Friday, July 10, 2020

Agendas: Planning & Zoning Board Virtual Platform Study Session + Public Hearing

Here are some blogger-selected Highlights:
There is a New Board member
Election of Chair and Vice-Chair
Planning Director's Updates:
> 1 City Council's land use cases and decisions
> 2 Status of staff on-going work on text amendments to the Mesa Zoning Ordinance and General  Plan
> Review items on the agenda for the July 15, 2020 regular Planning and Zoning Board Hearing          

Planning & Zoning Meeting - 7/15/2020
Jul 15, 2020

Planning and Zoning Board - Study Session
City of Mesa
Meeting Agenda - Final Printed on 07/09/2020
Mesa Council Chambers 57 East First Street
Vice Chair Dane Astle
Boardmember Jessica Sarkissian
Boardmember Tim Boyle
Boardmember Shelly Allen
Boardmember Jeffrey Crockett
Boardmember Deanna Villanueva-Saucedo
Boardmember Benjamin Ayer

3:00 PM Virtual Platform Wednesday, July 15, 2020
1 Call meeting to order.
2 Introduction of new Planning and Zoning Board member Ben Ayers.
3 Election of Planning and Zoning Board Officers:
                 a. Chair
                 b. Vice-Chair
4 Review items on the agenda for the July 15, 2020 regular Planning and Zoning Board Hearing.

5 Planning Director's Updates >>
July 1 and July 8 City Council's land use cases and decisions
Status of staff on-going work on text amendments to the Mesa Zoning Ordinance and General  Plan.

Who is Kusi Appiah, with a PhD Degree in Public Affairs from where?
The following is an extract from this earlier post
07 July 2019

Development Services Gets A Do-Over, A New Director + An Audit

Here's just one Do-Over in the City of Mesa's Office of Development Services that received some findings, recommendations, and review for just one of six item on last week's Mesa City Council Study Session:
Approved Minutes Audit, Finance and Enterprise Committee 
Meeting Mon 01 July 2019 

This meeting was done and over within 33 minutes . . . 
Chairperson Duff called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.
There were no items from citizens present.
Without objection, the meeting adjourned at 4:33 p.m.
Remarkable. But then again, it's more like what some people say is "business-as-usual" here in the city of Mesa, home to more than 500,000 people who don't seem to participate in their own government

Mesa got a new Planning Director at the end of last year when John Wesley retired.
New Planning Director for City of Mesa: Nana (Kusi) Appiah 
Grammar Usage Note: In Ghana, among the Akan people, particularly the Akyem, Ashanti and Akuapim peoples, The word Nana is used as the title of a monarch to signify their status. . . "King _______"
It's not a first name, as used in many re-postings in a press release from the City of Mesa News Room that was repeated in the Rose Law Group Reporter back in October 2018.
The word Nana has other meanings also. In  informal British - a silly person; a fool (often as a general term of abuse). In Jewish families, Nana is grandmother.
These are the three locations where the new Planning Director worked as a city planner before being hired here in Mesa: any reasonable and curious person might ask what in these very different areas from Mesa in most respects, catapulted Kusi Appiah to get hired here as the Planning & Services Director?
  • Adams County, Colorado
  • Denton, Texas
  • Polk County, Florida
CREDENTIALS from this reference: 
1998 – 2002
Bachelor of Science, Land Economy 
Kwame Nkrumah' University of Science and Technology, Kumasi  (Ghana) 
2004 – 2006
MCRP, Community and Regional Planning 
Iowa State University
2010 – 2014
Ph.D, Public Affairs> The University of Texas at Dallas

6 Adjournment.
Final Agenda Printed on 07/09/2020
To decrease COVID-19 exposure, the City Council Chambers is closed, but public participation will be available electronically and telephonically and listening to the meeting will be available telephonically. 
Members of the Planning and Zoning Board will appear electronically for this meeting, via a video conferencing platform, and the live meeting will be accessible via broadcast and telephonically. 
Because of the current public health emergency, the City Council Chambers is closed for Planning and Zoning Meetings. However, the live meeting may be watched on local cable Mesa channel 11, online at or, or listened to by calling 888-788-0099 or 877-853-5247 (toll free) using meeting ID 530 123 2921 and following the prompts. 
Public participation will be available electronically. 
> If you want to provide a written comment or speak telephonically at the meeting, please submit an online comment card at least 1 hour prior to the start of the meeting. 
> If you want to speak at the meeting, you will need to indicate on the comment card that you would like to speak during the meeting, and you will need to call 888-7880099 or 877-853-5247 (toll free) using meeting ID 530 123 2921 and following the prompts, prior to the start of the meeting. 
You will be able to listen to the meeting; and when the item you have indicated that you want to speak on is before the Board, your line will be taken off mute and you will be given an opportunity to speak.
Applicants and their representatives who have items on the Board agenda and who want to be able to comment on their item or be able to answer questions should fill out this online comment card at least 1 hour prior to the start of the meeting and call 888-788-0099 or 877-853-5247 (toll free) using meeting ID 530 123 2921 and following the prompts, prior to the start of the meeting.  You will be able to listen to the meeting; and when the item you have indicated that you want to speak on is before the Board, your line will be taken off mute and you will be given an opportunity to speak.
For help with the online comment card, or for any other technical difficulties, please call 480-6442099. 

Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing
City of Mesa
Meeting Agenda - Final
Council Chambers 57 E. First Street
Chair Michelle Dahlke Vice Chair Dane Astle Boardmember Jessica Sarkissian Boardmember Tim Boyle Boardmember Shelly Allen Boardmember Jeffrey Crockett Boardmember Deanna Villanueva-Saucedo
4:00 PMVirtual PlatformWednesday, July 15, 2020
Consent Agenda - All items listed with an asterisk (*) will be considered as a group by the Board and will be enacted with one motion.  There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Boardmember or citizen requests, in which the item will be removed from the consent agenda, prior to the vote, and considered as a separate item.     
Items on this agenda that must be adopted by ordinance and/or resolution will be on a future City Council agenda. 
Anyone interested in attending the City Council public hearing should call the Planning Division at (480) 644-2385 or review the City Council agendas on the City's website at to find the agenda on which the item(s) will be placed.
Call meeting to order.
1 Take action on all consent agenda items.
Items on the Consent Agenda
2 Approval of minutes from previous meetings (2)
PZ 20093 Minutes from the June 24, 2020 study session and regular hearing.*2-a
File #: PZ 20093   

Type: PZ Minutes Status: Agenda Ready

In control: Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing
On agenda: 6/24/2020

Title: Minutes from the June 24, 2020 study session and regular hearing.
Attachments: 1. June 24, 2020 Study Session,
2. June 24, 2020 Meeting Minutes

Page 1 City of Mesa Printed on 7/9/2020
July 15, 2020Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing Meeting Agenda - Final

3 Take action on the following zoning cases:
PZ 20094 ZON20-00051 District 2.
3547 East Southern Avenue. Located at the southwest corner of Southern Avenue and Val Vista Drive. (1.75± acres). Site Plan Review; and Special Use Permit.
This request will allow for the development of a convenience market and associated service station. Jon Naut, Quik Trip Corporation, applicant
Val Vista Furniture, LLC, owner.
Planner: Wahid Alam
Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions

PZ 20095 ZON20-00246   District 2. 
Within the 5500 block of East Baseline Road (north side). Located east of Higley Road on the north side of Baseline Road. (2± acres). Site plan Review.
This request will allow for the development of medical offices. 
Vince Di Bella, Adaptive Architects, Inc., applicant
Kelly, Kevin, Kemp, and Judith Morris, owners.
Planner: Kellie Rorex
Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions

PZ 20096 ZON20-00250 District 6.
Within the 4900 to 5200 blocks of South Ellsworth Road (east side) and within the 9300 to 9500 blocks of East Ray Road (north side). Located east of Ellsworth Road and north of Ray Road.
(14± acres). 
Site Plan Review.
This request will allow for a multi-residential development within the Eastmark Community.
   Drew Olson, PCS Development, applicant
   DMB Mesa Proving Grounds, LLC, owner.
Planner: Ryan McCann
Staff Recommendation: Continuance to the July 29, 2020 meeting

Page 2 City of Mesa Printed on 7/9/2020
July 15, 2020Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing Meeting Agenda - Final

4 Discuss and make a recommendation to the City Council on the following zoning case:
PZ 20097 ZON20-00207 District 6.
Within the 11200 block of East Ray Road (south side) and within the 5200 block of South Mountain Road (east side). Located west of Meridian Road on the south side of Ray Road.
(3.9± acres).
Rezone from RS-43 to NC.
This request will establish commercial zoning for future development.  
   Rod Jarbo, applicant
   SRF Holding, LLC, owner
Continued from the June 24, 2020 meeting. 
Planner: Evan Balmer
Staff Recommendation: Continuance to the July 29, 2020 meeting

Items not on the Consent Agenda
6 Adjournment.
Sta and Zoning Board    
Study Session Minutes Virtual Platform
Date:  June 24, 2020 Time: 3:00 p.m.   
MEMBERS PRESENT:    MEMBERS ABSENT: *Chair Michelle Dahlke    None   *Vice Chair Dane Astle    *Jessica Sarkissian     *Tim Boyle  *Shelly Allen  *Jeffrey Crockett *Deanna Villanueva-Saucedo  
(*Boardmembers and staff participated in the meeting through the use of audio conference equipment)                                                  STAFF PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT:                Nana Appiah    None             Tom Ellsworth              Lesley Davis                                          Charlotte McDermott             Evan Balmer             *Cassidy Welch             *Kellie Rorex             Rebecca Gorton                     
1. Call meeting to order. 
Chair Dahlke declared a quorum present and the meeting was called to order at  3:00 p.m. 
2. Review items on the agenda for the June 24, 2020 Zoning Board Hearing.
Staffmember Kellie Rorex presented case ZON20-00214 to the Board. 
Ms. Rorex explained this is a request for a site plan review for the development of a medical office and is a part of the Parkwood Ranch commercial subdivision.  She informed the Board that the current Limited Commercial (LC) zoning allows for medical offices. Also, the applicant provided building elevations with the application. This building elevations will be presented to the Design Review Board meeting in July for their review. Boardmember Crockett inquired about guidance the City staff has given applicants on handling neighborhood meetings amongst during the current pandemic climate. Mr. Crockett also asked how the project will meet quality standards set by the City.   Planning Director, Nana Appiah, replied to the question regarding neighborhood
meetings and stated staff sent a memo to the development community with alternative requirements of holding virtual meetings in order to meet the requirements of the citizen participation process.
> Dr. Appiah explained the applicant is to provide citizens an opportunity to participate through a virtual meeting or other alternative form of meetings.
> This is also in addition to the standard notification requirement of sending mails to property owners, posting signs on the property and advertisement in the newspaper.
He also informed that Board that the City’s requirements is similar to what other cities have also adopted. 
Staffmember Kellie Rorex responded to Boardmember Crockett’s question regarding quality development and stated the applicant will be required to meet all requirements of the zoning ordinance, including wall and roof articulation, provide different materials on each façade and be more compatible with the building to the west.  
Boardmember Villanueva-Saucedo stated the Citizen Participation Report was only one page and lacked information about who received the notification and what kind of information was provided.  She stated this is the only way she can determine how the project was perceived by the surrounding neighbors and would like to see a more substantial report included in future projects
Boardmember Boyle stated when he sees a report that has no response by the citizens, he wonders if there is a better way for the neighborhood participation process such as emailing or using social media.  
Staffmember Evan Balmer presented case ZON19-00872 and preliminary plat “Mountain Vista Master Plan” to the Board. 
Mr. Balmer explained the request is to rezone the property to allow for a mixed-use development.  He informed the Board the property was rezoned in 2007 to allow for commercial use and hotel but was never built.
The applicant is now requesting to rezone the property to a variety of zoning designations in order to develop the Mountain Vista mixed-use activity district. 
Mr. Balmer presented the overall development plan which has eight development parcels.
He stated four of the eight parcels include specific site plan review.
The other four parcels are conceptual site plans and would require specific site plan review prior to any development on them.
He also informed the Board that the idea behind the mixed-use development is to create a mixture of uses between residential and commercial development and creating a cohesive design.   Mr. Balmer informed the Board that the applicant has included a Design Guideline that establishes design themes for landscaping and building styles within the development. The guidelines include three building styles which the applicant has identified, and each building style has corresponding architectural features.  Mr. Balmer said the Design Review Board reviewed the design in May and determined the design resulted in quality development on the site.  
Mr. Balmer also stated that as part of the requested Planned Area Development (PAD) overlay, the applicant is requesting deviations from certain development
standards for parcels A, B, C, D1, D2 and F2.
Some of the deviations requested include building height, building and landscape set back requirements, parking reductions, and garage frontage limitations. 
Boardmember Boyle inquired about staff evaluation of the project and determination of how the proposed garage frontage conforms to the City’s standard.  
Staffmember Balmer responded and informed the Board that the code requires a development to have a maximum of 3 garages in a row before there is a plane break.  This number of garages allowed in a row was adopted as part of the Quality Design Guidelines and the applicant has provided one large break and varied elevations through the addition of series of plane changes that break up blank walls of the buildings. Mr. Balmer further explained that the elevations have recesses and projections that exceeds standard of the Code. Such additions meet the intent of the Zoning Ordinance.     
Mr. Boyle asked if the city has determined impact of the use on surrounding schools. Mr. Balmer responded staff has notified the school district with the number of units anticipated with the project. 
Mr. Balmer also clarified one of the developments will be an age restricted project and will not have student age residents.
Dr. Appiah informed the Board that the school district has a formula they use to calculate the number of projected students from proposed developments and use this system to determine if they have capacity to serve a project or not.
Staffmember Rebecca Gorton informed the Board that staff sent the application to the school district and did not receive a response that they cannot accommodate the additional student population.
Boardmember Villanueva-Saucedo asked for clarification in the staff report about the applicant entering in a Development Agreement to restrict certain land uses and timing of development for the overall site.
Veronica Gonzalez, Project Manager, clarified the reference to timing in the Development Agreement is to ensure the City receives a certain amount of development prior to the residential portion of the project. 
Ms. Gonzalez stated the DA requires any on site sewer and water main lines to be completed prior to any vertical construction of the multiresidential development on the site.  
Dr. Appiah added the DA is a critical part of the project.
And said, there are three parcels designated with the General Plan as Mixed-Use Activity District and these parcels being rezoned from LC to Residential, the DA will ensure the onsite infrastructure on Parcel A to be developed with the LC standards before development of the other parcels.  

Staffmember Cassidy Welch presented case ZON20-00204 to the Board. 
Ms.    Welch explained the request is to rezone the property for the development of an office and self-storage facility within the Mixed Use Activity District, Transit District and Fiesta District sub-area which encourages redevelopment and revitalization.  She informed the Board that the site is zoned LC on the northern portion of the site and NC on the southern portion.  And the specific request is to rezone the entire site to LC with a BIZ overlay to allow certain deviations from development 
The development will require the demolition of an existing house on the site with minor revisions to an existing medical building. A self-storage facility will be constructed on the northern portion of the site.  Ms. Welch stated as a part of the BIZ Overlay, the applicant is requesting reduction to the building and landscape setbacks for the office. This is because the current office, as it exists, is considered legal nonconforming and does not meet our current development standards. The request also includes reduction in the landscape requirements and foundation base requirements of the self-storage facility.
Boardmember Allen inquired what the development is providing as superior design in exchange for allowing the amount of deviations requested by the applicant.
Ms. Welch responded that in exchange for the deviations, the applicant is helping to revitalize the area and a redesign of the medical office to engage with Southern Avenue to comply with the Fiesta District areas. 
Boardmember Crockett inquired if the medical office will be operated in connection with the self-storage facility or separately.  Ms. Welch responded that it would continue to be a separate business.  Mr. Crockett asked how the proposed self-storage development will meet the objective of the Fiesta Economic Activity District to revitalize and re-energize the area. 
Ms. Welch stated that the property is considered an infill property and it is important to evaluate if the proposed use would be appropriate to the surrounding area. She informed the Board that when staff evaluated the specific project, it considered if a more traditional commercial use be appropriate.  However, part of the concern is that the site is long and narrow which does not allow for a lot of engagement with the street, making is difficult for a traditional commercial use to fit on the site.  
Mr. Crockett asked if staff looked at the number of self-storage businesses in the area and if this was a part of the process in reviewing the request.  Ms. Welch stated there are no specific use requirements or limitations on the number of selfstorage businesses within the area.
Boardmember Villanueva-Saucedo stated her concern that the citizen participation report lacked substance.   
3. Planning Director's Updates. a. June 1 and June 15 City Council’s land use cases and decisions.
Dr. Appiah informed the Board that the City Council has considered and approved the General Plan Amendment and rezoning case for the property at Recker and Thomas. This project was considered by the Planning and Zoning board last year and includes a Development Agreement.
Dr. Appiah thanked Chair Dahlke and stated this is her last hearing on this board and she will be greatly missed.

4. Adjournment.  
Vice Chair Astle motioned to adjourn the meeting at 3:58 pm. The motion was  seconded by Boardmember Allen. 
Vote: 7-0 Approved             Upon tabulation of vote, it showed:            AYES –Dahlke, Astle, Sarkissian, Boyle, Allen, Crockett and Villanueva-Saucedo            NAYS – None 
Respectfully submitted,   
___________________________ Nana K. Appiah, AICP, Secretary Planning Director