Thursday, November 29, 2018

Piecing it Together A Framing Playbook for Affordable Housing Advocates

Opportunity 360 . . . basic information about every neighborhood across the country. 100,000 people have been on the platform in the last year
Published on Nov 27, 2018
Recorded live on November 26, 2018
Over the past two years, Enterprise has been working with a set of partners across the country to help build the capacity of the sector to better engage community residents. We partnered with the FrameWorks Institute to conduct research to help housing practitioners better understand the importance of framing as part of their work to advance opportunity through affordable housing.

The first paper in the series, You Don’t Have to Live Here, has become almost a staple in our industry for understanding how our messaging, when not strategically framed, can fail to deliver the support we need. We are pleased that this work has been well received and that there is a strong appetite to learn more, to get further guidance on critical policy priorities that now top our “to-do” lists, and to create overarching narratives that can withstand the political head-winds of the day.
In this webinar, we'll be discussing two additional resources produced with the FrameWorks Institute to provide additional guidance on how affordable housing messaging can be transformed for greater effect:
1 Finding a Frame for Affordable Housing: Findings from Reframing Research on Affordable Housing and Community Development.

This research report outlines the findings from a series of interrelated investigations aimed at finding effective frames on affordable housing.
2 Piecing it Together: A Framing Playbook for Affordable Housing Advocates.

To help ensure that affordable housing advocates can effectively deploy the research recommendations, this companion playbook translates the findings into a “how to” framing guide and clear set of “do’s and don’ts” for communications practice.

Presented by Dr. Tiffany Manuel, Enterprise Community Partners and Dr. Drew Volmert, FrameWorks Institute

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