0)
Attachments:1. Staff Report, 2. Resolution, 3. Vicinity Map, 4. Site Plan, 5. P&Z Minutes, 6. 06-Submittal Documents
ITEM 6 3 Ordinances
6 Discuss, receive public comment, and take action on the following ordinances: 
21-0970 Amending Sections 10-4-3 and 10-4-5 of the Mesa City Code to modify the speed limit from 45 mph to 35 mph on Guadalupe Road from a point six hundred twenty feet 
(620’) east of Signal Butte Road to the east City limits, as recommended by the Transportation Advisory Board. (District 6) *6-a 

21-0957 ZON21-00397 (District 6) 
Within the 6900 to 7200 blocks of East Hampton Avenue (south side) and within the 1500 block of South Clearview Avenue (west side). 
Located south of Southern Avenue and east of Power Road 
(17.5± acres). 
Rezone from Limited Commercial with a Planned Area Development Overlay (LC-PAD) to Limited Commercial with a Planned Area Development Overlay (LC-PAD-PAD), 
Council Use Permit and Site Plan Review. 
This request will allow for a multiple residence development. 
  • Brennan Ray, Burch & Cracchiolo, PLC, applicant; 
  • Mesa Pavilions Retail LLC & GFI-Mesa Investments Limited Partnership, owner. 
Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 6-0) *6-b 

21-0958 ZON21-00543 (District 6) 
Within the 7300 to 7600 blocks of the East Warner Road alignment (south side) and within the 4400 to 4800 blocks of the South Sossaman Road alignment (west side). 
Located west of the Sossaman Road alignment and south of the Warner Road alignment 
(112± acres). 
Rezone from LI and AG to LI-PAD; and Site Plan Review. 
This request will allow for the development of an industrial business park. 
  • Reese Anderson, Pew & Lake, PLC, applicant
  • Structures Investment LLC, owner
Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions 
P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 5-0) *6-c 

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7 Take action on the following subdivision plat: 
21-1031 “La Mira - Phase 2” (District 6
Within the 5800 to 6000 blocks of South Signal Butte Road (east side) and within the 10800 to 11100 clocks of East Williams Field Road (north side).
 Located east of Signal Butte Road and north of Williams Field Road 
(43.5 ± acres). 
  • Taylor Morrison, Inc, developer
  • Brian J. Diehl, Wood Patel & Associates, Inc., surveyor 
File #:21-1031   
Type:Subdivision PlatStatus:Agenda Ready
In control:City Council
On agenda:10/18/2021
Title:“La Mira - Phase 2” (District 6) 
Within the 5800 to 6000 blocks of South Signal Butte Road (east side) and within the 10800 to 11100 clocks of East Williams Field Road (north side). 
Located east of Signal Butte Road and north of Williams Field Road
(43.5 ± acres).  Taylor Morrison, Inc, developer; Brian J. Diehl, Wood Patel & Associates, Inc., surveyor.
Attachments:1. Council Memo,
2. Vicinity Map,
3. Final Plat,
4. Preliminary Plat

Items not on the Consent Agenda 
8 Items from citizens present. (Maximum of three speakers for three minutes per speaker).

1 Take action on all consent agenda items. Items on the Consent Agenda 
*2 21-0998 Approval of minutes of previous meetings as written
File #:21-0998   
Type:MinutesStatus:Agenda Ready
In control:City Council
On agenda:10/18/2021
Title:Approval of minutes of previous meetings as written
Attachments:1. September 9, 2021 Study.pdf
2. September 23, 2021 Study.pdf
3. October 4, 2021 Study.pdf
4. October 4, 2021 Regular.pdf 

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