Tuesday, November 27, 2018


Readers of this blog might notice that the Agenda is the first focus of this post, instead of the usual image of the current elected members on the Mesa City Council. 
This meeting is SPECIAL in a number of ways: 2 items that are quickly dispatched and approved in about three minutes.
First of all there is a Resolution (a detailed 12-page document) Canvassing, declaring, and adopting the results of the General Election, consolidated with the Statewide General Election, held on November 6, 2018. Official Results
The second Item is an Ordinance Amending Article IV and Article VI of the Mesa City Code Title 5, Chapter 10 (Privilege and Excise Taxes) by increasing the rate of taxation in certain sections from one and three-fourths percent (1.75%) to two percent (2.00%) beginning on March 1, 2019. (Citywide) The Amendment is a codification of the tax rate increase approved by the qualified electors of Mesa under Question Two at the November 6, 2018 general election.
YES 78,500   NO 69,732 
Please notice the high number of Under Votes on Mesa-Question 2 in the 83 Precincts
12535 Under Votes: Over Votes: 128 

The YES votes were 52.9%
The NO votes were 47.04% 
(The Precinct Canvass figures are on Page 5 of the Resolution)
Printed: Tuesday, November 20, 2018 2:33 PM 
Precinct Canvass November 6, 2018
FINAL OFFICIAL RESULTS: Mesa City Council District 4
Only 454 Votes separated the Winner from the Loser
2791Under Votes | Over Votes:27
BROWN, JAKE 5,005 47.54%
Mr. Brown was endorsed by The Mesa Chamber of Commerce and two other Councilmembers: Mark Freeman and Chris Glover
DUFF, JEN 5,459 51.86%
Ms. Duff has some challenges to do consensus-building when there's a split in the voting precincts and her small vote margin.
Write-In Candidate 63  0.60%
Total Ballot Cast ... 10,527 (100.00%)

> Jake Brown got more votes in
Ellsworth Park, McAfee Place, Mesa Grand, Mesa Linda, Palm Gardens, and Reed Park
> Jennifer Duff raked-in her highest vote counts in:
Kleinman (1042 to 687)  +355
Heritage (746 to 601)     +145
Guerrero (639 to 443)     +196
Centennial (504 to 390)   +114
Penny Lane (275 to 195)
Clover (255 to 247)
Oak Park (205 to 170)
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 11/26/2018 9:30 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Council Chambers - Lower Level
Special Council Meeting

ile #: 18-1332   
Type: Ordinance Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council
On agenda: 11/26/2018
Title: Amending Article IV and Article VI of the Mesa City Code Title 5, Chapter 10 (Privilege and Excise Taxes) by increasing the rate of taxation in certain sections from one and three-fourths percent (1.75%) to two percent (2.00%) beginning on March 1, 2019. (Citywide) The Amendment is a codification of the tax rate increase approved by the qualified electors of Mesa under Question Two at the November 6, 2018 general election. The funds raised by the tax rate increase will be used solely for the purpose of funding Mesa Police and Mesa Fire and Medical services, personnel, equipment, training, and related costs.
Attachments: 1. Ordinance
Canvassing, declaring, and adopting the results of the General Election, consolidated with the Statewide General Election, held on November 6, 2018.
Amending Article IV and Article VI of the Mesa City Code Title 5, Chapter 10 (Privilege and Excise Taxes) by increasing the rate of taxation in certain sections from one and three-fourths percent (1.75%) to two percent (2.00%) beginning on March 1, 2019.
(Citywide) The Amendment is a codification of the tax rate increase approved by the qualified electors of Mesa under Question Two at the November 6, 2018 general election. The funds raised by the tax rate increase will be used solely for the purpose of funding Mesa Police and Mesa Fire and Medical services, personnel, equipment, training, and related costs.
Published: Nov 26 2018
Views: 12

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