Thursday, April 28, 2016

Mesa Channel 11 > WE DEVELOP HUGE CONTENT // 28-Page Strategic Priority Place Making

With only a salaried staff of three, Mesa Channel 11 with operation facilities inside City Hall provides and develops content for  Mesa residents, visitors, employers, educators and more, from Public Service Announcements to News Magazine shows, Mesa 11 produces and broadcasts news and events in and around the City of Mesa.
Link >> Mesa Channel 11 
In the interest of keeping citizens, residents [and voters] informed about what our elected representatives to the Mesa City Council actually do on-the-job and how meetings are conducted it's a good thing to see in-person and first-hand the Mayor, City Manager, and the six councilmembers.
Oftentimes very few members of the public show up at City Council meetings and study sessions [or make comments] for one reason or another.
Having taken the time to attend some meetings, it's rare to see other members of the media being there physically. Nonetheless, reports and articles about what your government does do get written and published.
[ all images in this post from ]
There's an important City Council Study Session this morning starting at 07:30 a.m. with one of the items on the agenda
Hear a presentation, discuss and provide direction on the City Council Strategic Priority "Placemaking" and the related departmental proposed budgets.
Readers can access and download the 28-page presentation by hooking up with this link

We stream and archive all of our City Council, Study Sessions and Planning and Zoning Meetings. Plus you can find all of our original programming On Demand through YouTube.
Our program guide lists all the rebroadcasts of the Mesa City Council Meetings, news magazine shows, Mesa Morning Live and more. Check out what’s playing locally on your cable box.
Watch our station Live now through streaming.

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