Saturday, April 23, 2022

*** Mesa City Council Study Session Thu 04.21.2022 at 07:30 a..m. ***

Inside The Lower Chambers, here's what they're studying for one 'study session' last week and then another 'study session' ----- Thursday, April 28, 2022 at 07:30 a.m.
PLEASE CHECK THE CALENDAR ABOUT MEETING DETAILS FOR THURSDAY'S STUDY SESSION. At the time of uploading this post they are Not available to the public.
Item 1-a
The presenter is Ian Linssen, the "alter ego" and Chief of Staff for Mesa City Manager Chris Brady 
The power-point slide presentation is for what they call an RFI - a Request For Information - as if the city of Mesa is just starting to look to into Fiber Optic Networks and broadband services for the very first time!
ess, digital inclusion initiatives, financing opportunities, and more.Participants will hear from mayors, other city officials, state and federal policymakers, rural and tribal representatives, as well as national broadband experts. From financing to infrastructure development to smart cities, panelists will share a wealth of practical information.
Five years ago - repeat 5 years ago - there was a conference right here in Mesa at the Mesa Convention Center on broadband planning and funding See below for details.
Conference: Tuesday, April 18, 2017 from 8:30 to 5pm at the Mesa Convention Center, 263 N Center Street, Mesa, AZ 85201
Welcome Reception: Monday, April 17, 2017 from 5:30 to 7pm at the Mesa Arts Center, 1 E Main St, Mesa, AZ 85201
Keynote Speakers:
US Representative Andy Biggs (R-AZ)
FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn
Mayor Giles
NTIA’s BroadbandUSA will host a free half-day, in-depth technical assistance workshop on broadband planning and funding on April 19, the day after Digital SW, in Mesa, AZ.
Arizona Broadband Workshop
Event Details
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), through its BroadbandUSA program, is holding an in-depth technical assistance workshop on broadband planning and funding in Mesa, Ariz., on Wednesday, April 19, 2017.
Broadband is a critical driver for American prosperity and economic growth.
As a result, state and local governments are seeking ways to expand broadband access and digital inclusion to improve economic growth, workforce development, education outcomes and healthcare in their communities. 

   • Does your community need broadband?
   • Do you want to learn more about how to plan and fund broadband infrastructure access in your community?
Item 1-b is all about Department Budgets for Mesa PD and Mesa Fire/Med
Let the fun - and oversight - begin > it's time to start the process of Budget Hearings
A meeting that is usually open to the general public to discuss a business or government budget.
People can ask questions and get answers from elected or salaried city employees.
You have the right-to-know and the duty to study what dollar amounts are in the individual city department planning documents that have been prepared - and judge for yourselves if the City of Mesa Government - all the hired and salaried (some for a long time) city officials and the seven people you elected as your representatives on the City Council - are doing their jobs earning their salaries paid by residents and taxpayers - to represent your interests.
If you don't communicate with your district member, they can always listen to "special-interest" groups that might not be the same as  the public interest . Your government has the duty and responsibility to be open, transparent and accountable.
The official description from the city's webpage:
"Each year, the city's budget is developed in conjunction with residents, the Mayor and City Council, City Manager and City Employees.
The result is a budget that closely matches the community's highest priorities each fiscal year."
Meeting Name: City Council Study Session Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 4/21/2022 7:30 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Lower Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  


File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction Details
22-0582 1-aPresentationHear a presentation, discuss, and provide direction on Citywide fiber optics efforts, including an update on the Request for Information (RFI).  Not available
22-0456 1-bPresentationHear a presentation, discuss, and provide direction on the Fire and Medical Department budget.  Not available

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