Monday, July 27, 2020

ICYMI: HUD Secretary Ben Carson Provides Update on Opportunity Zones Initiative During Virtual Event with Bisnow

Ooops! Your MesaZona blogger did miss this - buried in the inbox on July 13th.
The Best Practices Report is 69 pages long - from May 2020
SPOILER ALERT: The press release with some details from 17 June 2020 is inserted below for your reference, but first a note that there have - all of a sudden - a series of pressers
Here's one from 3 days ago about a discussion Ben Carson had on Fox & Friends

In Case You Missed It | HUD Secretary Ben Carson Discusses Return of Local Control in Advancing Fair Housing on ‘Fox and Friends First’
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson joined ‘Fox and Friends First’ on Friday morning to discuss HUD’s termination of the Obama Administration’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) regulation issued in 2015, which proved to be complicated, costly, and ineffective.
In an effort to advance fair housing nationwide, HUD’s  brand-new rule, called Preserving Community and Neighborhood Choice, returns control to localities and those that live in them. It defines fair housing broadly to mean housing that, among other attributes, is affordable, safe, decent, free of unlawful discrimination, and accessible under civil rights laws. It then defines “affirmatively furthering fair housing” to mean any action rationally related to promoting any of the above attributes of fair housing.
Restoring Federalism: “[The 2015 AFFH Rule] was overly burdensome, cumbersome. It put the government in charge of how communities and neighborhoods were built and how they were operated – that is anti-federalism. That’s not how our system was built.”
Obliterating the Backlog of Fair Housing Complaints: “When we came in [to HUD], there were thousands upon thousands of back-logs of civil rights cases, housing rights cases. We obliterated 22,933 cases since we’ve been in [office] that were backlogged from before.”
A Clear Record on Furthering Fair Housing: “We’ve taken actions against cities like Los Angeles that were not accommodating disabled individuals, Facebook, all these places. We’re very active in doing it, all you have to do is look at the record. We want to do things that make sense, not things that impose bureaucratic control over the people of the United States.”
Protests and Unrest: “Don’t listen to these forces of hatred and division that have popped up all over the place. We need to recognize that there is something we can each do in our sphere of influence and we need to teach that – the people…must be willing to stand for what they believe. You can’t stand in the corner and let the radicals speak all the time because people start to believe that maybe that’s the mainstream now - it is not the mainstream by any stretch of the imagination.”
HUD No. 20-083
HUD Public Affairs
(202) 708-0685
June 17, 2020
Report Outlines Best Practices and Features Examples of Community Revitalization Occurring Across the Nation in Opportunity Zones
WASHINGTON - Dr. Ben Carson, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and Chairman of the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council (Council), delivered a report this month to President Donald J. Trump outlining Opportunity Zone best practices and examples of revitalization occurring across the Nation.
On December 12, 2018, President Trump established the Council to support the Administration's pledge to encourage public and private investment in urban and economically distressed areas, including Opportunity Zones.
Since the Council's one-year report was issued in December of 2019, the Council has taken approximately 80 additional action items-for a total of more than 270-to promote the mission of Opportunity Zones.
"On behalf of the Council, we are pleased to issue this report, which includes case studies and best practices observed by the Council across the country," said Council leadership in the report to the President.
"There are inspiring stories happening in real time, with action being taken by State governments, local governments, Qualified Opportunity Funds, public-private partnerships, and others to spur revitalizing investments in the areas of most need. This report will prove to be especially helpful and encouraging to communities as they continue to admirably fight the invisible enemy known as COVID-19."
The Council's report features months of hard work and observation of community redevelopment and nourishment.
The report is divided into five sections and makes references to the newly released Volume Two of the Council's Community Toolkit, which is also available on the "" website.
The five sections of the report include the following:
(1) Best Practices of Local Governments,
(2) Best Practices of State Governments,
(3) Best Practices of the Foundations and Non-Profits Making an impact in Opportunity Zones,
(4) Best Practices of Qualified Opportunity Funds, and
(5) Pairing Opportunity Zone Capital with Federal Resources.
A brief description and excerpt of each of the five sections can be viewed below.
  1. Best Practices of Local Governments
    The report features examples of communities that have put their residents' voices first with respect to Opportunity Zones. It identifies several cities that have emerged as national leaders in the Opportunity Zones space. The best practices of local governments include utilization of existing community infrastructure and anchor institutions in accordance with revitalization strategies, and removal of unnecessary barriers to construction. Additionally, this section discusses projects planned for years that had languished until the Opportunity Zones incentive was established. The report looks beyond Qualified Opportunity Fund investments and considers the ways that Opportunity Zone communities have leveraged their designation for other types of investment as well.

  2. State-Level Actions Benefiting Opportunity Zones
    The report identifies legislation and executive actions that States have taken to aid the Federal Opportunity Zones mission. The report further discusses the efforts of State agencies to become involved in the Opportunity Zones space, including through contests and competitions, and outlines ways that State-specific actions regarding Opportunity Zones have created certainty and stability for investors. The second section also features examples of State websites that offer a "matchmaking service" between investors and entrepreneurs in Opportunity Zones. Each State's Opportunity Zones-related website link can be found on the homepage of the "" website.

  3. Foundations and Non-Profits Making an Impact in Opportunity Zones
    The report offers examples of national foundations with billions of dollars in assets that provide support to Opportunity Zone communities and investors who seek to make a positive social and economic impact. It also offers examples of charitable organizations that are focused on issues within the Council's work streams-issues like reentry for those who have served time in prison; housing affordability for those who are cost-burdened; and mentorship for at-risk youth.
    The third section also highlights best practices of private financial institutions that have devoted considerable resources towards establishing unique and innovative tools that can help drive investment in Opportunity Zones and benefit communities across economically distressed areas, whether they be rural, urban, suburban, or tribal. For example, MasterCard's Center for Inclusive Growth has developed a toolkit that reveals insights into the current state and potential for inclusive growth in Opportunity Zones across the country. Likewise, Citi has launched a data-driven platform to support Opportunity Zone investments by aggregating key social information about different Opportunity Zones. The report also references the teams that competed in the Opportunity Zones component of the 2019 Opportunity Project sprints, an initiative of the U.S. Census Bureau.

  4. Best Practices for Qualified Opportunity Funds
    As the private sector engine of the Opportunity Zones initiative, Qualified Opportunity Funds are critical on the path towards revitalization. This report provides overviews of specific deals across the country, with the understanding that none of the examples identified are endorsed by the Council. This section considers different geographies, varying industries, and multiple ways that private sector investors have interacted with public sector counterparts, emphasizing examples of Opportunity Zone investments that correlate with the mission of the Council's different work streams. Readers will discover how Qualified Opportunity Fund capital can be paired with other elements of a given capital stack and how those utilizing this new tax incentive can also leverage existing incentives for revitalization.

  5. Paring Opportunity Zone Capital with Federal Resources
    The report traces many of the individual agencies that comprise the Council and focuses on the relevant work streams that drive the Council's activities. There are case studies that describe the pairing of Qualified Opportunity Fund capital with Federal grants and outline how Federal resources have been used to host roundtables and workshops focused on the Opportunity Zones initiative. The report dives into some of the data that agencies have collected thus far. For example, this section discusses ways that the Opportunity Zones efforts of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) have helped bring broadband to underserved areas; how Economic Development Administration (EDA) grants have allowed rural tribal communities to welcome more tourists and fishermen; and the potential for better health outcomes experienced by Opportunity Zone residents via U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) grants. This section also highlights tools developed by Federal agencies for the purpose of benefiting Opportunity Zones through the sharing of information-such as EDA's web-based tool, developed in partnership with Indiana University and its Kelley School of Business, and an interactive map by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) that highlights Federal investment in major infrastructure projects located in and around Opportunity Zones.
This report closes by discussing Federal and private data resources for analysis by researchers and decision making for investors, communities, and policymakers.
In its conclusion, the report looks both backward and forward. It assesses the current state of Opportunity Zone revitalization across America, and outlines what must be done to protect and expand the progress that has been made.
The report also makes clear that one of the important features of the Opportunity Zones incentive is its decentralized nature.
Thus, the Council is not in a position to identify every single best practice, and this report should not be construed as an all-inclusive or exhaustive list of best practices and case studies.
The Opportunity Zones incentive will be successful only if the voices and needs of each community and its residents are heard-a core belief of the Council's mission.
HUD's mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all.
More information about HUD and its programs is available at and

For information about Opportunity Zones visit:


In Case You Missed It | hud Secretary Ben Carson Provides Update on Opportunity Zones Initiative During Virtual Event with Bisnow
During a virtual event with Bisnow, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson discussed the Best Practices Report that the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council recently submitted to President Trump.
“[I]t is important to note that action on Opportunity Zones has not been limited to the Federal level. Across the country, State and local governments, and community leaders are developing Opportunity Zone strategies that best suit the needs of their unique communities,” said Secretary Ben Carson.
“Our new Opportunity Zone Best Practices report is a toolkit for communities across the Nation.”
The event, which was co-sponsored by the National Multifamily Housing Council (NMHC), also featured Deputy Assistant to the President Ja’Ron Smith,  HUD’s Deputy Chief of Staff Alfonso Costa, and Executive Director of the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council Scott Turner, who provided updates on the initiative.
A person wearing a suit and tie

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Find Secretary Carson’s full remarks here.
To learn more about the Opportunity Zones initiative, visit