Sunday, April 24, 2016

Here's Some Fun > More About Cougars [from Vice News]

Why, dear readers, might you think your MesaZona blogger would eve think about making fun of an all-male university's calling itself "Cougars" and what that same name means in the popular vernacular? . . .  perhaps " a major change in social norms"? Like when the North Carolina governor is stunned by nationwide reactions to a law about public bathrooms? Hello! And, yes social norms are changing
This article originally appeared on VICE UK
A Self-Described 'Cougar' Explains Why Young Men Make Life Worth Living       
By Helen Nianias; Illustrations: Polly Williams
April 23, 2016
"Tessa isn't like the stereotypical idea of a mom. The last time we met, she was taking an hour off from shagging a 22-year-old in east London while he waited for her in their hotel room.
Tessa's not her real name, but I can say that she's 49-years-old and was celibate for seven years while she was raising her 15-year-old son on her own. Now that her son's gone to live with her dad, Tessa says she feels like she has her life back. Using dating website Toyboy Warehouse, she's fulfilled almost every sexual fantasy she can think of with younger guys.
There's still no clear scientific consensus on when men and women hit their sexual peaks and how we can even define a person's sex drive, beyond the rudiments of how well our bits reach to stimulation. But I chatted to Tessa to get some of her insight on sexual fulfillment, contentment, and the quiet joy of getting crotchless pants delivered to your parents' house . . . I just need someone who has stamina and energy."
Read more by hitting on the article link

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