Wednesday, July 08, 2020

Agenda + Meeting Details: Mesa City Council Study Session Wed 07.08.2020 @ 4:45 PM

Zoom Virtual Platform
Final Meeting Agenda printed 07/07/2020
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
Reference: Mesa Legistar Calendar/ Council, Committee & Board Research Center
The Mesa City Council believes that its people, not leaders, are what makes a City great and actively works to encourage citizen participation in the decision-making process.

Whether it is through neighborhood meetings, advisory boards and committees, telephone calls and letters, or email, the Mesa City Council sets policies based on the input and needs of its citizens
Council Study Session Notice:
To decrease COVID-19 exposure, the City Council Chambers is closed, but public viewing and input on the items are available electronically.  
Members of the City Council will appear electronically for this meeting, via a video conferencing platform, and the live meeting will be accessible via broadcast and telephonically. 
Because of the current public health emergency, the City Council Chambers is closed for Council study sessions.
However, the live meeting may be watched on local cable Mesa channel 11, online at,, or,  or listened to by calling 888-788-0099 or 877-853-5247 (toll free) using meeting ID 5301232921 and following the prompts.   
For any difficulties accessing this meeting, please call 480-644-2099
Roll Call
1 Review and discuss items on the agenda for the July 8, 2020 regular Council meeting
(There are 33 items)
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 7/8/2020 5:45 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Virtual Platform
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda
2 Presentations/Action Items:

Item 2-a 20-0731
Hear a presentation, discuss, and provide direction on a proposed development located on a City-owned parking lot at the southeast corner of Pepper Place and Robson, commonly known as Eco Mesa.
File #: 20-0731   

Type: Presentation Status: Agenda Ready

In control: City Council Study Session
On agenda: 7/8/2020

Title: Hear a presentation, discuss, and provide direction on a proposed development located on a City-owned parking lot at the southeast corner of Pepper Place and Robson, commonly known as Eco Mesa.
Attachments: 1. Presentation
Jeff McVay Manager of Downtown Transformation
Jeff Robbins Downtown Transformation Project Manager

Major Points To Be Negotiated or Resolved
September 15th Deadline

• Opportunity Zone investor
• All entitlements due: PA/DA/Zoning Entitlements
• Relocation of electric duct bank
• Relocation of public solid waste
• Government Property Lease Excise Tax
20-0740 Appointments to five (5) Boards
Board of Adjustment,
Design Review Board,
Historic Preservation Board,
Merit System Board, and
Self Insurance Board of Trustees.
File #: 20-0740   

Type: Appointment Status: Agenda Ready

In control: City Council Study Session
On agenda: 7/8/2020

Title: Appointments to the Board of Adjustment, Design Review Board, Historic Preservation Board, Merit System Board, and Self Insurance Board of Trustees.
Attachments: 1. Appointment Memo

July 8, 2020
SUBJECT: Appointments to Boards and Committees

The following are my recommendations for appointments to City of Mesa Advisory Boards and Committees.

Board of Adjustment – Seven-member board including new appointments.
Alexis Kay Wagner, District 6.
Ms. Wagner has experience as a Program Manager in the Technical Training Program at U-Haul. She earned a Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree in Political Science from Arizona State University where she earned certificates in International Relations and Political Entrepreneurship. Her term expires June 30, 2023.

Design Review Board – Seven-member board including new appointments.
Paul Johnson, District 4.
Mr. Johnson is a Designer on the Exterior Design Core Team at Devenney Group, which builds healthcare facilities. He is a registered architect in Arizona, a LEED accredited professional and a member of the US Green Building Council. He earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture from California Polytechnic State University. His term expires on June 30, 2023.

Historic Preservation Board – Seven-member board including new appointments.
Niti Desai, District 6.
Ms. Desai is a Project Manager at IAP Enclosure Systems and has extensive experience in building design and construction. She is LEED accredited and belongs to the American Institute of Architects, U.S. Green Building Council and National Council of Architectural Registration Boards. She earned a Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree in Architecture from the University of Illinois at Chicago. Her term expires on June 30, 2023.

Merit System Board – Three-member board including new appointments. 
Allison McDowell, District 6.
Ms. McDowell has nearly 20 years of human resource experience and management. She now owns and operates Allison’s Addicts Boutique. She earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology/Criminology from Kansas State University and a Master’s Degree in Leadership from Grand Canyon University. Her term expires June 30, 2023.
Self-Insurance Board of Trustees – Five-member board including new appointments.    Peggy Lynch, District 2.
Ms. Lynch has 35 years of experience in benefits administration from Banner Health and the City of Mesa. As Assistant Benefits Administrator at the City of Mesa, she helped project plan costs and optimize the benefits program to be in line with company strategy, employee value, market competitiveness and government regulations. Her term expires June 20, 2023.  
3 Acknowledge receipt of minutes of various boards and committees
20-0738 2020 Census Taskforce Advisory Committee meeting held on December 9, 2019. 3-a

4 Current events summary including meetings and conferences attended.
5 Scheduling of meetings

6 Convene an Executive Session
ES-003-20 Discussion or consultation for legal advice with the City Attorney. (A.R.S. §38-431.03A (3)) Discussion or consultation with the City Attorney in order to consider the City’s position and instruct the City Attorney regarding the City’s position regarding pending or contemplated litigation or in settlement discussions conducted in order to avoid or resolve litigation. (A.R.S. §38-431.03A(4))
1. Tanya Zachary v. City of Mesa, et al.     
    Maricopa County Superior Court, Case No. CV2017-005855

7 Adjournment.¹
¹ Prior to adjournment, at this Council meeting, the City Council may vote to go into executive session for legal advice on any item listed on this agenda pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03(A)(3); this notice is given pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.02 to the members of the City Council and the public
Meeting Name: City Council Study Session Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 7/8/2020 4:45 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Virtual Platform
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  

File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction Details
20-0731 2-aPresentationHear a presentation, discuss, and provide direction on a proposed development located on a City-owned parking lot at the southeast corner of Pepper Place and Robson, commonly known as Eco Mesa.  Not available
20-0740 2-bAppointmentAppointments to the Board of Adjustment, Design Review Board, Historic Preservation Board, Merit System Board, and Self Insurance Board of Trustees.  Not available
20-0738 3-aMinutes2020 Census Taskforce Advisory Committee meeting held on December 9, 2019.  Not available

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