13 March 2021

APPROVED MINUTES + STREAMING VIDEO UPLOAD > PUBLIC HEARING City of Mesa Planning & Zoning Board Wed 03.10.2021

Selected highlights to save some time-and-space - and adding Meeting Details (starting with Item 3-c) inserted for your information.
Readers of this blog might like to observe who are the most active board members and who are the least active board members in the discussions.
There are two architects - one of whom, Tim Boyle - has quite a lot to say
Meeting Minutes Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing 
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Chair Dane Astle (ABSENT)
Vice Chair Jessica Sarkissian 
Boardmember Tim Boyle
Boardmember Shelly Allen
Boardmember Jeffrey Crockett
Boardmember Deanna Villanueva-Saucedo
Boardmember Benjamin Ayers 
Wednesday, March 10, 2021 4:00 PM Virtual Platform 
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All items listed with an asterisk (*) will be considered as a group by the Board and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Boardmember or citizen requests, in which the item will be removed from the consent agenda, prior to the vote, and considered as a separate item. 
Items on this agenda that must be adopted by ordinance and/or resolution will be on a future City Council agenda. Anyone interested in attending the City Council public hearing should call the Planning Division at (480) 644-2385 or review the City Council agendas on the City's website at www.mesaaz.gov to find the agenda on which the item(s) will be placed. 

Call meeting to order. Vice Chair Sarkissian called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm

3-c PZ 21028 ZON20-00838 District 4
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Within the 200 to 300 block of West Main Street (north side) and within the 0 to 100 block of North Morris (east side). Located east of Country Club Drive on the north side of Main Street. 
(3.49± acres). 
  • Site Plan Review
  • Special Use Permit. 
This request will allow for a multiple residence development. 
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File #:PZ 21028   
Type:PZ Zoning - ActionStatus:Agenda Ready
In control:Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing
On agenda:3/10/2021
Title:ZON20-00838 District 4. Within the 200 to 300 block of West Main Street (north side) and within the 0 to 100 block of North Morris (east side). Located east of Country Club Drive on the north side of Main Street. (3.49± acres). Site Plan Review; Special Use Permit. This request will allow for a multiple residence development. Brennan Ray, applicant; Vivo Apts Owner, LLC, owner. Planner: Jennifer Gniffke Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
Attachments:1. Vicinity Map,
2. Staff Report,
3. Existing Site Plan,
4. Proposed Site Plan,
5. Grading and Drainage Plan,
6. Landscape Plan,
7. Elevations,
8. Narrative,
9. Citizen Participation Plan,
10. Citizen Participation Report,
11. Presentation

  • Brennan Ray, applicant
  • Vivo Apts Owner, LLC, owner
Planner: Jennifer Gniffke 
Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 5-1; Chair Astle, absent
Discuss and make a recommendation to the City Council on the following zoning cases: 4 

City of Mesa Page 2 Planning and Zoning Board - Public March 10, 2021 Hearing Meeting Minutes 

> 4-a PZ 21024 ZON20-00210 District 5
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Within the 6800 to 7000 blocks of East University Drive (south side). Located east of Power Road on the south side of University Drive. (1.6± acres). 
Rezone from LC to LC-BIZ Overlay; and Site Plan Review. 
This request will allow for the development of a commercial center. 
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File #:PZ 21024   
Type:PZ Zoning - Discuss and RecommendStatus:Agenda Ready
In control:Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing
On agenda:2/24/2021
Title:ZON20-00210 District 5. Within the 6800 to 7000 blocks of East University Drive (south side). Located east of Power Road on the south side of University Drive. (1.6± acres). Rezone from LC to LC-BIZ Overlay; and Site Plan Review. This request will allow for the development of a commercial center. John Reddell, Reddell Architects, applicant; ETR Enterprises LLC and United States Department of Interior Bureau of Land Management, owner. (Continued from February 24, 2021)
Planner: Charlotte Bridges
Staff Recommendation: Continue to March 24, 2021
  • John Reddell, Reddell Architects, applicant
  • ETR Enterprises LLC and United States Department of Interior Bureau of Land Management, owner. 
(Continued from February 24, 2021) 
Planner: Charlotte Bridges 
Staff Recommendation: Continue to March 24, 2021 
Continuance to March 24, 2021 (Vote: 6-0; Chair Astle, absent) 
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> 4-b PZ 21029 ZON20-00846 District 6. 
Within the 6000 to 6600 block of South Ellsworth Road (east side), within the 9200 to 9800 blocks of East Williams Field Road alignment (south side) and within the 6200 to 6600 blocks of South Crismon Road alignment (west side). Located east of Ellsworth Road and north of Pecos Road. 
(overall 337.0± acres). 
Rezone 41.7± acres of the 337.0± acres of the property from AG to LR
  • Special Use Permits 
  • Site Plan Review on the property. 
This request will allow for the development of a recreation facility. 
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Paul Gilbert, Beus Gilbert McGroder, applicant
Pacific Proving, LLC, owner
Planner: Evan Balmer 
Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions 
Approval with conditions (Vote: 6-0; Chair Astle, absent) 

4-c PZ 21031 ZON20-00877 District 1. 
Within the 2400 block of North Old Gilbert Road (east side) and within the 2000 block of East Hermosa Vista Drive (north side). Located south of the 202 Red Mountain Freeway and east of Gilbert Road. 
(4.55± acres). 
Rezoning from RS-35 to RS-15-BIZ. 
This request will allow for the development of a single residence subdivision. 
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  • Jared Cox, Vist Design Group, LLC, applicant
  • Brent /Deborah Berge, owner. 
(Companion case to Preliminary Plat “Los Nietos Residential Subdivision”, associated with item *5-a) 
Continued from February 24, 2021 
Planner: Jennifer Gniffke 
Staff Recommendation: Continue to March 24, 2021 
Continuance to March 24, 2021 (Vote: 6-0; Chair Astle, absent) 
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City of Mesa Page 3 Planning and Zoning Board - Public March 10, 2021 Hearing Meeting Minutes 5 

Discuss and take action on the following preliminary plat:
 5-a PZ 21030 “Los Nietos Residential Subdivision” District 1
Within the 2400 block of North Old Gilbert Road (east side) and within the 2000 block of East Hermosa Vista Drive (north side). Located south of the 202 Red Mountain Freeway and east of Gilbert Road. 
(4.55± acres). 
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Preliminary Plat
  • Jared Cox, Vist Design Group, LLC, applicant
  • Brent /Deborah Berge, owner
(Companion case to ZON20-00877, associated with item *4-c)
Continued from February 24, 2021. 
Planner: Jennifer Gniffke 
Staff Recommendation: Continue to March 24, 2021 
Continuance to March 24, 2021 (Vote: 6-0; Chair Astle, absent)
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File #:PZ 21030   
Type:PZ Preliminary PlatStatus:Agenda Ready
In control:Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing
On agenda:3/10/2021
Title:“Los Nietos Residential Subdivision” District 1. Within the 2400 block of North Old Gilbert Road (east side) and within the 2000 block of East Hermosa Vista Drive (north side). Located south of the 202 Red Mountain Freeway and east of Gilbert Road. (4.55± acres). Preliminary Plat. Jared Cox, Vist Design Group, LLC, applicant; Brent /Deborah Berge, owner. (Companion case to ZON20-00877, associated with item *4-c). Continued from February 24, 2021.
Planner: Jennifer Gniffke
Staff Recommendation: Continue to March 24, 2021


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