Sunday, April 24, 2022

Challenging Western Narratives: U.S., EU and NATO Information Wars in A More Polarized Turbulent World

Yes it is a truism that there's always more than one side to any story
"The Western media plays a dominant role in shaping the global narrative and has remained mostly unchallenged.
With the emergence of independent news outlets and social media, and the voice of emerging countries becoming more prominent, will the global media landscape be more diverse?
Will the voice of the Global South be heard louder?
"The Hub with Wang Guan" talks to Benjamin Norton, founder and editor of the independent news website Multipolarista, to discuss the U.S., EU and NATO war of information in a more polarized and turbulent world.
Norton explains that Western media have long been a tool of U.S. foreign policy and the freedom of speech has been drastically curtailed to fit the narrative of oligarchs and corporate and government elites."

Challenging Western narrative

Apr 23, 2022 

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