Thursday, November 22, 2018

Express Your Issues & Concerns About Housing Here In Mesa

Lack of public information is one of the things here that really bugs your MesaZona blogger. Getting information out to the public - or at least to those people who do take to read these post on your hyper-local independent news source is just one of those self-appointed missions. So far, more than 207,000 readers have visited to view.
Yours truly really appreciate your interests, whatever they might be.
It's one thing to get the information - it's another thing that two more steps are activated: you process, understand and ask more questions, then you react and respond and express yourselves. 
In a representative democracy, it's important that you engage and connect with "the decision-makers" to can make public opinion public policies. I can't do that for you . . .
Housing in one of the critical issues here in Mesa. That topic is open for your input RIGHT NOW: in the following post on this blog (where federal funding allocations are to be decided on) and in this report about Phase II of the city's Housing Master Plan.
Questions, Concerns About Housing? Mesa Wants To Hear From You
By Christina Estes   
Published: Thursday, November 22, 2018 - 10:00am
Updated: Thursday, November 22, 2018 - 12:24pm
(Blogger Note: The following content is from
Arizona’s third largest city is taking a close look at its housing needs.
The city is in the process of creating a Housing Master Plan — a report with data, demographics and analysis on rentals and home ownership.
The Housing Master Plan will help Mesa officials prioritize for all housing levels, identify the needs of low and moderate income households and provide a framework for evaluating future projects.
Two public meetings will be held in early December to share information and gather input from residents. They will take place
> Tuesday, Dec. 4 at Desert Ridge High School Lecture Hall, 10045 E Madero Ave.
> Tuesday, Dec. 11 at Benedictine University Community Room, 225 E Main St.
Both meetings are from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Residents who have questions regarding the Housing Master Plan can contact

MisH_Web BannerHousing Master Plan

The City of Mesa wants to hear from YOU about the future of housing in Mesa!
The City of Mesa is in the process of creating a Housing Master Plan, to address current and future needs of housing of all kinds, to best meet the needs of a growing Mesa and its citizens.
What is a Housing Master Plan?
The Housing Master Plan is a section of the City's General Plan. It is a report of collected data and analysis on the housing market, both rental and homeownership, and demographics of Mesa residents, provided by a consultant. In addition, the Housing Master Plan will include policy and strategies to serve as a roadmap for future development.
Why is it important?
Once complete, the Housing Master Plan will help Mesa City Council make important decisions for our community, for the next 10 years. 
It will guide City Council on:  
1. planning decisions
2. prioritizing and balancing all levels of housing demand
3. identifying the needs of low- and moderate-income households
4. providing a framework for evaluating future projects
How can you get involved?
Housing and Community Development is in the process of updating the Housing Master Plan, and is in Phase II of the process:
> Phase I: Data gathering to provide framework for Phase II 
> Phase II: Public input
You are invited to a Community Conversation, so we can share with you some of the work that's being done, answer questions you may have, and gather your input and thoughts on housing needs in Mesa.
Join us on either
> December 4, 2018 at Desert Ridge High School Lecture Hall (10045 E Madero Ave., Mesa, AZ 85209) from 6pm-8pm or
> December 11, 2018 at Benedictine University Community Room (225 E Main St., Mesa, AZ 85201) from 6pm-8pm.

For questions regarding the Housing Master Plan, please email

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