Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Boeing! Boeing! Broadway TONY Awards 2008 Best Play Revival Hits The Stage @ MAC April 2016

Break A Leg! . . .  To  the program and event planners at the biggest arts n' entertainment venue in the New Urban Downtown Mesa, home on the "outskirts" of the center city for the Apache A-64 Helo Boeing production plant.
An original1965 movie comedy starring straight comedian Jerry Lewis and s8/gay Tony Curtis was adapted for the stage on Broadway eight years ago and is now scheduled here presented by the resident Mesa Encore Theatre . . .
Maybe about polygamy? Or just playing the field?
This hilarious 1960’s period farce features self-styled Parisian lothario Bernard, who has Italian, German, and American fiancées, each beautiful airline hostesses with frequent "layovers." He keeps "one up, one down and one pending" until unexpected schedule changes bring all three to Paris and Bernard's apartment at the same time, resulting in laugh-out-loud chaos. 
April 8 - 24
Farnsworth Studio
$29 Adults
$26 Students with ID

Tickets can be purchased at the on-site box office or here

Here's an old "teaser" from YouTube

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