20 December 2023

AZCIR We need your support to unlock matching funds

 . . .as you also know, we can’t do this work without you. We have less than two weeks to raise more than $5,000 for our NewsMatch campaign, which triggers another $50,000 in matching funds. If you’ve been putting off that end-of-year donation, now is the time to click the donate button below.


Dear Tim,

Whether you’re a new subscriber to AZCIR or have been with us from the beginning, you know our investigative reporting is produced with a level of nuance and depth that’s hard to find elsewhere in our state.

There’s a reason you don’t see us in your inbox every day: Our reporting isn’t designed to fit in a single newsletter or summed up in 140 characters.

We seek truth, with context, and take the time required to get it right, often using data to expose inequities that would otherwise remain hidden. This means we don’t cut corners in our reporting process, and we don’t take your hard-earned dollars for granted when we pursue accountability journalism aggressively and methodically.

But, as you also know, we can’t do this work without you. We have less than two weeks to raise more than $5,000 for our NewsMatch campaign, which triggers another $50,000 in matching funds. If you’ve been putting off that end-of-year donation, now is the time to click the donate button below.

The general operating funds we raise during NewsMatch help establish our budget for the year ahead. And if the past few years are any indication of how Arizona fares in 2024, our small but growing team will need all the resources we can earn to continue providing the investigative coverage you deserve.

As a reminder, NewsMatch, along with local and national funders, will DOUBLE your one-time gift, or match your new monthly recurring donation—the best option for our sustainability—at its 12-month value!


Thanks, as always, for following and supporting our work.

With gratitude,

Brandon Quester
Executive Director and Editor
Arizona Center for Investigative Reporting

P.S. — There’s still time! Please help us spread the word by forwarding this email to friends and colleagues you think would be interested in supporting our newsroom.

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