Wednesday, April 06, 2016

International Monetary Fund >> World Economic Outlook April 2016 Slower Growth Revised Down

Speeches given by SF Fed Reserve Bank president John Williams and U.S. Fed Reserve Bank Chief Janet Yelled have both been featured here in posts on this blog. One seemed to play down global influences while the other was cautions in these "certainly uncertain" times.
Today this is published
World Economic Outlook (WEO)
Analytical Chapters
April 2016

Here in black-and-white from the Fed meeting minutes 03.31.2016 [above] 

Yours truly cannot get hung up by trying to decipher and understand what all this academic language is all about, except for some words like slowdown, decline, and debt crises.
What I need are infographics and visuals to cut through twisted narratives that simply state what is going on, like this image to the right from the IMF with real projected figures for advanced and emerging economies.
[You can click on it to enlarge]
... or this that shows slower growth everywhere.
The U.S. is the second grouping from the left
Mostly enthusiastic and upbeat mainstream media reporting on reports released by the government that turn out, as the infographic clearly shows that growth forecasts are revised down.

Press Briefing: World Economic Outlook, Analytical Chapters, April 2016                        
April 6, 2016
Watch the 25;17 video >>

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