Thursday, November 15, 2018

Mesa PD: Excessive Use-Of-Force Tactics-And-Training Under Scrutiny >Tracking-The Data

At the same time that a new report by a team of three reporters working for The Arizona Republic gets published two days ago, your MesaZona blogger just happens to have been reading a book by Special Operations Police Force-Trainer  and  Private Military Contractor (PMC) Eric Prince that was printed in 2014 - "Civilian Warriors".
While this new local report by the team of reporters is welcome, it barely scratches the under-belly of the beast:
both the out-sourcing of police training and the hiring of former military and private paramilitary special ops personnel
to protect-and-serve the public - Case in point not cited at all: 
The Killing of Daniel Shaver by a Mesa PD Officer.
Blogger Note: This brutal killing happened on January 18, 2016 more than two years ago. It has somehow managed to be "under-the-radar" now while Shaver's widow and his family have lodged in a civil case against the City of Mesa for potential liability claims amounting to $75-$130,000,000 depending on what the yet-unsettled outcome could be.
QUESTION: A Culture of Cover-Up here in Mesa behind a Blue Wall? 
See this from not a local reporting source, The American Civil Liberties Union
'You're Fucked': The Acquittal of Officer Brailsford and the Crisis of ...

Mesa officers rarely disciplined in excessive-force investigations, police data show

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