22 October 2021

AUGMENTED REALITY: Rudy's Honest Abe Character Assassination


Rudy Giuliani Drains Final Dregs of Dignity With Abraham Lincoln Filter Attack Video


"Rudy Giuliani has managed to find one last scrap of dignity to lose with an inexplicable and borderline incomprehensible attack video featuring himself disguised as Abraham Lincoln using an augmented reality filter. In the video, the former New York City mayor appears with a big superimposed hat and beard, and he, for some reason, meanders in and out of what seems to be his best attempt at a British accent. The video is targeted at Virginia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe, whom Republicans have frequently accused of coming up with a controversial scheme in the 1990s—when he worked in the Clinton administration—to allow donors to sleep in Lincoln’s bedroom at the White House. That claim has been debunked by fact-checkers.
Nevertheless, Giuliani, playing Lincoln, described McAuliffe as “the man who dishonored our past by selling my bedroom hundreds and hundreds of times to scoundrels.” McAuliffe is yet to dignify the video with a response.

Rudy Giuliani Is Scaring The Crap Out Of People With His Bizarre Video Filter

The Trump sidekick recorded a political attack ad while using an "Abe Lincoln" filter and it was as weird as it sounds.

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