Mayor John Giles appears apprehensive right from the start of Thursday's study session. Anyone wondering why? There's a lot of comments and discussions made in presentations that are unusually active during these study sessions - they seem more defensive from the get-go as if to deflect any potential trouble. These actions appear somehow concerted, especially in a rare appearance in front of the council by City Attorney Jim Smith flanked and supported by two others. Any reasonable person might ask What's up?
Watch and listen to the 68-minute inserted video that was published on November 2, 2018 for your interest.
Please note that Giles habitually ignores the usual points-or-order to conduct a public meeting, only noting that several items are on/off the Consent Agenda to get immediately interrupted by District 1 councilmember Mark Freeman (who's out of order in mentioning first off that he attended a memorial service). Then District 6 councilmember Kevin Thompson chimes in with comments about Mesa Police department volunteers not being able to use "unmarked" vehicles.
Then with a staged fast-turn to contracts,City Manager Chris Brady specifically points out six contracts (Items 5-a,b,m,n,o,p and w) to get approved for local Mesa businesses, as if trying to avoid any issues of favorability bias that are asked and immediately summons someone called to the podium - he clarifies the use of the 1.75% TPT sales used as a consideration in contract awards with immediate follow-up comments from Mark Freeman who notes how this works when a firm is the low bidder.
Kevin Thompson chimes in about Item 6-i Police overtime pay, joined by both Mark Freeman and Giles again.
Then City Attorney Jim Smith - all spiffed-up in suit-and-tie - testifies on a contract award for Item 6-n: The City's insurance policies about liabilities, risks and claims, accompanied by a chart. The numbers are staggering after the costs being flat for the last few years. Readers should note that there have been settlements made to victims of police force . . . some are still pending for $75M or more. The mayor chimes in to bring up the issue of cyber risk insurance cyber-hacking into city data for payments on customer-utilities accounts . . . the reason he asks is if $10,000,000 is enough coverage.
Blogger Note: At this point-in-time the meeting gets ahead of itself in defensive presentations . . .there are 81 items scheduled on the Final Agenda for Monday's regular Mesa City Council regular meeting at 5:45 pm - just the day before the General Election.
Please note how only certain items are raised for discussion and presentations - there are 23 Contract Awards.
Note there is A PUBLIC HEARING about approvals for ReDevelopment Areas RDAs
Here's a link > Council, Committee and Board Research Center/Mesa Legistar
This is the published agenda (2 items) for the 07:30 am Study Session:
This is the published agenda for the 5:00 pm meeting on Mon 05 Nov
Here's all the 23 contracts in Item 5:
Watch and listen to the 68-minute inserted video that was published on November 2, 2018 for your interest.
Please note that Giles habitually ignores the usual points-or-order to conduct a public meeting, only noting that several items are on/off the Consent Agenda to get immediately interrupted by District 1 councilmember Mark Freeman (who's out of order in mentioning first off that he attended a memorial service). Then District 6 councilmember Kevin Thompson chimes in with comments about Mesa Police department volunteers not being able to use "unmarked" vehicles.
Then with a staged fast-turn to contracts,City Manager Chris Brady specifically points out six contracts (Items 5-a,b,m,n,o,p and w) to get approved for local Mesa businesses, as if trying to avoid any issues of favorability bias that are asked and immediately summons someone called to the podium - he clarifies the use of the 1.75% TPT sales used as a consideration in contract awards with immediate follow-up comments from Mark Freeman who notes how this works when a firm is the low bidder.
Kevin Thompson chimes in about Item 6-i Police overtime pay, joined by both Mark Freeman and Giles again.
Then City Attorney Jim Smith - all spiffed-up in suit-and-tie - testifies on a contract award for Item 6-n: The City's insurance policies about liabilities, risks and claims, accompanied by a chart. The numbers are staggering after the costs being flat for the last few years. Readers should note that there have been settlements made to victims of police force . . . some are still pending for $75M or more. The mayor chimes in to bring up the issue of cyber risk insurance cyber-hacking into city data for payments on customer-utilities accounts . . . the reason he asks is if $10,000,000 is enough coverage.
Blogger Note: At this point-in-time the meeting gets ahead of itself in defensive presentations . . .there are 81 items scheduled on the Final Agenda for Monday's regular Mesa City Council regular meeting at 5:45 pm - just the day before the General Election.
Please note how only certain items are raised for discussion and presentations - there are 23 Contract Awards.
Note there is A PUBLIC HEARING about approvals for ReDevelopment Areas RDAs
Here's a link > Council, Committee and Board Research Center/Mesa Legistar
This is the published agenda (2 items) for the 07:30 am Study Session:
Meeting Name: | City Council Study Session | Agenda status: | Final |
Meeting date/time: | 11/1/2018 7:30 AM | Minutes status: | Draft |
Meeting location: | Council Chambers - Lower Level |
Published agenda: | ![]() | Published minutes: | Not available |
Meeting video: |
Attachments: |
This is the published agenda for the 5:00 pm meeting on Mon 05 Nov
Meeting Name: | City Council Study Session | Agenda status: | Final |
Meeting date/time: | 11/5/2018 5:00 PM | Minutes status: | Draft |
Meeting location: | Council Chambers - Lower Level |
Published agenda: | ![]() | Published minutes: | Not available |
Meeting video: |
Attachments: |
_________________________________________________________________________________Here's all the 23 contracts in Item 5:
action on the following contracts:
Renewal to the Term Contract for 3M Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
Equipment and Maintenance for the Library Services Department (Sole Source)
(Citywide) This contract provides for the labor, parts, and equipment
modifications to maintain 3M RFID equipment at all four Mesa library
branches. 3M technology is a fast, easy and efficient way to track, locate
and manage library materials. The Library Services Department and Purchasing
recommend authorizing the renewal using the Maricopa County cooperative
contract with Bibliotheca LLC, at $328,000, based on estimated usage.
Renewal to the Term Contract for Comprehensive Banking Services for the
Financial Services and Business Services Departments (Citywide) The City
makes extensive use of banking services to collect, disburse, and manage its
cash and investments. General banking services includes cash, deposit, and
disbursement services, electronic transfer of funds, and general reporting.
Merchant card services represent the City’s ability to process credit card
transactions. Institutional custody services represent the safekeeping of the
assets/securities in the City’s investment portfolio. The Financial Services
and Business Services Departments, and Purchasing recommend authorizing the
renewal with JP Morgan Chase, US Bank (Elavon), and Wells Fargo, for the
combined total of $153,000, based on expected activity.
Term Contract with Two Years of Renewal Options for Emergency Response and
Non-Emergency Response for Unknown, Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Materials for
the Environmental Management and Sustainability Department (Citywide) This
contract will provide both emergency response and non-emergency response
cleanup and disposal of unknown, hazardous, and non-hazardous materials. An
evaluation committee recommends awarding the contract to the qualified
proposals from Kary Environmental Services, Inc. (a Mesa business) (Primary);
and Environmental Response, Inc. (Secondary); at $80,000 annually, with an
annual increase allowance of up to 5%, or the adjusted Consumer Price Index.
Renewal to the Term Contract for Industrial Supplies for the Materials and
Supply Warehouse (for Citywide Departments) (Citywide) This contract provides
City departments with industrial supplies such as: test instruments, hand
tools and vehicle maintenance supplies, shelving and storage equipment,
safety equipment and materials, power tools and metalworking, pneumatic and
hydraulic pumps, and plumbing, and HVAC equipment. The Business Services
Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the renewal using the City of
Tucson / National IPA cooperative contract with Grainger, at $500,000, based
on estimated usage.
Amendment and Dollar-Limit Increase to the Term Contract for the Open Data
Platform Solution for the Information Technology Department (Citywide) The
City’s Open Data Platform Solution currently includes the Open Data, Open
Budget and Open Expenditures modules. City staff would like to add a
Performance module and Capital Projects Explorer module to the platform. With
features that organize and automate data entry, the Performance module will
provide a more efficient process for getting program performance data to the
managers and supervisors. The Capital Projects Explorer module will provide
more functionality regarding information on capital projects than the base
Capital Projects module included in the current platform. Information
Technology, Office of Management and Budget, and Purchasing recommend
approval of a contract amendment and increasing the dollar-limit with
Socrata, Inc., by $186,616.20 for years 1 to 3 of the contract term. This
purchase is funded by the IT Application Lifecycle Budget.
Renewal to the Term Contract for Cool Deck Resurfacing and Repair Services
for the Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities Department (Citywide) Cool
deck is a flexible coating for concrete that provides a non-slip surface, is
sealed against water, and primarily used around swimming pools. It is
necessary to replace or refurbish cool deck material that became damaged due
to age or heavy use. The Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities
Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the renewal with Flexground
LLC, at $34,929.86, based on estimated usage.
Term Contract with Two Years of Renewal Options for Sports Field Supplies for
the Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities Department (Citywide) This
contract will provide items including field marking paint, pitcher mound clay
blocks (bagged), bagged mound and home plate clay, bulk clay, stabilized
infield mix, rapid dry-calcined clay, and calcined clay-infield conditioner
for the City’s Sports Fields’ maintenance and operations. The Parks,
Recreation and Community Facilities Department and Purchasing recommend
awarding the contract to the lowest, responsive, and responsible bidders,
Ewing Irrigation Products; and Stabilizer Solutions, Inc.; at $204,150
annually, with an annual increase allowance of up to 5%, or the adjusted
Consumer Price Index.
Renewal to the Term Contract for Fire Structure Boots for the Fire and
Medical Department (Citywide) This contract provides an approved list of
qualified vendors for fire structure boots for approximately 400 Fire
suppression personnel. Fire and Medical provides an allowance of $300 toward
the cost of these boots and purchases an average of 100 to 125 pairs
annually. The Fire and Medical Department and Purchasing recommend
authorizing the renewal with Freightliner of Arizona, dba Western States Fire
Equipment; Matlick Enterprises, dba United Fire Equipment Company; and
Municipal Emergency Services, Inc.; at $30,000, based on estimated usage.
Renewal to the Term Contract for Police Service Dogs for the Police
Department K9 Unit (Citywide) The K9 Unit uses Police service dogs for both
patrol and detection (e.g. explosives, narcotics, etc.) purposes assisting
Police members in duties such as, searching for and apprehension of persons
suspected of criminal behavior, lost persons, evidence, stolen property, or
other articles. The Police Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing
the renewal with Adlerhorst International Inc., at $35,000, based on
estimated requirements.
Renewal to the Term Contract for Helicopter Engine Parts and Repairs for the
Police Department (Citywide) The Police Aviation Unit has three MD Helicopter
Corporation helicopters. This contract provides aviation turbine engine
overhauls, repairs, modifications, furnishing parts, tooling, rental,
technical assistance and/or labor for complete engines, engine modules,
engine components, and engine accessories ensuring helicopter availability
for Police Aviation operations. The Police Department and Purchasing
recommend authorizing the renewal with AeroMaritime America, Inc. (a Mesa
business), at $300,000, based on estimated usage.
and Installation of 30 Communications 911/Dispatch Consoles (24 Replacements,
Three Dispatch Capable Positions (Additions) and Three 911 Positions
(Additions)) for Public Safety Communications as requested by the Police
Department (Citywide) Public Safety Communications currently has 24 consoles,
15 positions are 20-years old and 9 positions are 10-years old, utilized by
911 operators, Police dispatchers and supervisors. These consoles are at end
of life and require replacement. The proposed equipment is specifically
designed, engineered and warrantied for public safety emergency communication
centers. The evaluation committee recommends awarding the contract to the
highest scored proposal and top ranked firm whose proposal best meets the
City’s requirements, Russ Bassett Corporation at $716,200, based on estimated
requirements. This purchase is funded by Lifecycle Capital - General Funds.
Increase to the Term Contract for Streetlight and Traffic Signal Poles, Mast
Arms and Anchor Bolts for the Materials and Supply Warehouse (for the
Transportation Department) (Citywide) The dollar-limit increase is needed for
a 10.5% pricing increase for all items in Group 4 (Streetlight Poles), Group
6 (Miscellaneous - Plate, Adapter), and Group 7 (Galvanized Traffic Signal
Poles and Arms). The pricing increase is allowable per the specifications.
The Business Services Department and Purchasing recommend increasing the
dollar-limit with A & M Nut and Bolt, Inc.; Cem-Tec Corporation; Valmont
Industries, Inc.; and Southwest Fabrication, LLC; by $50,032.50, from
$476,500 to $526,532.50 for the third-year of the contract term.
Renewal to the Term Contract for Police Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Services
as requested by the Fleet Services Department (Citywide) This contract
provides preventative maintenance and repair services for the City’s Police
vehicle fleet. Fleet Services performs repairs on large diesel-powered trucks
and other select vehicles in-house, but lacks sufficient staffing and
facilities to perform all vehicle maintenance activities. Accordingly, a
portion of Police vehicles are repaired by outside vendors. The Fleet
Services Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the renewal with B
& T Vivian Investment Co. LLC, dba Thompson’s Auto Repair & Towing (a
Mesa business) (Primary); JTDCE Auto Repair Clinic LLC, dba Dave’s Auto
Repair Clinic (a Mesa business) (Secondary); AutoNation, dba AutoNation
Chevrolet of Gilbert; and Berge Ford, Inc., dba Berge Ford (a Mesa business);
at $245,000, based on estimated usage.
of Two Asphalt Compactors (Replacements) for the Transportation Department as
requested by the Fleet Services Department (Citywide) The asphalt compactors
that are being replaced have met established criteria and will be either
traded, auctioned, sold, or deployed to special uses as part of the ongoing
vehicle replacement program. The Fleet Services and Transportation
Departments, and Purchasing recommend authorizing the purchase using the
National IPA / City of Tucson cooperative contract with Empire Caterpillar,
Inc. (a Mesa business), at $121,144.50. This purchase is funded by the Local
Streets Fund.
of Ten Light-Duty Pickup Trucks (Eight Replacements and Two Additions) for
Various City Departments as requested by the Fleet Services Department
(Citywide) Eight vehicles are being replaced as part of the ongoing vehicle
replacement program and have met established criteria and will be either
traded, auctioned, sold, or deployed to special uses. Transportation’s
vehicle addition is for the new Department Training and Safety Specialist
position that is needed in order to meet new commercial motor vehicle
requirements. Water Resources’ vehicle addition is to support the job duties
of a new full-time Meter Reader position that was approved for FY 2018/19.
The Transportation, Water Resources, Engineering, and Fleet Services
Departments, and Purchasing recommend authorizing the purchase from the
existing contract with Berge Ford (a Mesa business), at $345,156.58.
Term Contract with Two Years of Renewal Options for Video Security
Surveillance, Installation and Maintenance for the Water Resources Department
(Citywide) This contract will provide a qualified vendor to furnish and
install Mobotix video security surveillance equipment at sites such as, water
treatment plants, wastewater reclamation plants, electric substations, well
sites, reservoirs, and other remote sites. This contract will also provide a
full maintenance contract on existing Mobotix cameras throughout the City. An
evaluation committee recommends awarding the contract to the highest-scored
proposal from Goserco, Inc. (a Mesa business), at $375,000 annually, with an
annual increase allowance of up to 5%, or the adjusted Consumer Price Index.
Term Contract with Three Years of Renewal Options for Conflict Monitor and
Malfunction Monitor Test Equipment for the Transportation Department
(Citywide) Conflict monitors are devices used in traffic signal cabinets to
provide safety features against potential conflicting signals, lack of signal
indications, and controller malfunctions. Conflict monitors are tested
annually to ensure they are operating to design standards and specifications.
The Transportation Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the
purchase using the Maricopa County Department of Transportation cooperative contract
with AM Signal, Inc., at $40,000 annually, based on estimated usage.
Renewal to the Term Contract for Traffic Signal Loop Detection Installation
Services for the Transportation Department (Citywide) This contract provides
for the installation of new and the maintenance/replacement of existing
traffic signal loops for Transportation’s Intelligent Transportation System
Operations group. Functional loop detectors are required for vehicle
detection and traffic signal timing moving vehicles efficiently through
intersections. Work includes barricade set-up, saw-cutting, and traffic loop
installation per bid specifications. The Transportation Department and
Purchasing recommend authorizing the renewal with Kimbrell Electric, Inc., at
$131,000, based on estimated usage.
Term Contract with Two Years of Renewal Options for Wedeco Ultra-Violet (UV)
Equipment and Parts for the Water Resources Department (Single Response)
(Citywide) This contract will provide Wedeco Technologies UV disinfection
system equipment, materials, parts, and supplies for the Greenfield
Wastewater Reclamation Plant on an as-needed basis. These items are necessary
for wastewater disinfection and compliance with both federal and state of
Arizona regulations for wastewater. The Water Resources Department and
Purchasing recommend awarding the contract to Xylem Water Solutions USA,
Inc., at $450,000 annually, based on the estimated usage, with an annual
increase allowance of up to 5%, or the adjusted Consumer Price Index. This
purchase is funded by the Greenfield WRP Joint Venture Fund (58% funded by
the Towns of Gilbert and Queen Creek and 42% funded by the Enterprise Fund -
Greenfield WRP Joint Venture.)
Renewal to the Term Contract for Streetlight Pole Painting Services for the
Transportation Department (Citywide) This contract provides streetlight pole
painting services of existing metal luminaires, poles, and pole skirts. Work
is performed on an as-needed, where-needed basis. The Transportation
Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the renewal with OLS
Restoration, Inc., at $80,000, based on estimated usage.
of a Replacement 15kV Switchgear and Adapter for the Energy Resources
Department (Citywide) The purchase will include the design, manufacture,
delivery, assembly and inspection of a new 15kV metal clad switchgear and a
new rooftop adapter assembly to replace the existing 43-year old switchgear
in service at the Robson Electrical Substation. Replacement is needed to
maintain the safety and reliability of 12kV and lower voltage electric
distribution to more than 16,000 customers within Mesa’s 5.5 square mile
electric service area. The Energy Resources and Engineering Departments, and
Purchasing recommend awarding the contract to the lowest, responsive, and
responsible bidder, Powercon Corporation, at $436,086.
Road Improvements (24th Street to Consolidated Canal) and Val Vista Drive
Improvements (Baseline Road to U.S. 60) (Districts 2 and 3) Baseline Road
from 24th Street to the Consolidated Canal (approximately 0.90 mile) will be
reconstructed using surface mill and overlay with cold-in-place recycled base
course. Other project construction consists of new raised medians, street
lighting, a new eastbound lane east of Lindsay Road, associated landscape,
irrigation, traffic signal improvements, a new section of 36-inch storm
drain, and a segment of 12-inch water main. This project is a partnership
with the Town of Gilbert. (District 3) Val Vista Drive from Baseline Road to
U.S. 60 (approximately 0.50 mile) will be reconstructed using surface mill
and overlay, new portland cement concrete pavement at the U.S. 60 traffic
interchange, with widening to add a 3rd northbound lane starting at Baseline
Road for approximately 600 feet, associated landscape, irrigation, and
traffic signal improvements. The project also includes a relocation of an
existing 4-inch gas line and installation
Renewal to the Term Contract for Escrow and Title Services of Real Property
for the Engineering Department (Citywide) This contract provides a qualified
firm to perform a wide range of real property escrow and title services
related to land acquisition for the Gilbert Road Light Rail Extension Project
and other contracted services. The City currently has parcels in escrow and
requires the one-year renewal. The Engineering Department and Purchasing
recommend authorizing the renewal with Security Title Agency Inc. (a Mesa
business), at $160,000, based on estimated usage.