03 November 2018

A Report: New Statistics For This Blog > Over 250,000 Page Views

You might not know it, but it's true.
Take a look at the right-hand side bar on this homepage.
Life is filled with surprises in a place now called home that your MesaZona blogger thought was just a stop-over inside The Twilight Zone. . . just a brief gig side-trip into the future.
Not too shabby for a guy with a refurbished Surface 2 and a Nikon D50. No smartphone. Just imagination.
Mebbe I should upgrade the hardware and tools-of-the-trade.
'The Old Donut-Hole' is turning into an Opportunity Zone.
My sweet spot for now. ENJOY

Stand by. . .

  The Boston Globe 9 hours ago Search inside image The US Congress passes a law! A cartoon by Patrick Chappatte.