Friday, April 29, 2016

New Book Out By Leader of DiEM2025: Europe's Crisis + America's Economic Future

Ya know, and let's get serious here dear readers, what we like about Bernie Sanders is his loud echo for what's going on all over world.
We are being distracted by mainstream media who are sideshows of the P.T. Barnum of American Politics who brings the circus every where in the extreme he goes - Donald Trump.
The "reality show" in the 2016 Presidential Election campaign every day is hyped-up, ratings-driven entertainment filled with 20-second sound bytes, "see all you need to know in three minutes", and then the warm-and-fuzzy and Aw! Stuff with cute animals, then "good news" and - whoops!! ....threatening extreme weather, millions in the line of storms and more on the way while we ignore, or get even know about - global and international finances
For those with short attention spans you can watch an interview on Democracy Now  

The crisis in Europe is not over - it's getting worse.
In this dramatic narrative of Europe's economic rise and spectacular fall, Yanis Varoufakis, former finance minister of Greece and 'the emerging rock-star of Europe's anti-austerity uprising' (Telegraph), shows that the origins of the recent collapse go far deeper than our leaders are prepared to admit - and that we have done nothing so far to fix them.
In 2008, the universe of Western finance outgrew planet Earth.
When Wall Street imploded, a death embrace between insolvent banks and bankrupt states consumed Europe. Half a dozen national economies imploded and several more came close. But the storm is far from over...
From the aftermath of the Second World War to the present, Varoufakis recounts how the Eurozone emerged not as route to shared prosperity but as a pyramid scheme of debt with countries such as Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain at its bottom.
Its woeful design ensured that collapse would be inevitable and catastrophic. But since the hurricane landed Europe's leaders have chosen a cocktail of more debt and harsh austerity rather than reform, ensuring that the weakest citizens of the weakest nations pay the price for the bankers' mistakes, while doing nothing to prevent the next collapse.
Instead, the principle of the greatest austerity for those suffering the greatest recessions has led to a resurgence of racist extremism.
Once more, Europe is a potent threat to global stability.
Drawing on the personal experience of his own negotiations with the Eurozone's financiers and offering concrete policies and alternatives, Varoufakis shows how we concocted this mess and how we can get out of it.
And "The Weak Suffer What They Must? reminds us of our history in order to save European capitalism from itself.
Publisher: Vintage Publishing
ISBN: 9781847924032
Source  >> Waterstones

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