Friday, April 29, 2016

The AZ GOP Sideshow Comes To Town Today: 58 State Delegates Up For Grabs

The Republican Party State Convention, taking place today and tomorrow, April 30, 2016 at the Mesa Convention Center is where the state delegates elected by the PCs* assemble to elect 55 delegates to be sent to the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July, where the Republican Nominee for President is selected.
Is this selection process going to get complicated? There is so much at stake - Arizona's 58 RNC Convention delegates could be 'the tipping-point" in the first round ballot to win a minimum of 1,237 votes for the GOP President nomination. Is it going to be ugly? 
On March 22nd, 286,743 Arizona voters cast their ballots for Donald Trump to be the Republican Party presidential nominee.  Ted Cruz got 172,294 votes - fewer votes than Bernie Sanders - in a state that is supposed to be conservative.According to the rules Trump needs 1,237 delegates to win the nomination at the Republican Party National Convention in Cleveland.  
According to the rules, his overwhelming Arizona victory means that all 58 Arizona GOP delegates are required to vote for Mr. Trump on the first round of voting but not any possible subsequent rounds.
* Republican Precinct Committeemen (PCs) are elected by Republican voters in each of Arizona’s nearly 1,500 voting precincts statewide.
PCs have gathered each month to conduct party business, and state law permits them to vote by proxy if  unable to attend a particular meeting. PCs can provide a signed, witnessed (or notarized) proxy form to a trusted Republican from their precinct who is attending the meeting, and who may cast their vote for them. The practice assures each and every PC can vote on party business, even if unable to physically attend the meeting.
[ In typical party meetings about half the votes are cast by proxy. For example at  a meeting in February of Maricopa County Republican PC’s chaired by Tyler Boyer there were 1,006 present at the meeting and an additional 989 who voted by a proxy given to another member. ]

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