Thursday, July 09, 2020

Giles For Mayor 2020: Campaign Finance > Flashback to September 2018

Preposterous Claims From Slow Jammin' Mesa Mayor John Giles Earn Him 2 More Pinocchios
For a hyper-local news and entertainment source that your MesaZona blogger publishes after almost four years walking many times around the downtown blocks, the mayor makes it way-too-easy to poke some fun at, all in good faith of course.
We are indeed blessed to have so many opportunities to bear testimony and to witness a constant stream of revelations, even when he has a team of handlers and a chief-of-staff.
Now who could have imagined one of the best public relations stunts John Giles tried to pull-off just a couple a couple of years ago in this iconic image at his second State-Of-The-City Speech that was captured by Ivan Martinez >
John Giles: The Devil's Advocate
2 years later he's still pushing to re-package a PR campaign
to trick voters into approving about $75,000,000 for one new "virtual reality" and "gaming" building to house brick-and-mortar ASU programs for transient students in the Ozone...
Here again - and just on Thursday of last week - U.S. Conference of Mayors leaders say they're eager for capital to start flowing under the new economic development program.
Apparently John Giles is more eager for that Ozone wealth-creation here in Mesa: 

"Nobody's waiting," said Mayor John Giles of Mesa, Arizona, who also attended the meeting. "I think the regs will come at about the right time for people to say 'I'm going to write a check now.'"
Blogger Note:
Giles likes that phrase
"'I'm going to write a check now."                             
QUESTION: To Who?????  
Earlier Giles stated he's been meeting in his office inside City Hall with private real estate developers who want to know how much he wants . . .

Campaign Finance Reports

John Giles for Mayor 2020

Statement of Organization - 06/29/2017
Statement of Organization AMENDED - 04/19/2018
Statement of Organization - 01/07/2020

4th Quarter Report
Reporting PeriodTuesday, October 01, 2019 thru Tuesday, December 31, 2019Download
Filing DeadlineWednesday, January 01, 2020 thru Wednesday, January 15, 2020
1st Quarter Report
Reporting PeriodWednesday, January 01, 2020 thru Tuesday, March 31, 2020Download
Filing DeadlineWednesday, April 01, 2020 thru Wednesday, April 15, 2020

WASHINGTON — A group of mayors let Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin know during a meeting here on Thursday that they're itching to see forthcoming guidance for the Opportunity Zones program and offered suggestions about what they'd like it to include.
One point the mayors emphasized is that they would like to see the guidelines allow other federal and state tax incentive and economic development programs to be used in conjunction with the Opportunity Zones initiative, which offers tax breaks meant to attract private investment to low-income communities. . .


09 July 2020
STREAMING VIDEO UPLOADS: Mesa City Council Wed 07.08.2020
Sure looks likes STUDENT HOUSING

Strange as it may seem, this proposed project now given the new name "Eco Mesa", is the fourth downtown in-fill development proposal that uses under-utilized city-owned parking lots to qualify for both (government-owned property) GPLET tax incentives and private wealth-creation Opportunity Zone incentives.
It's a complicated item - with a long history - compounded by being put on the agenda for a City Council Session with only a 24-hour notice to give a presentation with the added pressure for
Major Points To Be Negotiated or Resolved - with the deadline of September 15,2020.
What do we know about "the local and trusted" developer Habitat Metro?

Mineral Deal Gives US TOTAL Control Over Ukraine's Future

  Mar 28, 2025 Mineral Deal Gives US TOTAL Control Over Ukrain...