Friday, November 30, 2018

Mesa City Council Study Session Thu 29 Nov 2018

Mesa City Council
A somewhat nervous-appearing get-together of the 7 elected members and other officials inside City Hall that lasted almost two entire hours. All six district representatives are occupying their seats at the table - the Mesa Channel 11 cameras are on. That's the cue for Mayor John Giles to start the study session . . .
. . . and why, readers of this blog might ask, are these meetings - where few members of the public ever show up or involved - mostly dull?
This is the first meeting after the results of the November General Election were made official. The calendar year ends at the end of December.
Things are getting "wrapped-up". . . Contracts awarded.
There are no other meetings after December 13th this year. _________________________________________________________________________
The two-hour video is inserted after you can take a look at the 27-item agenda that's up for consideration and discussion on December 3, 2018.
If you know nothing about the Mesa City Council, this is your opportunity to start finding out about your elected government.
Where do you want to start?
Try > click here . 
That will bring you to the official city information source for City Council Meetings
You can find all the Agendas & Minutes by hitting the following link for the calendar 

Here is the Meeting Agenda for the Study Session: Meeting Agenda - Final
Mesa Council Chambers 57 East First Street

7:30 AM Council Chambers - Lower Level Thursday, November 29, 2018
Mayor John Giles

Vice Mayor David Luna - District 5
Councilmember Mark Freeman - District 1
Councilmember Jeremy Whittaker - District 2
Councilmember Francisco Heredia - District 3
Councilmember Chris Glover - District 4 Councilmember
Kevin Thompson - District 6

Roll Call (City Council members participate in person or by telephone conference call.)

The first item - a review of what's on the agenda is fertile territory for STUDY
> 1 Review items on the agenda for the December 3, 2018 regular Council meeting

      Study Session
      Regular Meeting

> 2 Presentations/Action Items: (4 Items)

Item 2-a
18-1358 Hear a presentation by the new Mesa Historical Museum Executive Director, and discuss and provide direction on the current and future heritage preservation program and services by the Mesa Historical Museum. 2-a
Item 2-b
18-1384 Hear a presentation and discuss an update on the SkyBridge development.2-b
Item 2-c

18-1359 Hear a presentation, discuss, and provide direction on an update to the Building and Fire Codes.2-c
> 3 Acknowledge receipt of minutes of various boards and committees. 18-1383

Item 3-a  Transportation Advisory Board Meeting held on September 18, 2018.3-a

> 4 Hear reports on meetings and/or conferences attended
> 5 Scheduling of meetings and general information.
> 6 Adjournment.¹
(Page 1 City of Mesa Printed on 11/27/2018)
Meeting Name: City Council Study Session Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 12/3/2018 5:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Council Chambers - Lower Level
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
  • 2 records
File #Agenda #TypeTitle ActionResultAction Details
18-1364 2-aPresentationHear a presentation, discuss, and provide direction on staff recommendations for regulating shared active transportation vehicles (commercially-rented bicycles, scooters etc. with self-contained locking mechanisms).  Not available
18-1429 3-aMinutesIndependent Commission on Compensation for Elected Officals meeting held on November 14, 2018.  Not available

On agenda: 12/3/2018
Title: Independent Commission on Compensation for Elected Officals meeting held on November 14, 2018.
Attachments: 1. November 14, 2018 Independent Commission on Compensation for Elected Officials

Recommendation = the compensation for Mesa’s Elected Officials be as follows:
> the Mayor’s salary would stay the same with no increase or decrease
> the Councilmembers’ salary be increased to $44,127

Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 12/3/2018 5:45 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Council Chambers - Upper Level
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda

Blogger Note: ITEM 4-j for attention

The Item Types are all mixed-up and all out of the usual
ATTENTION TO:A Resolution Approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Foreign Trade Zone Operator Agreement for Foreign Trade Zone 221 with SkyBridge, LLC. (District 6)
Another Resolution Approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Solar Participation Agreement with the Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District. (Citywide)

File #: 18-1343   
Type: Contract Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council
On agenda: 12/3/2018 ITEM 4-J 
Title: Horne Road Improvements Project (6th Avenue to Southern Avenue) Construction Manager at Risk, Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) No.2 (District 4)
This portion of the project includes the scope of work necessary to complete
the proposed pavement improvements
water and gas replacements
electric undergrounding
and new storm drain and sewer chemical feed line.
Staff recommends awarding the contract for GMP No. 2 to Haydon Building Corporation in the amount of $6,340,879.73, and authorize a change order allowance in the amount of $317,043.99 (5%), for a total award of $6,657,923.72. 
This project is funded by
Local Street Sales Tax, 2010 and 2014 authorized Electric Bonds, and 2014 authorized Water, Wastewater and Gas bonds.                                
Attachments: 1. Council Report, 2. Exhibit A - Project Location Map
Contracts to be awarded

> Five-Year Term Contract for Photo Safety Enforcement Program Services for the Police Department (Sole Source) (Citywide) in the amount of $1,870,000 annually

>Creation of new Water District in District 1/Endorsing the creation of the Arden Estates Irrigation Water Delivery District

> Longbow Business Park Phase I and Phase II in District 5
> Voter-approved Tax Rate Increase to go into effect on March 1, 2019

> Controversial Resolution GPA ZON18-00181 (District 6)
The 9500 to 9800 blocks of East Hampton Avenue (south side). Located north of the U.S. 60 Superstition Freeway and west of Crismon Road (33± acres).
Minor General Plan Amendment to change the Character Type from Employment to Neighborhood. This request will allow for a small-lot single-residence subdivision and multi-residence development.
Reese Anderson, Pew & Lake, PLC, applicant;
Crismon BFC, LLC, owner.
Staff Recommendation: See Staff Memo dated December 3, 2018 P&Z Board Recommendation: Denied (Vote: 3-2)
File #
Agenda #
Subdivision Plat
“Heritage Crossing II” (District 6)
The 8200 to 8400 blocks of East Baseline Road (north side). Located west of South Channing (Hawes Road) alignment on the north side of Baseline Road (1.6± acres).
Woodside Homes Sales AZ, LLC, developer. Jesse Boyd, EPS Group, surveyor.
Subdivision Plat
“Longbow Business Park Phase 1” (District 5)
The 3100 through 3300 blocks of North Recker Road (west side) and the 5900 block of East Longbow Parkway (north side). Located south of Loop 202-Red Mountain Freeway and west of Recker Road. 4 LC-PAD-CUP lots (8.02± acres).
Longbow CAS, LLC, developer.
Jason A. Segneri, Survey Innovation Group, Inc., surveyor.
Subdivision Plat
“Longbow Business Park Phase 2” (District 5)
The 5800 block of East Longbow Parkway (north side). Located south of Loop 202-Red Mountain Freeway and west of Recker Road. 5 LC-PAD-CUP lots (40± acres).
Longbow CAS, LLC, developer.
Jason A. Segneri, Survey Innovation Group, Inc., surveyor.
20-Month Term Contract for Reagents and Supplies for DNA Analysis for the Police Department (Sole Source) (Citywide)
In April 2009, Council approved the purchase of a QIAGEN QIAsymphony instrument for the Police Department's Forensic Services Division to analyze DNA cases. To complete DNA extractions, consumable kits and supplies are required for DNA analysts to process DNA samples quickly and efficiently. The Police Department and Purchasing recommend awarding the contract to the sole source vendor, QIAGEN, Inc., at $150,000 annually, with an annual increase allowance of up to 5%, or the adjusted Consumer Price Index.
Amending Article IV and Article VI of the Mesa City Code Title 5, Chapter 10 (Privilege and Excise Taxes) by increasing the rate of taxation in certain sections from one and three-fourths percent (1.75%) to two percent (2.00%) beginning on March 1, 2019. (Citywide) The Amendment is a codification of the tax rate increase approved by the qualified electors of Mesa under Question Two at the November 6, 2018 general election. The funds raised by the tax rate increase will be used solely for the purpose of funding Mesa Police and Mesa Fire and Medical services, personnel, equipment, training, and related costs.
Approval of minutes of previous meetings as written.

Approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Foreign Trade Zone Operator Agreement for Foreign Trade Zone 221 with SkyBridge, LLC. (District 6)
This Agreement will allow SkyBridge to activate and operate a General-Purpose Zone facility located on Phoenix-Mesa Gateway property at 6229 South Sossaman Road, Hangar 32; Foreign Trade Zone No. 221.
Approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Solar Participation Agreement with the Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District. (Citywide)
This Agreement will allow the City to participate in a subscribed 2.6 percent (approximately 2.6 megawatts (MW)) of a 100 MW nameplate solar photovoltaic generating facility to be developed and operated on a parcel of land located partially within an unincorporated portion of central Pinal County and partially within the City of Coolidge.
Public Hearing
Conduct a public hearing on Minor General Plan Amendment ZON18-00181.
Endorsing the creation of the Arden Estates Irrigation Water Delivery District that is generally bounded by East Brown Road on the north, the Consolidated Canal on the south, North Delmar on the west, and North Harris Drive on the east. (District 1)
The formation of an irrigation water delivery district allows the District to make improvements and perform maintenance and operations of their irrigation system. Final designation of the District is determined by the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors.
Extinguishing a portion of an easement for public utilities located at 2556 East Fairbrook Street to accommodate the building of a swimming pool; requested by the property owner. (District 1)
Five-Year Term Contract for Photo Safety Enforcement Program Services for the Police Department (Sole Source) (Citywide)
Since 2006, American Traffic Solutions, Inc. has provided services and support for the City's photo safety program. A significant amount of infrastructure has been put in place to monitor red light violations, traffic speed or other traffic movement, and issue citations for traffic violations.
The Axsis equipment and software currently in place are proprietary and can only be serviced by Verra Mobility. The Police Department and Purchasing recommend awarding the contract to the sole source vendor, American Traffic Solutions, Inc., dba Verra Mobility (a Mesa business), at $1,870,000 annually, based on estimated usage.

Liquor License Application
Fountain of the Sun Community Association This is a one-day event to be held on Wednesday, February 27, 2019 from 5:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. at Fountain of the Sun Activity Center, 560 South 80th Street. (District 5)
Liquor License Application
Fountain of the Sun Community Association This is a one-day event to be held on Wednesday, January 23, 2019 from 5:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. at Fountain of the Sun Activity Center, 560 South 80th Street. (District 5)
Liquor License Application
Fountain of the Sun Community Association This is a one-day event to be held on Wednesday, March 27, 2019 from 5:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. at Fountain of the Sun Activity Center, 560 South 80th Street. (District 5)
GPA ZON18-00181 (District 6)
The 9500 to 9800 blocks of East Hampton Avenue (south side). Located north of the U.S. 60 Superstition Freeway and west of Crismon Road (33± acres).
Minor General Plan Amendment to change the Character Type from Employment to Neighborhood. This request will allow for a small-lot single-residence subdivision and multi-residence development.
Reese Anderson, Pew & Lake, PLC, applicant;
Crismon BFC, LLC, owner.
Staff Recommendation: See Staff Memo dated December 3, 2018 P&Z Board Recommendation: Denied (Vote: 3-2)
GPA ZON18-00181 (District 6)
The 9500 to 9800 blocks of East Hampton Avenue (south side). Located north of the U.S. 60 Superstition Freeway and west of Crismon Road (33± acres).
Minor General Plan Amendment to change the Character Type from Employment to Neighborhood. This request will allow for a small-lot single-residence subdivision and multi-residence development.
Reese Anderson, Pew & Lake, PLC, applicant;
Crismon BFC, LLC, owner.
Staff Recommendation: See Staff Memo dated December 3, 2018 P&Z Board Recommendation: Denied (Vote: 3-2)
This project is funded by Local Street Sales Tax, 2010 and 2014 authorized Electric Bonds, and 2014 authorized Water, Wastewater and Gas bonds.
One-Year Renewal to the Electrical Installation and Maintenance Services for Utilities Infrastructure for the Water Resources Department (Citywide)
This contract provides qualified electrical contractors for electrical services at the City’s water and wastewater facilities, as needed. Services include general and emergency electrical services and other electrical maintenance. Due to the complexity of the services required and the volume of work, multiple vendors are needed to support the department. The Water Resources Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the renewal with Rural Electric Inc. (Primary) (a Mesa business); Swain Electric Inc. (Secondary); and Ludvik Electric Co. (Tertiary); at $100,000, based on estimated usage.
One-Year Renewal to the Term Contract for Herbicide Application and Landscaping Services for the Transportation Department (Citywide)
This contract provides vegetation management services that includes applying herbicides to control weed growth, clearing and grubbing unwanted vegetation, removal of trees and shrubs, brush mowing, and stump grinding. The locations include improved and unimproved rights-of-way, alleys, vacant lots, drainage easements, retention basins, City streets, City facilities, and various associated areas throughout the City. The Transportation Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the renewal with URW, LLC, dba United Right of Way, at $360,000, based on estimated usage.
One-Year Renewal to the Term Contract for Insecticidal Coatings for Manhole and Sewer Cleanouts for the Water Resources Department (Citywide)
Water Resources applies insecticidal coatings to manholes and sewer cleanouts for spot treatment and scheduled maintenance throughout the City. Usage is driven by weather, seasons, and customer concerns. The Water Resources Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the renewal with Lawrence Business, Inc., dba JABCO, at $32,800, based on estimated usage.
One-Year Renewal to the Term Contract for Library Collection Services for the Library Services Department (Citywide)
This contract provides a debt collection agency to perform debt collection services pursuing delinquent patron accounts over $75.00. The limit was set to maximize the Library’s net returns in recovering overdue library materials and in overdue library fees. The Library Services Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the renewal with Unique Management Services, Inc., at $30,000, based on estimated usage.
One-Year Renewal to the Term Contract for Trench Shoring Safety Equipment Rental Services for the Water Resources and Energy Resources Departments (Citywide)
  This contract provides for the rental of trench shoring safety equipment and related services to support the Water Resources and Energy Resources Departments. The Water Resources and Energy Resources Departments, and Purchasing recommend authorizing the renewal with United Rentals Northwest, Inc. (Primary); and Woudenberg Enterprises, Inc., dba Trench Shore Rentals (Secondary); at $170,000, based on estimated usage.
Purchase of Five Chevrolet Tahoes (One Replacement and Four Additions) for the Police Department (Citywide)
This purchase will provide five patrol SUVs to support police operations. The replacement vehicle will replace a vehicle that was damaged beyond repair. The four additions will be going to the Police Department’s refurbishment pool. The Fleet Services and Police Departments and Purchasing recommend authorizing the purchase from the existing contract with Midway Chevrolet, at $205,660.71. This purchase is funded by the Vehicle Replacement Fund.
Liquor License Application
Quiktrip #431R A convenience store with a gas station is requesting a new Series 10 Beer and Wine Store License for Quiktrip Corporation, 1939 South Mesa Drive - Perry Charles Huellmantel, agent. There are no existing licenses at this location. (District 3)
Three-Year Term Contract with Two Years of Renewal Options for Siemens Ruggedized Switches and Associated Equipment for the Water Resources and Transportation Departments (Citywide)
This contract provides Siemens RUGGEDCOM network switches for data connectivity to the Utilities SCADA environment and for Transportation’s Intelligent Transportation System. These ruggedized switches provide the security management and monitoring controls needed to mitigate security vulnerabilities and address communication errors occurring in current, aging devices. The Water Resources and Transportation Departments, and Purchasing recommend awarding the contract to the lowest, responsive and responsible bidders: Graybar Electric Company (a Mesa business), at $227,596.62 for the Initial Purchase; and L4 Technologies, LLC (Primary) and Graybar Electric Company (Secondary), at $180,000 annually thereafter, with an annual increase allowance of up to 5%, or the adjusted Consumer Price Index.
Three-Year Term Contract with Two Years of Renewal Options for Temperature Controlled Drug Locking Cabinets for the Fire and Medical Department (Single Response) (Citywide)
Many pharmaceuticals require a temperature-controlled environment. Fire and Medical has been using refrigerated, locking drug cabinets on their apparatus for 16 years to hold pharmaceuticals for emergency responses. The Department currently has 40 cabinets in front line apparatus and would like to purchase replacements due to failed or damaged cabinets and additions for new apparatus that may be purchased. The Fire and Medical Department and Purchasing recommend awarding the contract to the single, responsive, and responsible bidder, Budd Medical and Fire Equipment LLC, at $105,700 annually, with an annual increase allowance of up to 5%, or the adjusted Consumer Price Index. This purchase is funded by the General Fund and Capital General Fund.

ZON18-00361 (District 4)
244 North Extension Road. Located east of Alma School Road south of University Drive (3± acres). Council Use Permit for social service facility.
This request will allow an in-patient substance abuse treatment facility.
Lindsay C. Schube, Gammage & Burnham, applicant;
Crossroads, Inc., owner.
At the Planning and Zoning Board meeting, this request also included the consideration of a Special Use Permit for a parking reduction. The Special Use Permit was approved by the Planning and Zoning Board subject to Council approval of the Council Use Permit.
Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 6-0)
Mon 29 Nov 2018



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