Tuesday, April 05, 2016

ASU Downtown | Community Forum: Fill-In The Survey Blanks PLEASE > Just Talk + No Action ??

 Already five community colleges, colleges and universities here with very few students > what's the problem? - and two have moved on to other locations.
Do we really need more competition between institutions of higher learning for student dollars spent on education?.
No campus life with commuter and online options?
Just "floating a balloon" from the usual redevelopment tool-box? 
Shoot it down/ask questions Will this fly? ...
Please note, dear readers, this idea was announced with mucho mainstream media hyper-promotion as a fait accompli at Mayor John Giles State of The City speech back in January as part of his re-election campaign - not his usual "under-promise and over-deliver" mantra.
If this idea means so much to the president of ASU Michael Crow, why was he in London for an online course business signed agreement between ASU-Australia-England and not here in Mesa? It was a done deal, not an idea with no substance.
However, all the members of the Mesa City Council posed for a photo-op with ASU mascot "Sparky" here in the image to the right by photographer Ivan Martinez.
In a comment made by Mesa Economic Development director Bill Jabjiniak at the March meeting of the Economic Development Advisory Board, he states "it's just talk, nothing definite . . . "
ASU in Downtown Mesa
RAILmesa will hold a forum with Mayor John Giles on Tuesday, April 12 at 6pm at Volstead Public House.
Questions are posed . . . readers might want to ask how this will get financed and what locations are getting targeting for the brick-and-mortar part of this?
Will it be re-use of existing real estate or new construction?

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